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Everything posted by nkysoftball

  1. You may get to see this match-up somewhere in the All-A tournament as well.
  2. Some scrimmages I have heard: Walton over St. Henry, Ryle losses to SK and Brossart, all scores were close. Looks like good parity in Northern KY this year.
  3. Holy Cross has a pretty good group of players, they should have a good year.
  4. I would think they won't....Conner may go deep in their pitching staff and even it up a little.
  5. I agree, it seems to be that the parents think that at each practice the coaches should be spending 30 minutes with one on one instruction with their kid. It just doesn't add up, with the limited practice time due to weather and sharing the gym with basketball and baseball, evaluating players and then working on game situations leaves very little time for individual instruction at the high school level. Once again, this comes down to parents and recreation leagues getting the players ready.
  6. I think the last people to get any blame should be the High School Coaches. It appears to me that some people are looking for Mike Candreas at every school in Northern Kentucky. Where are you going to find them? How many teachers at each school do you think have any background in Fastpitch Softball? When we do get someone that wants to try they get blasted from the parents because they can't turn a kid that has never played the game into Chrystal Bustos overnight. There are basically 2 people that can coach softball in this area, a kid that played the game and is willing to coach and a parent that became interested because of a child. For whatever reason there just aren't that many of the first and not a lot of the other that have the time. What I want out of a high school coach is someone who will be enthusiastic about the sport and the team, treat my kids with respect, ignore all the silly parent drama, and give them an atmosphere that is enjoyable. I will take my kids to the cage when it's cold, to the field when its warm and they will have a basic knowledge of the game when they get to the high school coach. I think most of the blame has got to be placed on the parents. Spend a little time working with your kid. It doesn't take any special skills to play catch with a kid, demand more from the rec leagues and get out and help if you have the time.
  7. You are right on about the 9th. Only Notre Dame fielding a freshman team? The 8th and 10th have Freshman teams at almost every school and most of the schools are much smaller. It starts with the rec leagues, the kids need to be getting some basic instruction at the 7-10 age range and it's just not happening and the high school coaches do not want the responsibility of teaching skills that should have been learned at a much earlier age.
  8. I'm not real sure Volleyball is stealing much talent from softball. How many more v-ball players are there at your school that could play softball than vice-versa. I would say at our school there are just as many or more girls playing softball only that could be v-ball players than volleyball only that could play softball. If you take out the 2 catholic schools in the 9th, volleyball isn't much better than softball.
  9. Not trying to take anything away from Walton they are a very good team, but they have never won the 32nd and last year was their first runner-up in quite a few years.
  10. It is yet to be seen what the added pitching distance will do. I think the added distance will hurt a power pitcher and help a finesse pitcher. None of these pitchers are power pitchers.
  11. In single elimination regional tournaments a team can ride a hot pitcher to a championship. I think that gives St. Henry,Ryle,Boone,NCC and Conner the best shot. All have pitchers capable of dominating the tournament.
  12. Not sure why you think the 9th is down. Only 1 player at Conner and Ryle graduated. I think the 9th is as deep and as good as it ever has been.
  13. You are right I don't think Kenton even offered a fastpitch program until maybe 3 or 4 years back. Makes it hard to compete with areas like London, Hopkinsville and Owensboro that are really serious about softball.
  14. Not sure I would call the Boone County youth league outstanding. Compared to other parts of the state it is not very good. Other parts of the state have middle school programs and facilities for the girls that are far better than what northern Kentucky has. The 2 large schools in Kenton County(SK and Dixie) have been on par with the 3 large Boone County schools as well. For whatever reason softball just never has really caught on in Northern Kentucky like it has the rest of the state, while at the same time Soccer and Volleyball are top notch here.
  15. I agree they are solid teams. When was the last time someone other than Clark or Montgomery won this region? It's only 3 weeks good to see a little softball talk.
  16. Scott will be better as well. Do you really think anyone other than the top 2 has a chance?
  17. Why do you think Hartline was allowed to throw more passes? Think before you post. It was obvious the coaching staff was not going to allow Newton to make any mistakes.
  18. I think the fact that he followed Woodson instead of someone more like the average UK QB from the past is what doomed him. Along with all the experienced receivers graduating with Woodson. Hard to complete a whole lot of passes downfield to receivers that are not open.
  19. I can see I am in the minority here. I've just always liked Hartline because the fans were on him from day 1. He was never given the "he's young lets give him some time" pass.
  20. It is easy to pick and choose the stats you want to back up your argument. The one you have here compares Newton against weaker competition(No Bama,Florida). How about this Hartlines first year as a starter 9 games 1666 yards passing, Newtons first 8 games 706. Agreeing with the coaching staff on who was the best QB makes me a fool? I understand that you think Newton has more potential, but sacrificing the present for the future in just crazy. I will quit now, sorry if I upset you. I was just expressing an opinion that differed from yours.
  21. If he is 3rd string...then absolutely
  22. Have you actually looked at statistics comparing the passing game when Hartline is playing and when Newton is playing? I think you summed it up earlier...You just don't like Hartline!!! I don't not like Newton, I just don't think he was anywhere near ready to play this year and I'm not sure he can improve enough over the off season to overtake Hartline or hold off Mossakowski, on a side note the 2 longest passes at Uk this year Hartline to Cobb vs. Alabama and Hartline to Cobb vs. Miami.
  23. I think that is the point people are missing, he also had to do the same thing last year and some people gave him no slack whatsoever.
  24. So you prefer throwing it downfield to unopen receivers or missing badly downfield to a checkdown for positive yardage? I think if you noticed most of the passes that Newton did complete were the short passes and screens. The longest pass he completed was the TD to King that I believe he was trying to throw to Cobb and underthrew.
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