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Voice of Reason

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Everything posted by Voice of Reason

  1. Didn't they just win the all A title? Yes, he is emotional. But look at how he coaches the team. He did a great job coaching Newport through that game last night with the way he made adjustments and called his time outs.
  2. As easily as Lloyd won this one, if they play the same against Newport they will lose by double digits. Beechwood had so many open shots and could not put the ball in the basket. The key for Lloyd was Walker shut Sullivan down and no one else on Beechwood could score. Blackburn found his game late but it was over by then.
  3. Newport attacked the rim twice as much as Ryle, so that looks about right.
  4. Ugly. Very ugly. The last couple minutes were a lesson in how to lose a game by both teams.
  5. The TV timeouts are why I much prefer watching NFL games at home on TV vs. at the stadium. A couple years ago I had free tickets to a Bengals game. I left at halftime to watch the second half at home. TV timeouts are terrible for the game attendance experience.
  6. It's 5 now. 1. Everyone has their die hard fans. 2. Close game the first time they played.
  7. Based on that, UK has the tiebreaker advantage on Auburn and Alabama.
  8. UK is tied with Auburn for 4th. They will catch either South Carolina or Tennessee if they win their last two games.
  9. Interesting that UK has dropped after wins over Mississippi State and Arkansas. They also dropped in the NET Rankings.
  10. Very nice. So the indoor meets in the past were not KHSAA sanctioned. My son won the shot put championship at a statewide indoor meet in Louisville.
  11. Inaugural? There have been indoor track meets in the past. Is there something different now?
  12. For informational purposes, may I share the actual stats: Giving up 79.1 per game. Scoring 89.6 per game.
  13. UK played zone on 2 possessions yesterday. It was the worst looking zone defense I have ever seen by a college team. I think there is one adjustment that will help a lot. The off side defender needs to sag off his man and help stop the high pick and roll everyone is running against UK. Cannot let that high pick and roll turn into a layup line. Beyond that, it is about intensity. They played intense on defense the last 4 minutes yesterday and looked decent. They played with defensive intensity against Auburn. They can be much better if they play with that intensity. That is what Cal needs to make happen. Just get that intensity and focus on defense.
  14. The Cats played like they felt they could put Arkansas away when they needed to - and then they did just that. The defensive intensity was there the last 4 minutes and that got them the win.
  15. Anonymous though? Doesn't that allow anyone who chooses to malign a person with no impunity? These allegations will follow the accused.
  16. Anonymous allegation. How do you handle it? Should they be suspended first before any investigation? Bring in the alleged offenders, ask questions and let them continue in place if they deny any wrongdoing? If they continue on while being investigated, at what point would you suspend them? First corroborating reports that support the allegations?
  17. I saw Billy Donovan coached by Rick Pitino in the NCAA tournament at Freedom Hall. I believe 1987?
  18. I am going to go back to what I said earlier. In this thread. Sheppard has a bad habit of jumping into the air and making passes. I think that's part of what caused that boneheaded turnover. You can't jump up in the air and make passes. It's just like not giving up your dribble, which Sheppard is excllent at keeping his dribble. Keep your dribble and keep your feet on the ground till you know where you're going with the ball. Sheppard is good at keeping his dribble but then he sometimes gives up his dribble and jumps into the air to make a pass.
  19. Yes sir. That is correct. All good. We all have our own views. Look forward to seeing you in the next game thread.
  20. You are locked into your view so no need to belabor the arguments. However, I will say I don't think I have seen Reed Sheppard panic on a play this entire season.
  21. Also, Probst laid the hammer down on quitting at Tribal. He was not letting Jelinsky get off the hook on how he quit. I think the quitters last season still gnaw at Probst. He is having none of that going forward on Survivor.
  22. That Tribal should be called dumb and dumber. Have two people fighting to stay in the game ever made dumber arguments than Jelinsky and Jess? Those two both talked their way out. Fortunately for Jess, Jelinsky was the dumber of dumb and dumber.
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