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Everything posted by AHSPanther23

  1. Is he making all of the players pray with him? I think I might have missed something.
  2. Have we found anything out on Cordia's eligibility?
  3. Why don't you elaborate on what you think I'm suggesting? I said it as a generality to follow up BirdBrain's post, you seem to be insinuating something.
  4. Since we are talking about ghost stories.
  5. Here's an idea, why don't they just not look at the water tower? Then they wouldn't get offended.
  6. Might be pressing an issue, but, will Knott and Cordia play each other this year?
  7. This may have a factor in how teams perform this coming season.
  8. Ahh the Brossart Invitational. I seem to remember that I didn't get a shirt last year. Honestly, they are very well coached, and like you said, I wouldn't count them out. I would also throw Paris in there as well. Very talented group.
  9. I will buy you a popcorn bag at the Fieldhouse this year... just remind me! Hope it is great old man!
  10. Pictures people....talking nostalgically is only good if there are pictures to go with it!
  11. Speaking of that, what is their plan for this year? Saw an article where their gym was damaged from the weather earlier this year.
  12. Sorry to hear of his passing. Prayers to his family and friends!
  13. I love it! Most people can't appreciate gyms like this. Heck, anymore people just want to knock down the old school to get their name on a plaque in the new building!!
  14. I'm saying it's Mason's District Title to retain....while everyone is going on about the coaching changes with Augusta and Bracken, I seem to remember Mason gained a pretty decent coach as well.
  15. Coach, very sorry to hear the passing of your dad. I pray that you all find comfort during this time.
  16. People who do not understand what "Cruise Control" is. Just go a consistent speed!!
  17. He's got a point. Regional centers are an interesting concept. He also argues that with schools as well.
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