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Everything posted by JDOMAX

  1. Different person. Greg Rose passed away 2 years ago. RIP
  2. CC QB gets the most out of his offense possible. With only 1 receiver and no creativity, Carson grits and grinds it out. Amazing they started the game winning 7-0
  3. Congratulations to Coach Wiggins and the Mustangs. #reddevilpride
  4. WINNING ON AND OFF THE FIELD The children participating in Red Devils organization are taught to play as a team. We want to emphasize the importance of winning on and off the field. Each player contributes to the success of the team and the athlete should recognize that his or her effort put forth makes a difference in their lives and possibly someone else’s life. We look at the whole child and work to improve all aspects of their lives and teach core values of honor, character, integrity, respect and instill a sense of responsibility and positive relationships with their fellow teammates, schoolmates, friends and family. Red Devils does not want the concept of winning to stop when the kids walk off the field but continue the cycle of winning off the field. An enhanced sense of community will translate into respect and success off the field and in their future lives. The goal of the Red Devils is to have this concept of ‘winning’ focus not just on the field but off the field as well. The athletes will improve their character through their participation in the sport and the building of their character will then benefit them off the field, in the classroom and social settings. The athletes should strive to attain a goal and reach that goal within the boundaries of the game. If their efforts were successful, their achievements should be recognized. We have initiated a program that will honor the kids’ successes or achievements off the field. We have emphasized that all its teams teach the kids that they have a responsibility off the field to respect each and every teammate, schoolmate, sibling, friend and other family members. The kids should be expected to rise to the level or goal set forth for them. • Did you make a positive difference for someone today? • Did you give your best effort in school today? • Did you do something better today than you previously did? • Did you help someone or assist someone today? • Did you help a friend today? • Did someone thank you for something that you did? If the kids can answer “yes” to these questions, then their performance ‘off the field’ was a success. Such achievements should be recognized and honored and will further motivate the child. This emphasizes the importance of meeting the goals and is recognized as winning which can then be applied to any and all situations. There is value in setting goals for kids and weighing their performance in terms of effort towards reaching those goals. We ask for the assistance of the parents and teachers/school administrators to recognize the efforts of the kids. We request that teachers notify parents if the child’s behavior or an accomplishment is exceptional and it will be recognized by the football organization and the coaches. The child will receive a small helmet sticker “W2” meaning “Win Squared” (winning on and off the field) for a football player or a shoestring tab with ‘W2” for the cheerleader to honor their efforts. Striving to win and give one’s best effort are objectives that every coach, player, parent or adult can and should support. Even for the most athletic person, their athletic skills will diminish one day in the future but their character is something that goes with them for life.
  5. Bradley Moore was a great player for Red Devils.
  6. The real video is over 20 minutes long. Teacher filmed the child's behavior. This was done to protect teacher, school and officer. The child was out of control and wanted run away. More danger to the kid. This was properly handled. The problem is the news and lawyers. If you edited a nuns funeral i am sure you can make it look like everyone was glad she was dead.
  7. Anyone that knows me, would tell you I would do anything to help the kids in the Campbell County Red Devils and the Nkyfl. Your attempts at sarcasm is a slap in the face to some of your friends on our Red Devil board. Our board is committed to help kids that you know and have coached. These kids are your kids friends and your neighbors. Their plan for Play and Cheer for free has been a huge success for the kids. They have worked tirelessly to make sure to raise the funds to have our children in the safest equipment and nice uniforms. So far our timeline to raise the funds is a head of schedule. The goal is to be able to continue this for years to come for our kids. We will share our ideas of fundraising, purchasing, accounting. Let's hope that we can get other organizations to do more to help get kids an affordable place to play and cheer.
  8. JB is maybe the best coach in the state. He is building a great program again for the Bluebirds!
  9. Todd Bagby was a great one. He played 79, 80,81. Tough years for Scott.
  10. The undefeated Thomas More Saints will be hosting Friday and Saturday. Lots of NKY girls rocking the Hardwood for the NO. 1 team in the nation. .
  11. Donuts was the football official when i scored my first touchdown at 8 years old. I remember looking up at him giving the signal. I pray that he gets his signal when he sees St Peter.
  12. Eddie, will do a great job handling the PHM. He will just listen and move on. NCC has its own detractors and it did not phase him one bit. Pressure from Cov Cath Job will not be an issue. He did win a few national championships at QB, after being recruited to be DB. He has a lot of the Old River Boat Gambler (Lynn Ray) in him. If you want to see what he can do. Go back and watch his last high school game he coached. New Cath beat Caldwell County in the state title game. As injuries piled up during the game he never flinched. Neither team punted. Even inside their own 20. In the end. It was just great play calling.
  13. Best possible hire for Cov Cath. Only the Hiring of Lou Holtz could have better then this.
  14. Coaches take on a big role in kids lives. Coach Responsibly!
  15. Madden won 2 state titles, rushed for over or close to 200 yards in the 3 games he played against Moeller. 4 touchdowns in the Mud Bowl. One at the end of 4th quarter, another in first ot. and final was game winner in 2nd OT. In the State Final it was him and 20 year oldArtose Pinter going toe to toe. Jared Kees, Started all 3 years at QB. Artie was a beast. Does anyone remember on signing day that Barry Alvarez (sp) from Wisconsin pulled his Scholarship? He was the original Bobby Petrino. I have hated Wisconsin ever since then. What a difference something like that can do to change the course of someones life.
  16. Great crowd tonight. The future is bright for the players on the field. Good Luck.
  17. Does anyone else find it ironic that Obama sent out the USS Bush Aircraft carrier to do the bombings?
  18. This young lady was the former girlfriend of Zeke Pike.
  19. U of L identifies student found dead at off-campus housing - WDRB 41 Louisville News Please pray for the family.
  20. I like to refer to it as Mandatory Coaching Time. This insures that all kids are safe to play. Each level has Competitive and Instructional teams. Except Seniors. 8 plays is an average of a quarter of playing time. Obviously this is the minimum, not the maximum amount of playing time. It is not the best solution but it is going in a positive direction.
  21. The Red Devils does have a Senior Team. 18 players and growing. 2 Great coaches with over 20 years each. With a group of kids who have only lost 3 games as a Red Devil.
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