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Everything posted by StickerMann

  1. Hard to tell apart, and I think I've got one of each?
  2. Sorry, couldn't pass up a little humor and you must admit he acts a lot like the GenX'ers that need their safe spaces & puppies?
  3. K won't do a thing--Only chance here would be if the league suspends him. From his reaction, obviously a Democrat & guessing he's still upset about Trump getting elected??
  4. Then there's that little issue of $20 trillion in debt--His true legacy.
  5. Might be an opportunity for someone like Mulder to help with knocking down a few outside shots and losses up the lane a bit?
  6. Haven't had the chance to view the entire interview, but unfortunately she kinda' lost me at "No Hope".
  7. I've got no idea what BHO will do once he leaves office, but as I mentioned the early results of many others on his team aren't encouraging. I simply hope he refrains for being critical of the Prez-Elect, and gives the same latitude he was given; especially early on while DT's tasked with cleaning up the many messes he's inheriting from BHO & Company.
  8. Guess I disagree with most of you then, as I'd like to see an orderly transition of power when a new President is sworn in; not a continuation of the campaign mode, and all the accompanying shots at one another? Seems like in most, if not all, of the transitions that I can recall (Including President Obama's); the incoming President was given the benefit of the doubt & wasn't publicly criticized by his predecessor (And they certainly gave GWB eight years of opportunity to speak by continuing to blame him for all the ills of the world). Guessing from the early returns (Michelle's critical remarks in the Oprah interview, Bill Clinton's ramblings, and the constant "protests", threats to electors, etc.) this transition will be unlike others. Interesting that the party that supposedly espouses unity, inclusion, peace, etc. spouts the most vile vitriol when they don't get their way??
  9. The good news for the country is Trump will just keep plowing ahead, creating real jobs and opportunities. Guessing many will have the choice to continue protesting, or join in the movement & better their lives--The choice will be theirs? If this doesn't materialize, then I'll jump in and criticize him accordingly as just another politician. Right now, I've actually got hope for the first time in many years!
  10. Reading another thread, I was prompted to pose the following question directly: How will Barack Obama respond to NOT being President any longer? Will he take the tact of recent, previous Presidents such as Bill Clinton & the Bush's (Lord only knows how GWB remained silent when he was blamed for everything since the Great Flood); who largely remain invisible in the mainstream (The classy way out)? Or will he become a vocal advocate of whatever causes he deems necessary to comment on; which I'm guessing will cause him to frequently criticize the soon-to-be new President? Personally I hope he stays quiet, along with Ms. Hillary; and allows the country to heal from the most divisive campaign of my lifetime (And I'm old). Early signs don't seem to point to this, but like I did when he was elected (Full disclosure--I was not a fan of his, due to his total lack of any business or leadership experience, not his race, birthplace, etc.; and actually would have preferred Hillary or even McCain in '08, although lukewarm at best on either); I'll reserve my judgement until some time passes. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this matter?
  11. Any way this plays out, another great move by the best organization in football--Very low risk, and potentially a high reward. That's why the Patriots are the Patriots.
  12. I love all this Dalton vs. AJ chatter on here? Unless he can draw up the game plan and make halftime adjustments himself; I'm not sure Tom Brady can win here with this staff??
  13. Most of them were 40+ yards--Hardly realistic??
  14. Agree with those who say the Bengals' "D" didn't lose this game. "O" does anything in the 2nd half and they win this game going away. Could have played better in the 2nd half and the undisciplined nature of Marvin's teams never helps. This game, like many in the Marvin era, was all too familiar: ZERO halftime adjustments!! NFL teams are close in talent level as we all know, and the ones that win consistently have a common thread or two--Great QB's (rare) & good coaching staffs, who actually adjust to what the opponents' game plan may be. The Bengals have neither, and haven't for decades!! Marvin's reign needed to end years ago. I give him props for bringing the Bengals back from the depths of the league to competitive; but he's maxed out his abilities as the head man. Mikey can't go unfortunately, but maybe Katie & Co. can finally talk him into getting a real staff in here (and then keeping them); and then maybe the Who-Deys go from being the leagues premier "Teaser" to making a serious run again?
  15. While I'm by no means implying that it's OK for the Russians or any other entity hacking accounts and releasing information in an attempt to influence any of our elections; I'm curious about one thing--How would that be much different than the hordes of so-called media in the US that threw all their resources into trying to support Hillary Clinton, and openly trying to destroy Trump?? Might even make a case that while it's expected that our "enemies" would try to interfere; it's even worse for our so-called "objective media" to be so biased and openly in the tank for one side in a supposedly "fair election"??
  16. Did I hear correctly that this game was flexed out of prime time to 1:00?
  17. Santa, please let Marvin Lewis replace Jeff Fischer
  18. Also regarding "cheap", the Bengals have frequently had tons of $$'s left under the cap, which shows up mostly in losing your good players; and lack of quality depth, which shows it's head when the inevitable injuries happen as they do to every team.
  19. Mike's cheap in the front office with far less resources than most franchises--No GM, smaller scouting group--Relies too much on the coaches to scout, etc. While they have drafted better under Marvin, I think that's a result of Katie & Co. convincing Mikey to allow more input from the "football people", and not rely on his "instincts". I'm sure Marvin is popular with the players, just as many teachers who don't hold their students accountable are popular with their students? Most would love a boss who let us get away with most anything? Off topic, but I'm one who feels Marvin has maxed out his talent as a head coach here. He's done a good job turning us from Cleveland into a decent team; but that's as far as he can take us, as evidenced by his playoff win drought.
  20. Does he need to mature and quit the dumb stuff--Sure. Does he need to go--Absolutely NOT!! He's one of the bright spots on the Bengals, and I think he's learning to keep his cool better; and will continue to mature as he gets older.
  21. Guessing they also tell them about the poor game prep, constant game mis-management, ultra-cheap owner, etc.??
  22. You mean from Kennedy to Trump, don't you? :thumb:
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