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Mercy 76 Rose Hill 51

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Keep it coming...no problem taking it here. I simply grow weary of those who seem to think officials are beyond criticism...and in this case the slightest of such...and then liken it to having been smitten.


And for the record, you cheapen the truth of the text to which you made reference when you use it in such a fashion.


Criticism is a wonderful thing...even more so when it is somewhat constructive and one may learn from it.


Everyone can use constructive criticism in all aspects of life, that's what makes us all better at what we do.


Saying wait till they get back to the 16 Region, now that's not constructive...that is simply pathetic criticism.


I just wish officials did not make mistakes so that when the game was over everyone could simply say we need to improve here or there instead of the officiating was horrible.


That's all.


Nothing more, nothing less...


Hope you all have great seasons.

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