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Everything posted by nkysoftball

  1. I just don't agree. The coaches named Hartline 3rd team All-SEC before the season started, so apparantly someone thought he was pretty good. Maybe Newton will become as good as Woodson, but right now he is not. IMO what Hartline brings is a better sense of the field, the ability to check down to the second or third receiver and still get positive yardage. Newton seemed to lock in on one receiver and either miss badly or pull it down for very short or negative yardage. I do also think that not having Hartline at the end of the season made a difference. Hartline averaged about twice as many passing yards per game as Newton and the lack of a passing game was very evident at the end of the season.
  2. So you don't think it is fair to compare them because Hartline is much more experienced? That would be one good reason to start him wouldn't it? I think you guys have written this guy off way to soon. IMO a healthy Hartline gives UK a better chance to win.
  3. I think you hit on something there with the weak high school competition and why Coach Brooks said he wasn't ready. Maybe with the off-season he will be able to improve accuracy and decision making, but if not I don't see him starting. Maybe a red shirt season may still be in his future.
  4. I think you can compare first year as a starter no matter if one was a freshman and the other was a sophomore. Seems that a lot of people were quick to write Hartline off, but won't to give Newton a free pass.
  5. Gilbert played against Bama last night. Newton started after UK had already played Bama,Florida and South Carolina. Newton was unimpressive against the weaker part of the schedule. I think if Hartline had been able to finish the season(weaker part of the schedule) his numbers would have been pretty good. Go back and look at statistics for Hartlines first season and compare them to Newtons this year. They are not close.
  6. How much confidence do you have in Newton after seeing him play and not just believing the hype? Newtons last 2 games were awful, if his accuracy does not improve over the winter I think the staff goes back to the reliable Hartline or Moss. Just my opinion, and it very well could be wrong.
  7. I would say the cold weather and bad knee may have been more of a factor.
  8. Can't agree with you. The 16-20 type passing against South Carolina was the missing ingredient in 4 close losses this year.
  9. I think it will be Hartline, accuracy and experience wins out over arm strength and potential.
  10. Wow, that is a very pessimistic view, who do you think they lose to and why?
  11. The play calling got conservative first with Hartline as a first year starter and then with first year starter Newton after Hartline was injured. Look for a more balanced offense no matter who starts at QB next year.
  12. Mike Epstein, but it is pretty expensive. They have a website you can check for camp times.
  13. Kind of a catch 22 for SK, the aggressive D is what makes them good, but the lack of depth is going to hurt.
  14. Throwing 50 yard incompletions are...incompletions, checking down to your 3rd or 4th option for a 3-5 yard gain are positive yards. Just my opinion.
  15. I see where your going with this, but there is nobody in Independence that would prefer to go to Louisville over a home game with Ryle.
  16. Not trying to be argumentative, but don't you think the fact the game was played in Louisville between 2 Louisville schools has something to do with attendance figures being higher? My guess is outside of Louisville any random high school football fan from Pikeville to Paducah would prefer 2 Louisville teams not play for the Championship.
  17. You are implying that Ryle and Simon Kenton are on the same level, Ryle is much closer to Conner than Simon Kenton.
  18. I was wondering when someone would actually bring this up. I don't think SK has been in a competitive game since Henry Clay. If it takes hurting the feelings of your opponents to make your team better then so be it.
  19. Those 2 plays plus the Locke fumble gave Louisville the ball the whole 3rd quarter. It made the good things Hartline did hard for some to remember.
  20. What worries me about Newton getting reps this year is if Hartline plays reasonably well this year and wins another bowl game it is going to be hard for Newton or Moss to replace him. They would have to be much better to replace a 5th year Senior QB with the resume and experience he will have. I would much prefer to see one of them starting the '11 season as a red-shirt Sophomore. But on the other hand, I don't care who the starter is as long as they give UK the best chance to win.
  21. I don't think a few mop-up series is worth losing a year of eligibility on. What if Newton takes a few snaps this year and separates himself from Moss then Moss transfers, then Newton does not start until he is a Junior and still only has mop-up experience.
  22. 1. Kentucky 2. Kentucky 3. Kentucky 4. Kentucky 5. Passing TB 48
  23. sorry, should have said comparable. The Ryle,SK,Boone,Conner round robin should be pretty good.
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