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Everything posted by StickerMann

  1. Check the area maps closely and you'll find many metro areas vote overwhelmingly blue in the city core; and then red as you move to the 'burbs? Although I haven't looked closely at the recent election; you find the Cincinnati area to be heavy blue in the city limits; and NKY, SE Indiana, NE Cincy, etc. went red--Similar in many areas; especially once you leave the big city, coastal areas. More to do with demographics instead of where people work.
  2. You really think you'd get 35 states to ratify that amendment? Or are you thinking another Obama executive order?
  3. Pretty sure if you look at the statistics, the suburban & rural areas that you're referencing; pay a much larger share of the taxes, than the urban dwellers who suck up a disproportionate share of the federal resources?
  4. I'm sure Papa will, but the early results from the media aren't encouraging? Back to the origin message here--Let's give the man a chance to govern and then judge?
  5. First off, I didn't dream up the idea of concern that the major populace areas would wield too much power in a popular vote only election; it was the Founding Fathers. And it's not like this is a rural vs. big city issue as illustrated by the county vote example above. More of a large city core vs. everyone else results, with a few obvious exceptions. From a purely financial perspective, if you look at the financial health of the suburban & rural areas that overwhelmingly supported Trump vs. the major metros which favored Hillary; I'd rather be represented by the folks who can balance a checkbook and handle their spending at least somewhat responsibly? Personally when I travel around the country, I see the result of decades of mis-management in the cities; and don't say it's about $$'s, as they spend far more and get less results. Let's see, what do they all have in common?? Oh, that's right; they've been run by a single party for decades! Think there's an old saying that goes something like "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again, and expecting different results"?
  6. Wishful thinking if you think the electoral college will ever be abolished--Too many smaller states will vote against it. Do you really want your President elected by the large East & West Coast cities?? Out of curiosity, how are any or all of those cities doing financially with their decades of liberal rule?? Most large cities in this country are technically bankrupt due to their insanely liberal policies and pensions for their public employees; even though they all are among the highest taxed entities in the country. Sounds like a format that would be wise to bring to the country??
  7. Thanks--Guess I'd better subscribe to "Taki's Magazine" so I'm better informed? Honestly have no clue who any of these people are; but from the tone; I'm assuming this term is meant to refer to white supremacists?
  8. Do you actually expect average citizens to fact check, when most "major media" outlets do little but spew agenda driven "facts"?
  9. Hard to believe the NYTimes said something negative about Trump?
  10. My point in starting this was......Let's give the guy a chance to see how he intends to govern. At this point most President elect's haven't named a sole to their Cabinet, or done much of anything except relax after a long & grueling campaign. The left has vilified him as "unprepared" because he hasn't completed appointing about 4500 staff members yet--Amazing!! Personally I'd call him reckless and shallow if he didn't spend some time mulling over his staff appointments! This guy can't do anything right so far, and he's months from taking office? He even got grief for taking his wife to dinner. Time to lighten up a bit, and let's see what he does? Agree with Clyde, "It's going to be a very interesting scenario."
  11. I honestly did miss that, but then the NCAA at this point has about as much credibility as MSNBC or the Huffington Post?
  12. This reeks a lot of the old "If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...............Might be a duck"; or in this case fake classes being offered to keep athletes eligible, and wisely not prohibited to other students to offer an "excuse"?? Either very clever or bordering on criminal, depending on your allegiance? Either way, pretty sad if you hold a UNC degree; or paid $100,000+ to send your kid there??
  13. I seriously don't recall ever hearing him "embrace" any white supremacist" organizations? Like ALL politicians, they denounce the extremes of their ideology when called out, and let them go when not confronted about them--Obama and all the others did the same; with the exception their every move wasn't stalked by the media looking for every kook who was trying to climb on their bandwagon, like they did in their efforts to discredit Trump?
  14. Seriously curious--Where did the term "alt-right" come from? Seems to be the latest talking/rallying point of the left stream media??
  15. This sounds like the "intellectual left's" attempt at creating their own little "Safe Space" since they couldn't drag old Hillary across the finish line, despite the cooperation of virtually all media, and both parties?? Wow--They really get upset when an outsider breaks into their little "Political Class"?? They really are petrified of even the thought of real change (PS--See Bernie as well)??
  16. ...........More to the Middle???? I must admit I'm thoroughly enjoying the apoplectic & apocalyptic response of the left & left-stream media (I refuse to use the term "mainstream" any longer after they've so emphatically shown their spots during the election and aftermath). I'm especially getting a kick out of the insane overreaction to each comment, team member suggestion, etc. that PE Trump makes as he sits less than two weeks after his election; and nearly two months away from even taking office--The criticism is totally unprecedented from my observations? My question however is, what if Trump actually governs (once he actually starts the process) as it appears he might--Building some consensus and even maybe looking for common ground with his political opponents? He's already in two weeks reached out more than Obama did in 8 years; and seems like he may actually consider alternate opinions, despite the campaign rhetoric? Will the media and the left (one in the same) give him a chance to actually make a decision or act on something, before they declare the latest "end of mankind" scenario they've presented so far? Thoughts??
  17. Call Trump and MSNBC and demand a "safe space"?? :lol::lol:
  18. Not a "Trumpeteer" but I've not seen him pass any legislation in the last week contrary to his campaign rhetoric? Personally think he in his "making nice" phase right now, and looking to calm the masses after a historically nasty campaign. Let's face it, some of his campaign rhetoric isn't practical in real life (Rounding up and deporting 13 million illegals, building a very tall wall (actual physical structure) on the entire southern border & Mexico will foot the entire bill, etc.) I've listen to Fox, etc. jumping on every bit of news looking for inconsistencies and think it's a bit comical; as he's 70 days from even taking office? At least he's been visible the past week, unlike his opponent who is MIA other than her fake "chance meeting" in a park--Woman can't tell the truth even now?? Let him put together a team, and let's see what he does during his first 100 days. If he doesn't shake some things up by then, I'll lead the charge to call him out.
  19. Now I finally know what he had in common with much of his constituency!
  20. Don't forget my favorite--"Just gotta' keep chopping wood".
  21. Doubt Zimmer, as he was kind of the "HC in waiting" for a couple of years here, but Mikey wouldn't dump Marvin, so he left. Agree that we shouldn't hold our breath for either Marvin being gone, or an top shelf, experienced HC being hired here.
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