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Everything posted by YankeeFan22

  1. That is very true. I don't this its just Ohio drivers, its every out of stater. I think we are the only state that understands if your slow you get over to the right and let the faster ones pass you. It drives me insane.
  2. You know what it is us KY folk just pronouce everything out like it should be. The other people try to leave out letters and change stuff.
  3. Lee seems to be playing pretty good at this time. Espically at home.
  4. And ususally trying to do what Tiger does most of the time will work out for you, if you can do it.:thumb:
  5. Yeah really. I watched them play the other night and this team is not a top 20 team, I don't think they are a top 25 team but 16 is way to high for them. On the other side I'm very glad to see UF in the top 25 they are a good ball club, but I can't wait til they come to Rupp.:ylsuper:
  6. I have to say it again but I believe once again that the Reds will some how find a way and get to the playoffs.
  7. We're just not warmed up and as reaady to go as you are.:thumb:
  8. So the boys are going to play first at 6 then followed by the girls?
  9. Yahoo had a story on this like a week or so ago of the top 16 hardest places to play, I'll try to find that link. But if I remember correctly they had UK 2 or 3 and Duke of course was 1.
  10. Ok, well describing it like that yes I have had those before just never heard it put like that. Those suck by the way. (Nip/Tuck nice choice of show I hadn't heard Yips on there before though)
  11. Yeah really. I was shocked by this score, seems either Lee played very well or Hazard didn't do so hot.
  12. No but from what I've heard about it this could cause some problems for some people who get on it. I don't think you'd find me on there.
  13. What the deal with these schools traveling so far for tournaments. I understand like during Christmas break but now, and how do they fund it?
  14. Nope this is the first I have heard of them. What are they?
  15. I'll take the outfield grass to be wet and soft to get to go outside on the first day with 68 degrees, I'll still prolly be out there if its 40ish:D. That would be perfect.:thumb:
  16. Alright that works. We play out here in the mountains so maybe I should check a farmers almanac or something
  17. Those would be my 2. What about Reggie?
  18. I'm not for sure why I am asking this question because you seem to have all answers when it comes to baseball......But how do you know this?
  19. Yeah really he has been gone forever.
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