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Everything posted by BigCountryBoy

  1. I will conseed that football always was and forever will be a team sport. I understand all of that, believe me I do. Probably another thread topic, but.... What team is the best Highlands football team to take the field? Let's add a few things here to go by... win/loss record avg margin of victory total domination one side of the ball or from both sides any other compelling argument you can come up with for what it is worth, I enjoyed reading your posts on the individual standouts. Thank You all.
  2. I had an interesting discussion with my nephew this past weekend about who he thought was the greatest Highland's football player of them all. He said Jared Lorenzen, and I say Marty Moore. I have to admit that I am somewhat new to Highlands football compared to some of you, but I thought it might be fun to read your comments. What say you?
  3. Brown will be back, not sure about Edmondson. As for QB, probable starter will be Carlton. He has filled in well as a backup to Florence over the past few seasons and will do a good job as the starter.
  4. I remember back when the season first started, people were saying how Pittman had greatly improved. Maybe Pittman became better then Arrez? Not saying this is fact but maybe thats what they are getting at.
  5. Could they? Yes. But any team can beat another. I just dont see Holmes being denied in this tourny.
  6. Gallatin was up 4 with 14 seconds left. Coty Minnis got an "and 1" to cut it to 1. Shelby then fouled the inbounds and Gallatin made 1 of 2. On Shelby's next poss. Minnis again got an "and 1" to put them up 1 with 6 seconds left. Gallatins buzzer beater missed. :cry::ohbrother:
  7. I actually like this list. Its not so much as who is the best team, but who has the best chance to win it based on the draw.
  8. Both games have been close and down to the final minute. One of these days, Heritage is gonna sneak up on a team in the 9th region and beat them.
  9. Heartwarming. Great story and glad you shared with the rest of us Clyde.:thumb:
  10. Wow, I have never heard of the magic stones, the magician, or none that crap :ohbrother:you are saying. Smith's occupation at the time was what most in his time were, farmers. I guess as he grew older, he could have changed the occupation on his 1040 to minister or preacher, but I doubt that magician and treasure hunter was among them. I would be very interested in seeing the actual arrest record if you could find it (pm it to me). I doubt seriously there is one.
  11. I am not going to argue the points of your version of christianity, after all, how could I since they are your views. However, your points on mormons are worthy of debate. In a previous post, you said Smith was a fraud. How so? Please give examples of your knowledge of such. I walked the walk of the mormon for years, so I know a little of which I speak. To your point that only one was founded by a God-man. What does that mean? Please help me understand. I consider myself a God fearing Christian. Does that make me a God-man as well? To the point about springing the basis of their faith on you later. Simply not true. Every potential convert to Mormonism has to buy in early about Joseph Smith, up front or they can not be baptised in the faith. Fact is, many a potential convert can not get past that and turns away from the teachings of the church. Please understand that I am not trying to attack your comments, just understand your process. Who knows, maybe you can shed some light on a few things that I have wondered about myself.
  12. I have a few questions for all of you to ponder... Do you believe that God appears to man today? Do you believe that God's angels appear to man today? I believe firmly yes in both cases.
  13. I assume that you know all there is to know about the life and times of Joseph Smith then. To my knowledge, all religions are created by man at some point or other. So, by your terms, all of these fine and upstanding men are at least guilty of 'fraud'. Most religions based upon christianity rely upon the translation of the bible from the righteous King James. The Mormon church also uses the King James Bible as the true teachings of Jesus. They have chosen to supplement that with other literature they call scripture. Not much different than other religions that teach from other publishing seperate from the bible IMO.
  14. I was the score keeper in a freshman girls game in the 9th region recently. The home team was getting the slobber knocked out of them. 38 point deficit at half time. Neither team learned anything. The winning team did not press after the first few minutes and they did not seemingly want to run the score up. It was just that the other team was that bad. I asked the referees to invoke a running clock. They said there is no rule for that. The only way a game gets shortened is if one team calls it quits.
  15. I would vote for someone who was of another faith than mine, IF I thought I connected with or believed them.
  16. no. Mormon at some point in my past. Now just Christian based.
  17. Congrats to the Lady Cats! Bring home another victory tomorrow.:banana:
  18. One down - two to go! Whaddaya say Wildcats? Might as well join the lady Cats down in Richmond? Whaddaya say now? C'mon Wildcats!:dancingpa
  19. Gotta back the Wildcats from Gallatin. Would love to see them make it 4 in a row! Stay with the champs until someone knocks them off! Go Cats!:thumb:
  20. I, for one, enjoy seeing the Elliot County kids having success. Like you say, teams like this come once in a lifetime for a small school. So it was with the Gallatin County kids last season. My son played on that team, and I could not have been more proud of him, and his teammates. Since the season ended last March for them, I can hardly bring myself to watch high school basketball. I understand what you are saying in that you are enjoying the ride. Hang on to this moment for all you are worth.... when it is over the finality of it all really hits hard on you and the kids themselves. Go Elliot County! Go!
  21. I here ya! I have been out of work since July. I am worried more about not finding a job than I ever was about loosing a job.
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