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Everything posted by nkysoftball

  1. Couple questions for you, Radford does not play Division 1 football and football usually foots the bill for all other sports, where are they getting the money to give "full rides"? Is the travel schedule you mention a requirement to play D-1 softball? I would have to think that many girls would be eliminated just for cost alone.
  2. I'd say the reason he is so bothered has to do with another game that finished 40-34.
  3. With Kent St, Samford, and WKU on the schedule you are saying 2-10. At least be serious.
  4. You are absolutely wrong!!! The UK football team makes over twice as much money as the basketball team and does fund every other athletic team other than mens basketball.
  5. Are these people that could see Smith was a better QB the same ones that thought Newton was better than Hartline?
  6. You are correct, I just assumed she did after playing her first 3.
  7. Boone County graduate Megan Bivins justed finished 4 years with the UL softball team as well.
  8. Just out of Curiosity, could someone give me a list of "Experienced High School Softball Coaches" that are available in Northern Kentucky? If that was one of the qualifications ND was looking for they would have had a tough time filling the position. Good luck to Coach Stevenson, if anyone has seen the facilities recently they know that Notre Dame is certainly trying.
  9. What would be any more special about SK making that trip than any other team?
  10. where does the district go for first round of playoffs? Might be a tough year.
  11. I hope you are right, but I am skeptical. I have seen nothing to make me think softball will take off in this area. What have you seen in Northern Kentucky that makes you think it will get better? In the last 10 years, no improvements to the recreational facilities, no more and possibly less travel team involvement and no high school(maybe Ryle) that has become a consistent state power.
  12. Far too many girls view softball as a recreational sport in this area. When the high school season ends the glove and cleats go to the closet till next February. My experience watching softball in this area for the last 10+ years is there aren't enough young girls to push the older girls and when a younger girl puts in the work to be better than the older girls the parents go nuts because some 7th or 8th grade girl is playing in front of their daughter. Someone mentioned that Conner always has a young team, somebody tell me when the last time there was a Junior/Senior loaded team in this area?
  13. Probably begley in the last couple years
  14. So what is happening in Kenton CO that is not happening in Fort Thomas? I'm having trouble understanding what the problem is, are they having to redistribute money that they don't have?
  15. Are you saying the reason Highlands is underfunded is because they remain an independent school system? One of the things the mountain schools have done is consolidate all these small schools and made one central school Knott CO, Harlan CO, Perry CO, etc. maybe consolidating with the other Northern Campbell County schools is the solution.
  16. Outsider yes, explain to me what the problem is in Ft. Thomas. If your facilities are as bad as you say and you don't have any money then you should be getting some of that money that is going down to the mountains. Either you have the money and are misusing it or you don't and the big money areas should be helping you out.
  17. Concessions? NKU certainly doesn't do these tourneys because they care about local high school softball, it is a fundraiser for them.
  18. I've been to Highlands this year and have been there in the past. Not sure why people think it is such a bad place to play. It seems to me that the people at Highlands are waiting around for someone to come in and fix their problems instead of doing it themselves. It takes two things to have a nice field, hard work and money. Everyone knows that Highlands has plenty of the second, is there anyone willing to step up with the first? Not sure why anyone would want to give up their chance to hold districts at home to go to NKU either, taking money right out of your softball teams pocket.
  19. I agree, no pitching means no chance and you are right there are some good players in the area, the problem is they are spread so thin between the 30+ schools in N. Kentucky.
  20. Your statement is even more spot on in an area where the talent pool is weak and thin. I've seen a good deal of the teams in the area this year and no more than a hand full of good swings.
  21. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk. It doesn't take a college coach to teach a 7 year old how to catch and throw. Parents need to get out and work with their kids themselves. Expecting coaches to be able to teach fundamentals to 12-15 7yr olds in a 1 hour time frame is absolutely nuts. There is a grocery list of things that are being done wrong pertaining to softball in Northern KY, lack of quality coaching is just one.
  22. I am sure that was a dig at Brossart, but they have been competitive with the Boone teams for several years. Your point is well taken about Campbell as well as Kenton being behind Boone at the Rec level. Sad part is Boone is far behind the rest of the state. Until someone takes softball seriously at the recreation level, Northern KY will remain the worst area in the state of KY for softball.
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