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Everything posted by weasel91

  1. Your correct about the Sutkamp boy. They were awesome work horses, and that included Charlie, the middle brother that played tackle on those great Bellevue teams, but I'm positive you've got their graduation years incorrect.
  2. When in the world did Mike Holmes play QB at HHS. The only Mike Holmes I know of graduated in 86 and I don't remember him playing Qb. Please let me know because that was one of the worst classes in recent memory at HHS. The 85 season was not good if I'm not mistaken. That would have been when he played QB.
  3. Yes, they are going to carry it. I know as I personally arranged for the scaffolding they are using as their temporary "press box."
  4. Guess so. Dinner at the Birdome sounds better thought. Too bad the colonels won't leap into the 60's and get lights!!!!!
  5. Hey Boom, Do you have a favorite player for the Baby Birds?:
  6. Hey FTBIGBIRD, love the props for little Guidugli, and he will be an excellent h.s. QB, but to say he will be better than his brother or J-LO is a bit premature at this point....that remains to be seen. Many actually think he has a bit of competition in Will Bardo next year! BTW , love the respect given to fellow classmate Gooch. He was the man in his day!!!!!:thumb:
  7. Dang Boom, I just wonder were you find time for all of this pregame event planning. I 'm just wondering where and when the post game celebration will be!......:thumb:
  8. Dr. Boom...........nice ring to it!.........he only wishes.
  9. Scott would be an excellent choice and well deserving of the oppurtunity. He could continue the work John left unfinnished without the kids being put out by having to get used to yet another new coach. He has coached there for I believe 10 years or more.
  10. BOLD is beautiful in Ft. Thomas! I predict 2 wins over the colonels this year!
  11. Way to go Brad! You cotinue to make your family and friends proud!
  12. Runner ups ARE disappointing in Birdland!:laugh:
  13. Support off the field does translate to success on the field. Who do you think hires and gives the coaches all the facilities, money, etc. necessary to become a success? THE ADMINISTRATION, and FAMILIES that support the program, thats who!
  14. not to be picky, but Strange and Gallichio were juniors on that team, and the "Gooch" is what made that team click. He and Hoffman were the only All-State caliber players on that team. That was a very rare case of very average talent becoming a tremendous team.:ylsuper:
  15. If you have 5-6 D-1 players on any HS team, you should win a State Championship in that year. I don't care if they are all kickers!
  16. Your right, It would be a terrific hire for Holmes, but it could be career suicide for him if he is not able to turn around a program that is definitely one of the worst jobs in NKY hs football.
  17. Hey Boom, who's this peachy king your referring to anyway?
  18. Gee Tdyballgame, I think I know whom this Carlisle fella is, but I think some Covcath alum might not be aware that he is not a Covcath grad, but rather a grad of some other NKY catholic school and that he could give a darn about the coach at Covcath. Not for sure but I'm pretty sure that this Carlisle fella has given money in some shape or form to many schools in the NKY area. He is very generous, but not to the point that he actually even follows or cares who the coach of the Colonels will be. Just a hunch though, I could be wrong. I think If Newcath were to ever want a football field, they could get into his pockets:thumb:
  19. Maybe the pizza guy is the new coach, being as how everybody is saying the job doesn't pay well. He is just supplementing his income until football season!
  20. Hey Boom, couldn't we just ask the former Bluebird on the Covcath selection committee who the leading candidate might really be. I couldn't get anything out of him last time, but who knows, maybe with enough cold ones we could............just a thought.
  21. I'm very sure he was drafted by the NY Football Giants, but couldn't pass the physical due to a very bad knee. He is a well known Zoning and Planning attorney and lives in Denver now. BTW, I know this for fact as he and I are first cousins.
  22. What are coach Jones credentials to be considered for the Top Dog position?
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