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Everything posted by YankeeFan22

  1. Wow thats a list. We can relate to some of those here in Eastern KY.
  2. STRIKE3, you heading down there? and what about you Booger?
  3. :laugh: I didn't think about that one. That might be all we have right now.
  4. You can't there is nothing to say.
  5. Ok I've stopped watching I can't take anymore.
  6. I agree with this. Maybe 60/40. I kind of want it to happen we need to make some change.
  7. Does he/she allow the teams to pratice on days of no school?
  8. :laugh::laugh: Gotta have a challenege.
  9. I'll try to just pick one for each Living - Boo Weekly.......I just want to hang out wtih him for a day he seems crazy Deceased - Ted Williams....Maybe I could get some pointers on how to hit a baseball or I could give him some
  10. 6:30 most of the time, other days around 8 or 9 or whenever I need to be up if I have an early tee time . Can't sleep past 10 though thats impossible even if I go to sleep at 4 in the morning.
  11. I'll take it. 4 MORE DAYS :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  12. I get on during school for a total of about an hour or two, then about another hour at night if I don't do nothing so I'd say 1-3 a day.
  13. According to weather.com for Feb. 15th High 44 with 30% chance of rain As long as the rain holds off I say bring out the warm stuff and lets head outside.
  14. I would venture to guess horrible. You are right those two do not mix very well at all.
  15. What site is this on where you can see the braket?
  16. We invented a new bug called a wasper.....not to be confused with a wasp.
  17. I love Ping-Pong. This is a question for all you old guys out there. Didn't it use to be a sport in High School with a state tournament and everything?
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