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Everything posted by BigCountryBoy

  1. I think you are absolutely correct on the chair being used as a prop for a joke coach Jones was attempting to make. I agree that Sean Knollman is one of the best in the region. :thumb:
  2. Last year, while playing there, Coach Jones ended up on the floor because of a defective chair. Perhaps that is why he decided to be 'safe' and bring his own this time. Coach Jones, is a class act and a good person. Get over it and have a laugh.
  3. Not certain of a 10 pt margin, but certainly going to be tough for the youngsters of GC to play in Owen's gym. Place gets rowdy and loud when a close game is going on. This will be a good test of the meddle for the younger Cats. Go Cats!:thumb:
  4. Is Maddox going to play for GC, or is he injured? Huge difference in the outcome of this game. I think w/o Maddox, GC becomes to one dimensional which will allow Owen to key on Jones easily. I look for him to be double teamed all night. Good luck Gallatin! A speedy recovery wish to Trent Maddox as well.
  5. The article mentioned she played against male students and other men and that it was not adequately supervised. Playing against male students from your school is one thing... playing against other men that are not students is asking for a law suit. STUPID.
  6. My wife and I saw this movie last night and I was not impressed. We had heard it got mixed reviews and was way too long. My wife recently lost her mother, and seeing the daughter setting in the hospital room with the dying mom was tough for her, which got her crying(and made me emotional seeing her upset). The movie itself was disappointing for me. I agree with Clyde in that it was not a great/inspiring/ emotional story for me neither. And I still have yet to determine the point of the movie.
  7. Got 48.5 Got a few off for spelling, but in all it would not have helped much. I stopped listening to this crapola when I was in my 20's.
  8. Foreign policy decisions aside, the gov't has no control over the production of oil into gasoline. However, I do believe in economics and what you are seeing with lower gas prices is directly related to supply and demand. Because of the economy tanking, demand is not there so much; which leads to lower prices at the pump. I also am hoping for a change from politics as usual. As a country, and for me personally, doing things the way we have always done them because that is the way we have always done it... just ain't working. Though I am not an Obama supporter, I do support the President. I wish him well and hope he can accomplish some of the things he promised.
  9. What are you talking about BF! I know exactly waht a portion looks like. I takes a regular size dinner plate, loads it up with food untill it is about to spill over, and then go about eating it. When they is a whole bunch of food to eat, only one plate of food is a portion!JK. In all seriousness though, that mentality is why I am overweight.
  10. She probably will still be smokin hot when she is 50!:thumb:
  11. My favorite was the 10-speed bicycle I got when I was 12. It was blue, and a Schwinn. That bike made me the fastest kid on the street... At least it seemed that way to me. :thumb:
  12. What the heck, I'm in. 6'3" and 285lbs.:cry: Want to get down below 250, but not certain I can do it in just a few months. So this will be a longer term project for me.
  13. Got a new muzzle loader and a gift card to a sporting goods store. Also got some gloves to use when working outdoors. Most importantly though, got to spend time with my family and the extended family. Since we only see them on Christmas most of the time, it was certainly enjoyable.
  14. Went yesterday with the wife... pretty good show. If you have ever loved a large breed dog, you can relate to this movie. I liked it very much.:thumb: hey it has Jennifer Aniston in it.... can't be all bad!
  15. All in all, I think GWB is a good man, and a good president. Dealt some tough hands to play, and he played them to his best. What I admire about any person most is the character to stick with your guns after they have been drawn from the holster. Sometimes, this was not popular, but he never swayed from it no matter how cynical things got. If I had to grade his presidency, probably a mid level C.
  16. No doubt the bible can help in todays world. Not only with finances and personal issues, but also with how to resolve conflict. Looking at the bible from a historical view, the problems faced by those in biblical times, are the same ones faced by us in the modern age. So, if the bible is a history of man, those who do not learn from it will be doomed to repeat it. So here we are today looking at the same problems they did. We haven't learned much now have we, collectively speaking I mean. Alas Babylon!
  17. Seemed to me that he played very well. Made several shots from the top of the key. Looks like the kid is gonna be a good player if he keeps at it.:thumb:
  18. I was there for the JV game and it was ugly. WV won, but really, both teams looked sloppy. An ugly win is still a win though. Congrats to the WV JV players.
  19. Back when I played ball, Conner and Boone were big rivals. Always lots of fun in those games.
  20. Gallatin County vs Carroll County Gallatin County vs Walton Verona Both games get nuts, especially when Gallatin comes to call on them. Seemingly no love lost.:fight:
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