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Republican Platform

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Deep, deep footnote at the bottom of the GOP platform: "Let's continue to act as though the 1948 Dixiecrat movement and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as Nixon's 'Southern Strategy' never happened."


But there will be some - more than just some, based on this site alone - that will be sucked in.

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As has been mentioned countless times, these ain't your great-great grandparents' parties.


Well we don't believe in pandering for votes by giving hand outs for life if that's the difference. I think the philosophy is more like the saying you can give a man a fish everyday or teach him how to fish and he can feed himself. I'm a big believer in giving a hand up not a hand out. There are better ways to help than giving someone enough to barely survive in the ghetto. Sending the kids to unsafe schools and cycling the dependency on government from generation to generation just to get votes and say you care. I call bull. Help someone so they can help themselves and future generations. If you want to help find ways to break the cycle instead of perpetuating poverty. If that makes me a racist in the liberal eye I'll be that. Libs had their chance and it doesn't work. Welfare is government control and economic slavery. Paying people to stay unmarried and have more children out of wedlock, putting mothers in a horrible situation of caring for her children by her self so there is no chance at getting out of the situation. How about encouraging marriage without losing benifits and helping with daycare and education. Need money to live get benifits to live and go to school get a degree. Be able to move out of the hood, pay taxes, break the cycle, live safer, build some ownership for your existance. Nothing wrong with getting help. I'm for it. All the money our government wastes it should be easier to get. It just shouldn't be a lifelong endeavor. Hence a hand up, not hand out. Whos trying to control and who wants to help. The truth is in the lie.

Edited by mcpapa
Removed inflammatory last sentence
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