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Everything posted by crazy8s

  1. I think that Obama is a divider- he has done nothing but blame the republicans from the get go. He is a blamer- everyone but him and his adminstration are to blame. Both sides have some seriious issues but when there is no true compromise, why should anyone want to change. One of my biggest concerns is that most people today do not seem to have the respect for our country. We have become a hodge podge of mediocrity IMO I do not seem him as a man who loves America but one who is out to break America.
  2. She was very impressive last year and played on a good AAU team this summer. I expect her game to be even stronger this year. IMO she was the best player last year, she just didn't get the votes, which surprises me because she is very very talented.
  3. I thought the two player rule only applied to boys and not to girls? I also thought that was an AAU rule and not a state rule. Maybe that is just for OH and not for KY.
  4. I agree, to me it is pure common decency and respect to the all the familiies that lost loved ones. It reminds me of going to Pearl Harbor, if you have ever been, there is an eery feeling, very solemn when you think about what happened there. What gets me is there are always many indiviiduals of Japenese decent, speaking rapid Japanese I think, which I don't claim to know exactly what they are saying , but they are laughing, smiling, and posing for pictures. Kind of like they are proud of what they did- our big triumph over the evil empire of America while the Americans are quietly looking around, not saying a word. This may not make sense but it is a very strange experience I just don't see anything positive that will come from this and wonder why they would think it would be viewed in a positive light- unless that was there original intention.
  5. Is she the first player in KY to ever be offered a scholly to UCONN? Whether she goes there or not, what a testiment to her talents!
  6. Senators have a 6 year term. Congress has 2 year terms. BTW, Obama was elected to the senate and basically ran for president the entire time he was being paid to be a US Senator.
  7. Our house erupted as well. One of our most favorite players and such a class act interview. We all call him Pat-Pat. Could not be any happier for him - he is on a great team.
  8. Unfortunately, there is not enough attendance to justify Freedom Hall which would be a better venue especially since we play at Conseco Fieldhouse which is a down right AWESOME atmoshphere to play in AND watch as a fan!!! Bellarmine is way better than Louisville Gardens (which is now condemmed), which was a horrible place- dirty, rotted seats, etc Bellarmine has made some significant improvements over the past few years- new scoreboard, seats.
  9. Taken from Ky Prep Stars : -STAR SCRIMMAGES: Don’t forget that the Kentucky All-Stars will be scrimmaging junior all-star teams twice next week. The first scrimmage game will be on the home court of Kentucky All-Star assistant coach Chris Stallings. That is Bullitt East and the date is Monday, June 7. Starting time is 6:30 PM. Chris, slated to be All-Star head coach next summer, will coach the juniors in both scrimmage games. The second scrimmage game will be on the home floor of Sarah Beth Barnette, Miss Kentucky Basketball 2010 and captain of the Kentucky All-Stars. Of course that would be Lexington Christian Academy. That game is on Wednesday, June 9. The starting time is also 6:30 PM. Things become serious two nights later as the Kentucky All-Stars take on their counterparts from Indiana at Bellarmine University on Friday, June 11. The next night, Indiana hosts Kentucky in Indianapolis. At that point, all the seniors put high school ball behind them and point their attention to college.
  10. There is usually some politics involved with the All Star team selection - always will be and there is usually someone left out who probaby should have made it. No easy way to do it unfortunately. I would hope that the three try-out sessions had more to do with it than the politics though.
  11. I would think the Allen girl would have a shot. She is a talented player who does more than just score which is what you need to round out your all star squad.
  12. Looking forany info- who did well, who did not show, and when we will know who made it, etc. Indiana has an impressive team agains this year. Can we compete better than last year? Thanks
  13. Sarah Beth Barnette - Kentucky Molly Ernst - Belmont Therese Montano - Bellarmine
  14. Would like to see Walton win one since they have never won the region tournament before. Nice to have a Cinderella Story IMO.......
  15. Simon Kenton should win this one - but I do think that retro makes some good points. What I find interesting is how so many people say that officiating should not determine the outcome........ seems how it always does though.
  16. Yes- a greeat year for them- they have really improved!
  17. Am very surprised that they voted to go outside the region for officials this year and I do think it made a difference in the game. The lady was down right terrible with some of her calls - charge on Dye in first half, 3 second call on McGuffin when she wasn't even in the lane, even the foul call on Wells on the out of bounds play was pretty inconsistient to the rest of what they let go. Again, she was awful !!!! South played with 4 sophomores and one senior for the majority of the game and subbed very little last night - with that being said, McGuffin was held to 7, really not her best game last night, and the rest of the crew was not able to make up the slack. Tough to lose but you have to make yuor free throws- lots of opportunity to win, just couldn't finish the deal. I would say that offensive rebounding by Shelby was HUGE the entire game. It is the little things, the fundamentals, that win games - even despite poor officiating.
  18. Going to be a interesting game tonight- much will depend on how South deals with the running style of Oldham. Defense will win this one IMO. Big time game with big time pressure/expectations- who will be the most ready????? Who will step up tonight with the district title on the line????? The last three years district winners went to the team that lost the regular season game - which would mean Oldham, since South won that one. I am going to predict the end of that streak- South will win by 7.
  19. This is a very true statement- these schools are very loyal to their conference teams(they play each other 2,3 or 4 times per season) and most won't even play the larger schools within the region. I would like to see the region require all schools within the region to play each other every 2 to 3 years- some kind of rotating schedule, so many teams per year. maybe by district or something. I know it would make it difficult schedule wise but might allow teams to see eachother more often. Just a thought.
  20. Surprised that Emily Lape from Oldham Co did not make the list- she did miss some games early on but has been a big factor for them since her return. Also, is this in voting order? Am guessing so...
  21. Not too often that I am speechless. This is very sad indeed. Not sure how anyone can be proud of soemthing like this and why the starters played at all past the first quarter. No good reason for it other than poor sportsmanship.
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