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Voice of Reason

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Everything posted by Voice of Reason

  1. Do all football stadiums have showers in a visitor's locker room?
  2. It isn't even winning or losing. And this comment is not directed at you or anyone in particular. I am saying people in the US have sooo much that risking money on wagering is nothing to them.
  3. There were 2 or 3 plays last night where Reed Sheppard showed high level athleticism that it seems people overlook. The one play in particular that stands out for me is there was a turnover and a Mississippi player was dribbling down from half court for an easy lay up or dunk. Shepherd sprinted from the other side of the half-court line and beat the player to the spot in the paint. A display of speed that people don't realize he has. He is so smooth in his speed and leaping that his athleticism is underrated. Devin Booker like in that way.
  4. No, but I am not surprised. I thought he was very under utilized by Cal last year.
  5. An AD's job is to manage all sports. If he can't help with college coach visits while coaching, he isn't the right person for the job. He doesn't teach, does he? If not, all day to do the rest of the job above his coaching.
  6. No assistant coaches or AD that can step up?
  7. Did Taylor and Travis coordinate their outfits? Do tell!
  8. This Super Bowl will be hard to surpass. It was the epitome of American capitalism in its current form. Extravagance, gaudiness, celebrity worship and people throwing money down the wagering pit like it all means nothing.
  9. Ugo is the best option for a defensive big who can block shots. If Ugo isn't getting it done, I like Mitchell, Theiro, and 3 guards.
  10. I don't think they wanted to trade him. But this deal helps them trade him this year if they decide to move him. The Reds are hedging their young players. India is good in the clubhouse and the Reds will see how things play out. India going to play outfield some.
  11. Agree. If he is there, good chance the Bengals take him. But like you said, I don't think he will be there.
  12. I saw one mock draft that had Bowers dropping to the Bengals and they said the same thing. They said he should go much higher than this but every time they do a mock draft this is where he keeps falling to. Tight ends are not a first round position. On average, only about one TE per year in round 1. Look what happened to Michael Mayer last year. Everyone thought he was a sure first round pick.
  13. I saw that. I am good with that. I am thinking TE or OT in round 1. Look at the teams winning and playing in Super Bowls. They have studly tight ends.
  14. If you take the ball second, you have more control over the outcome of the game and more opportunity to win. 1. You will know for sure what you need to do to win on your first possession - 3 points, 7 points or 8 points if you want go for 2. 2. If need a TD, you know you have to go for it on 4th down. An extra down on each series if needed. 3. If you want to go for the win, go for 2. You get to decide your best option to win. 4. You put pressure on the opposing team to guess on whether to go for it on 4th, kick the field, try the long field goal, go for 2 after a TD, etc. Also, in last night's game, make sure Mahomes doesn't have the ball last. Shanahan said the reasoning for taking the ball first is to have control of the 3rd possession and know if you only need a field goal to win.
  15. Your post I quoted above sounded like you think taking fall break off is bad. Did I read that wrong?
  16. Casey County football took fall break off. Does that eliminate Levi Rogers from consideration for this job?
  17. For all the heat on Calipari as a coach, there are two things that he is good at: 1. Team chemistry. He gets the prima donnas to buy into the team and play hard for each other. 2. He has good defensive teams. So why is this team so bad at defense? Can it be fixed, or at least improved? How?
  18. Sorry. Misspoke on the OT toss. Why didn't the 49ers take the ball second? I would want the ball second under the new rules. My second question is if KC kicks the field goal and ties the game in OT, is there no clock from that point on? Next team that scores, wins.
  19. Would they have turned off the game clock if KC had kicked a game tying field goal? Also, why did the 49ers defer in OT?
  20. There should be no reason they can't play at home. Nice porta potties. Concessions from trailers. Wall off some areas under or behind the bleachers for teams to use as lockers rooms, Is there anything that would stop them from doing that?
  21. The only good thing about the Chiefs winning is another title for Andy Reid.
  22. The lineup that kicked butt the first 7 minutes of the second half earned that last 4 minutes. Cal had the players out there that deserved to be out there. Those same players did not execute in the last 4 minutes.
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