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Everything posted by YankeeFan22

  1. What schools are included in this region and some of the players?
  2. Just thought we could get a counter going. 25 DAYS :dancingpa:dancingpa
  3. Are most spots filled, because its getting late and if there not then those teams are going to be behind.
  4. It a nice job! I have just one question right now..... Is this final or will more changes come?
  5. :lol::lol: Have you seen the version of that song from the Anchorman movie, it's very funny YouTube it one day its good.
  6. ^Yeah I agree that they over play them. But I could never hate Sweet Home Alabama.
  7. Are you serious? I can't believe you listed all those other ones but Sweet Home Alabama how could you, thats like something you just don't do, espically in this part of the world.
  8. then... Remember the Titans, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, Major League Movies.
  9. ^Yeah those TP balls aren't bad at all. They aren't very duriable though.
  10. I still don't understand why you would have a draw. It just makes the regular season district games pretty much pointless.
  11. I can't wait either. I've been looking forward forever, I think the shaking camera will be good.
  12. I'm pretty sure this is correct.:thumb: Boys are at Perry.
  13. It's very grey. Acutally I'm freaking out over here but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
  14. :thumb: Yeah, I can agree 100% to that.
  15. This is sick. How crazy will this be if this is true and he doesn't get the death penatly
  16. I didn't really fall under the age group that is getting hit hard with this ILP stuff. But as a student I will say I don't like it at all, it seems pointless to me, but thats just my personal opinion.
  17. I got to go with the Pats. But I will not be suprised at all if the Jags win this game I see it as a very strong possibility.
  18. I just heard today that the date with congress has been pushed back til Feb. 13th, I believe.
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