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Everything posted by 85lived

  1. My buddy from Russell has a friend who has a son that plays for Raceland. The dad told him that the team was really devastated by the loss to Russell and he would not be surprised if they lost to West due to the morale after the loss. Sounds like my statement in the prediction thread was truer than many wanted to let on. :eek::sssh:
  2. A few weeks ago I was really confident in Raceland's chances of advancing against Fairview and matching up against LCA again. Now I am not so sure. True playoff contenders do not continue to shoot themselves in the foot with the types of penalties they are. You will not last long in the postseason like that.
  3. Impressive comeback although I am surprised it got to that point.
  4. I say yes after this performance.
  5. Dominating performance. Can anyone touch them in 3A??
  6. A little surprised at this margin!!
  7. After this whipping, is there anyone in 3A who can beat Belfry?? I'm beginning to believe there isn't.
  8. 8 mins to go in the first half and Johnson Central has no first downs. Grimm has about 4 yards. Not looking good for 3A if they can shut down JC's offense. Said the front 5 of Belfry is just whipping JC's. :eek:
  9. Anyone from Raceland who says that the Russell game was not EMOTIONALLY the biggest game of their season is lying. If they were told before the season that they could only win one game this year and they had their pick it would have been Russell and there is NO denying that. There are a lot of reasons for that and most are compliments to where Russell's football program is. Beating Russell this season would have given their program more credibility than any other win on their schedule could have. Some others' reasons :ylsuper::thumb::cry: are not complimentary at all no matter how much they try to say otherwise. Now, at the same time, Russell did want to win this game as well. I know several people who circled this game on their calendars as soon as it was scheduled but I don't get the sense that it meant nearly as much to them from what I read and hear. I actually was able to attend the game with my buddy from Russell and after the game Russell seemed pretty subdued and business-like as if they expected to win. I was told the firetrucks would have been out in full force had Raceland won. I don't think there was a parade in Russell after that game. Let me say this though. The atmosphere at that game was unbelievable. It was like a playoff game and party all mixed up into one. You don't really see that much around Lexington. I really enjoyed that.
  10. It would be crazy to move to WKU...It WILL hurt attendance. It actually makes sense to have ALL state championships played as close to the central part of the state as possible. Obviously the middle of the state benefits but that is not what it is about. It is about making the travel as light as possible on those who live on the outer reaches of the state. Louisville was obviously great. 3 hours more or less from the east & about the same from the west. Makes no sense to move to an outer border no matter which end of the state it would be.
  11. I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long. It appears, as Golden Gopher stated, to be another of a long line of attacks of the Ashland coaching staff by 1 particular poster. Certainly we have a right to be concerned with the state of affairs of each of our respective schools but I didn't think that this forum was designed to allow people to constantly attack others. Am I wrong???
  12. Ballgames are won and lost at the line of scrimmage.
  13. Both teams will want to win this game just like it was the playoffs. Belfry wants to prove they are for real and Johnson Central will play Grimm until the game is decided & maybe after that (right Ashland?). This is a huge game for both teams even though there are no playoff implications. Look for a pre-playoffs playoff atmosphere. Say that fast 3 times. LOL
  14. They are obviously a contender but with a potential of Mason, Breathitt, & Belfry in consecutive weeks their season could end in any of those games. Belfry is the CLEAR favorite right now. Not sure anyone can touch them this year. Now, I'm not sure they are as good as the Howard & Jones led teams but I don't think they need to be this year.
  15. After 1 & 2 it really doesn't matter. They are 2 good teams. The rest are average at best. Some in the 7 are just plain bad!!
  16. This will be a great game to watch. This will let 3A know just how good Belfry is. I have a feeling they will prove they are clearly the best team this year. Get ready to hear the PA guy call for Belfry to "show that angry red" all night long. Belfry - 35 Johnson Central - 28
  17. Sometimes you have games like that. Get the win and get ready for the next one.
  18. A very good friend of mine who is not an Ashland fan was there and stated there is no doubt the field goal was missed. He was actually in the end zone with a direct shot. If you were sitting on the Ashland side you have no doubt it was missed because of the angle but from the Johnson Central side it would look good because it was wide to their side. I am sure this has been discussed before but I thought I would just throw out an impartial perspective since it was brought up.
  19. 3 posts and the green eyed monster has already reared it's ugly head. :creepy: I would think the fans of Russell and Raceland would like to see this thread stay open for a few more days.
  20. Are you comparing getting to play Duke at Cameron with playing at Raceland???
  21. Teams that are district opponents have to go to the other's site every other year. My buddy is from Russell and he said they had to go to places in their district where there were not nearly enough seats for the fans. From reading FBALL's comments it appears he is saying if you have a choice why choose to play where there aren't enough seats for the majority of the the fans?
  22. Probably ought to throw the flag on yourself for that call...
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