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Everything posted by StickerMann

  1. Marvin's window looks like a beachfront mansion in Malibu as long as Mikey pulls the strings! Win enough to keep the seats relatively filled and all is good--$$$$
  2. Agreed--Went against my better judgement and a promise I made to myself 20+ years ago; and bought season tickets again (Said I would never support Mikey again). Fortunately, due to work issues; I've only had to experience (endure) two games so far this season. Renewal very doubtful!!
  3. Let's hope they don't find a way to win this pitiful division, and give Mikey another reason to keep "The Marvin Experiment"? Time to move on, but we all know that won't happen.
  4. Also, could the Bengals do a better job at finding ways to NOT use AJ Green?
  5. Don' think this is very conventional, but the Bengals need a "tackling coach"?
  6. Run--Got to above average, and recorded a few first round playoff losses in a row. The run that needs to be over is Marvin Lewis's.
  7. Probably like Canada, he's worried about Rosie, Miley, Behar, Cher, etc. heading south?? :clap:
  8. I saw the post-election breakdown that showed Hillary won the female vote by about the same margin as Trump won the male vote; what I'd love see is the difference in support of the "educated and experienced" women (by that I mean women who are not only educated, but those that have life experience beyond the "safe zones" on the elite metro area colleges) for the two candidates? Guessing by the end result that women didn't support Hillary as much as the media establishment would have you believe? My gut tells me that a lot more women than expected thought deeper than the historic implication of a first female President? As many said, "I'm all for a woman President, just not this one"!!!!
  9. Apparently the Democratic hierarchy and media elite that did everything they could to deny him the nomination didn't think so; so why should we think he could have?? :no:
  10. Curious, I really don't know; but how long has it been since Kentucky was run by the Republicans? Did I hear 100 years?
  11. Not sure what map you're looking at, but I see no red in NKY??
  12. Lightning Rod for sure. How about the Sheriff from Milwaukee--David Clark I think?
  13. Heard him say on several occasions, that he would be interested in Education not H&HS as many rumored.
  14. Many not happy, and I'm sure hateful words were uttered as always; but mass protests--No. Probably because they had to be at work the next morning??
  15. Absolutely!! With her qualifications and experience, she'd be perfect!!
  16. Have to agree with you, so to put it in perspective: 1. Comey tells everyone Hillary is incompetent, but nothing criminal in her e-mails--Reps. hate him. 2. Comey says the new e-mails from Carlos may implicate Hillary--Dems. hate him. 3. On the virtual eve of the election, he reverses field again; and says essentially "nothing to see here"--Reps. hate him again. About right?? Thank the Lord on the bolded!! Maybe I can enjoy a game again without hearing her shrieking every couple minutes?
  17. He kind of has to defend her, as without her husband's late intervention and support (along with the disappearance of Romney) ; he likely doesn't win a second term--He owes them!!
  18. Sounds like he's only about 113 behind the Clintons then, from what I read in the other thread??
  19. So they were able to go through these 600,000+ e-mails in a week or so; after taking a year or two to go through under 100,000--Convenient timing isn't it?
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