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Everything posted by Jaysie

  1. Clyde, If that were your scared "white" daughter without a bit of racism in her soul, would you like her treatment? Her safety & wellbeing are important, too. Not everyone is racist. And I am neither young nor emotional.
  2. This is a point no one has made. To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt. No immigration without assimilation. They did not assimilate in France. They haven't done a good job here. Find a safe place there, stabilise the country, and let them return.
  3. Just want to thank #The Deuce for the updates. Checked the thread after returning from dinner.
  4. Thanks for the scores. Streaming my grandsons game in TX. There are only so many games u can listen to.
  5. I have been around pit bulls off and on all my life. Raised correctly, they are most loving, loyal and bright dogs. Any dog should be monitored around children and any dog will bite in stressful situations. I, too, wish the brush was not painted so broadly on this breed.
  6. I saw the replicas while I lived in FL. Interesting to go aboard and talk to staff. All volunteers when I visited. Really small sleeping arrangements.
  7. I'm listening on WGTK AM 970 Louisville radio.
  8. Mrs PH. It is good to read your post again. Read the football section to stay up with BG and when you are ready, invite a friend to attend a game with you. I'm glad you are busy with kids, but take some time for you, too.
  9. Thanks for all your updates with names. My radio feed went down.
  10. prayers sent for Peace for your father and comfort for you and the family.
  11. I have really liked the Fox News series, The West. Legends& Lies. It is a O'Reilly production, but narrated by historians. The Bass Reeves story was especially good about the original Lone Ranger.
  12. Thanks for the updates. Who is going to be the QB?
  13. Some history as I remember. Induced abortions before Row v Wade were in the closet. you know someone who knows someone, you go out of state to an area where it is easy to get one, or you desperately try a coat hanger or other rustic tool. The abortionists were prosecuted when something went wrong and the women died or ended up in a hospital bleeding or with infection. Sometimes they were reported and raided. A miscarriage ends a pregnancy spontaneously before the 20th week. An abortion can be spontaneous before a fetus is viable or can be induced. Morally, abortion makes me sick at my stomach. I could never be a part of the procedure. It needs to be legal. I hate saying that. What really needs to be done is make birth control as easy to get as candy. Make young people so aware of it that they choose birth control before sex. Make sex education mandatory in middle school. Parents don't do their jobs because it "is hard to talk about". Every girl and boy should learn enough to know "safer" cycles. Make it so we don't need to have more abortions than any other 1st world country.
  14. Plans made. I'm in my 7th decade. My service starts "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it".
  15. Sorry I haven't gotten back sooner. Traveling. The novels are pretty accurate, historically. I travelled to the highlands of Scotland and read the first book before visiting Culloden. They continue to immigrating to the US. Hang in for a while.
  16. Are these the Diana Gibaldan books? I loved them.
  17. Indiana. i have never eaten at Workingman's friend, but love Scotty's Brewhouse burgers mentioned in the article.
  18. I'm traveling on I75 south at 29 mm. This just happened at a Loves station. I am in nice sweats, with scarf and makeup and hair done. In walks a 17 to 21 y o girl in Elmo Pajama bottoms, shirt that show top of her boobs, sweat jacket unzipped, bedroom sandals and stringy hair. Who has the better outlook on herself? Who has the most opportunity ahead?. Who has the most room for improvement?
  19. I have always thought that you taught responsibility before you gave freedom. I was raised on a farm and raised my own kids on a farm. Outside, but not out of mind was the word of the day.
  20. As an aside, I just, for the first time saw Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. I won't be watching another. He is so wrong it is laughable. The credits said it was a Tom Cruise production. Maybe that is why he was the lead.
  21. I dress for the occasion. I dress in my no nonsense, I know what I am talking about, don't mess with me clothes when I need to project that. My normal wear is sweats, jeans, and athletic shoes. Make up is minimum except when I need more. I guess you could call it my shield for battle.
  22. Has anyone researched 3 D printer companies? I'm thinking of investing in some long term stock for my grandkids.
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