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Everything posted by Jaysie

  1. And today, Ivana Trump's family are yelled at on a commercial airliner by husband and husband who were taken off the plane. There were children there, people. This rudeness is all disgusting.
  2. Try adding Carmel,IN & Warren Central, IN
  3. We think we are protecting our children from the spotlight by keeping quiet. No one is protected except the pervert. I think children's statements should be taken on video camera by a trained child abuse expert and they should never have to testify and they should remain anonymous. Maybe then, this won't happen again and again.
  4. I have wanted someone with a business background to run for years. He was not my choice, but those I would have chosen didn't run. Can he get rid of some of the awful regulation and taxes that hurt small business, I don't know. Small business puts people to work and we are tired of being dumped on. As a Christian, I am tired of being told I am racist, homophobic, and can't say Merry Christmas. I will give him a chance.
  5. I actually watched the first 2 seasons of apprentice. I enjoyed the old man who was his assistant at that time. I thought as a businessman, he was driven to succeed. As a man, I thought like most alpha males his ego was big. I neither liked nor disliked him totally. I can always find something good in everyone. I guess I really am a pollyanna.
  6. Jaysie


    Thank you, @nWo. They are all here and will be Sunday until safe to travel home to Louisville.
  7. The power of the human mind intrigues me. I have had times where I am nagged to do something or contact someone. I have not acted on this notion at times and am always sorry because I didnt. At other times I have acted on it and have been very glad I did because someone was in need. Is it telepathy? Am I supersensitive to needs? Is it just luck? The thoughts come out of the blue .
  8. Isn't it amazing that starting something small can reap such big reward. Congratulations to this young man and his mother.
  9. Jaysie


    Thanks. I'm about to tell them to stay overnight in Greensburg. Indy was total mess overnight.
  10. Not when you could get hurt so close to draft and you are a high pick.
  11. I think it is just not paying attention because I am thinking about other things. I do try to park in the same area and near a cart holder if I can.
  12. Jaysie


    Thanks @nWo. I will pass this on. It sounds like they can stay with me later on Sunday to make travel easier. Hmmm. That's a good idea!!!
  13. Jaysie


    They are leaving Louisville at 3 pm.
  14. Jaysie


    Staying at my place in Noblesville, 20 miles Northeast of Indy. Headed Saturday to a wedding in Greensburg ( East on I 74). Then back to my home and then back to theirs.
  15. Jaysie


    Wow how great it is to have our private guy!!!! Thank you, @nWo
  16. Over 600 crosses made and passed out in town now.
  17. After school is out Fri from Louisville to Indianapolis and return to Louisville sunday. Best time sunday??
  18. My kids are traveling to Indy on Friday evening and back to Louisville on Sunday day. Hope it is ok. No ice!!
  19. Jaysie

    gold sunrise

    Hope everything goes ok @ gold sunrise. Will say a prayer.
  20. Abortions can be performed up to 20 weeks. That is 5 months, folks. Viable life is 6 months.
  21. FBI says maybe not. National Intelligence Agency says no. Juliann Assaud says no involvement. I don't know what to think!!!
  22. David'S transformation is astonishing. I really think Adam has played well. Jay is the only other option I see. It would be interesting to see three strong players in the end.
  23. I forgot to add, Purdue has the 1869 Tap Room in Memorial Union, an endeavor supported by the Department of Food Science.
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