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Everything posted by YankeeFan22

  1. I got to go with TPX. I just want to know where did the TPX Dynasty go?
  2. Well I'm glad we could give him a loss to go home on.
  3. Yeah I agree with that. But he doesnt have to tell us that every week and act like he is crazy.
  4. :thumb:Very true statement, but its always nice to be ranked.
  5. I think he just misses the spotlight and this is getting him back in it.
  6. 1. UoL 2. Charater 3. UoL 4. UoL 5. UoK The first tiebreaker: 117 (62-55)
  7. 20-35 feet. For me that would be probably a PW or 52 hooded down a bit and off the back foot. Depending on the distance determines which club i use.
  8. But I do feel that CovCath should be ranked higher than 6th.
  9. ^No because that was what a month ago. The first or second game. And Mason and LexCath were 1 and 2 coming into that game, not 1 and 10. So, in my books, when the #2 team beats the #1 team they should jump up to #1.
  10. 7 Hazard 5 Fairview 3 Pineville 2 Whitley Co 1 Madison Southern Hazard
  11. Well Mason might be better than LexCath, but Mason lost so they should be behind LexCath.
  12. Thanks.:thumb: I enjoy watching this when I don't have much else to do.
  13. I figured we would have some new interesting ones from last night.
  14. Alright well I think that will narrow it down alittle bit.:thumb:
  15. I havent got out yet to see that. There are still so many movies I need to see. But I'm glad to hear good things about it. Denzel can't go wrong.
  16. The thought that we will are going to eventually be back on top. I didn't have that frame of mind with Tubby here.
  17. Yeah I'll have to do that . I got MLB the show its pretty good, but I still havent got COD 4 yet. I'm really wanting that.
  18. :laugh: Yeah, its nice to see somebody to. My question is what is a Don?:confused:
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