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Everything posted by nkysoftball

  1. Bracken has a solid team, most interesting score from the Bracken tournament... Scott 13 Harrison Co. 4.
  2. Sorry, Coach has back to back district titles, I think that says enough about his ability. My question was meant to be a basketball philosophy in general question. Just wondered why I don't see the 1-3-1 offense anymore?
  3. I know that motion offense and dribble drive are the in thing now, but with 2 girls over 6' and noone on the other team remotely close to that size, why not just play a simple high and low post pound the ball inside and then kick it back out to the shooters when they collapse? Appeared to me like Walton was playing exactly how SK would want them to.
  4. I believe the name of this site is "bluegrass preps" not "buckeye preps" you would have to assume that most people on here would be UK fans and therefore SEC fans. This means you as a fan of tOSU are a visitor and probably will catch a lot of grief when you try to justify the Buckeyes poor performance against big time football programs.
  5. I think Simpson has been moved to D and will be surprised if Newton is QB.
  6. You are giving up on the coaching staff after 9 games? You have to give them a little more time than that. If I'm not mistaken Mullen was 5-7 at MSU last year and they kept him around and he is 7-2 this year. Patience may pay off with this staff.
  7. Neither Cobb, Locke or Hartline were heavily recruited players out of high school. That means either the coaches are good at finding good players that noone wants or they are able to coach them up, one way or the other that is coaching. Where MSU's talent is much better than UK's is on the lines and to be honest with you I could not name you 4 Linemen in the SEC.
  8. You really think recruiting rankings are completely inaccurate? I will agree that they are skewed a little for the traditional power teams, but as a whole they are fairly accurate. The fact that Mississippi produces far more D-1 talent than Kentucky will always give the Mississippi teams a talent advantage. If anything Kentuckys coaches have coached up lesser talent.
  9. Your wrong on the overall talent, Mississippi State has been higher in the recruiting ratings for as long as I can remember. Mississippi produces far more 4 and 5 star talent than Kentucky in the high schools. In reality, it is amazing that UK is as competitive as they are.
  10. Afraid that basketball enthusiasm may die off quickly this year as well. You might want to stick it out with the football team until the season is over.
  11. He will forgive you if you change your Harris picture to a Hartline picture.
  12. It would be nice to see some folks come back and give the kid his due.
  13. Did you see how Matthews came back on the TD pass? Throwing the long pass all night long is not going to be effective, but I would have liked to have seen some double moves or play action like was mentioned.
  14. It just doesn't seem like there is a receiver at UK that can get open deep, all the receivers seem to catch the ball well but have trouble getting separation on the deep routes.
  15. You are more than welcome to cheer for whoever you want. I certainly wasn't trying to upset you and we have talked on here before about who we thought should be the starting QB this year. I guess we will find out soon enough if I was wrong. As for Miami, if they get through those first 4 games well they could be looking at a huge season.
  16. Just find it odd that you claim to be a UK fan and have this Miami thing going on. Before you beat on Hartline any more, take out the Alabama and Florida games, 3 number 1 teams and a number 2 and then tell me how he looks.
  17. nah, just messing with him a little over his infatuation with Miami football.
  18. jvdfc, why do you find it unfortunate that Hartline is playing the best? Would you prefer the QB that is not playing the best start? Odd way of thinking, IMO.
  19. What does Henry in the 8th have to do with comparing the 9th and 10th? The 8th is much deeper than either the 9th or 10th. I don't know who you are considering big boys, but I think Walton had wins over both Brossart and Clark.
  20. Just curious as to why you think the 10th is better than the 9th? Top to bottom I would say about dead even and neither is close to being in the top half in the state.
  21. When does this come out and is there a better representation of the coaches than in the Enquirer voting?
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