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Everything posted by kypride

  1. When it happens in half the games we play and all the losses it's not a coincidence. By definition.
  2. You didn't understand. It's that Kentucky frequently lets players go off for career highs against them.
  3. The first line, business as usual, that means I am saying it's exactly the opposite of a fluke. The 2nd part that the averages 16 points, that's how good he is on an average day vs everyone else. Flat out ball or not 16 is 16. Then Kentucky gives him 34. A trend for Cals defense Louisville game, UCLA game etc...your quote looks like you didn't even read what was said.
  4. Business as usual. Carolinas leading scorer averages 16 and gets 34 tonight.
  5. Congrats. He has been around some good coaches there in Louisville and some good teams.
  6. I didn't care for how it started out as a recycled campaign speech. You won, move forward.
  7. Super 25 Boys Basketball Computer Rankings Trinity Fern Creek Bowling Green Covington Catholic Ballard
  8. Here's how it goes padawan. People don't recruit every player in the nation. They have areas they focus on. They develop relationships with certain coaches. They visit schools and ask about your kids and opponents kids. They hold camps to evaluate. They watch film to evaluate.
  9. The good coaches that I know, and I know a lot of them, do not let random people and media narrow or broaden their search and evaluation of players. Period. Mr.Football will be listed in the bio in the fall game program and nothing more.
  10. I agree. Thanks to the people who worked on it for your effort.
  11. Some of the things people say influence coaches and some of the things people say win games. I don't know whether to chuckle or cry.
  12. It looks like on the rivals site that he has recently gotten offers from some MAC schools and Tulane
  13. This has been my criticism for years. I realize i'm picking on the gold standard, but it is true. Cal has always stated "I can't hide you here at Kentucky". He also means he is stubborn and won't hide you here at Kentucky. He isn't going to mess around with silly college concepts like having a good change up zone or having trap help for weak defenders or special fronting and ball denial to great opponents, and he hates the do anything but switch all ball screens. Its stubborn and allows him to get out coached occasionally on that end of the floor. Usually when we lose in the tournament this is why.
  14. He already left a college HC job to take LaSalle in the first place.
  15. If America was boiled down to 100 people all living together in a town 10 of us still don't have health insurance. Even after Obama. Basically there are 2 doctors in our town. I don't know if those 2 doctors want to work on those 10 people for free, if they do that's up to them, but history shows they do not want to. Most conservatives and I don't want to pay the doctors to work on them either and we shouldn't have to.
  16. Going ahead and listing a bunch of other stuff you don't like about the program that don't have anything to do with twitter=axe to grind.
  17. Is the super making a bad choice here, probably. Is this kid making a bad choice, most def. Should someone be stepping up to educate him, most def.
  18. Superintendent interceded and said something to the degree of, "There is to be no monitoring of student athletes twitter." in a meeting. As far as i'm concerned, end of story. The title of the thread answered. Not special treatment.
  19. When the super tells the principal that school staff can't look at and punish students social media then by definition its not special treatment of basketball its a blanket of all students. Does it seem like a good outcome? NO. Does Corleone have some axe to grind? Magic 8 ball says, YES
  20. Peanut butter and chocolate is very close to heaven on earth. For unusual I love peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches.
  21. So Mr. Booker we have this video from last year. Were you lying then or are you lying now?
  22. Only 13 programs recruit well enough to win the 2016 title, and Clemson was one of them. Called the blue chip ratio. Only 13 teams recruit well enough to win 2
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