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Everything posted by YankeeFan22

  1. Thats great for Goose. But I think I share with all of you when I ask....Why isn't Rice in? I think he deserves it more than any of the people on the ballot right now.
  2. O yeah. I do believe Roger. The reasons I have behind that are 1-I don't see the change in his body from his rookie year in '84 til now, 2- The way he performs on the field hasn't changed much either he has always been pretty dominate, and 3- I like Roger and I want to believe him, I don't want him to be a liar and a cheater.
  3. We have all heard enough information about the issue. Just wondering what BGP thinks about it whose side are you on?
  4. They are not good enough to pick them over the field.
  5. I can't think of many teams who have a pitcher thats just a closer and comes in regular, like a college or MLB one.
  6. There's alittle link that is about Who Boo Weekley is.
  7. ^Boo Weekly is awesome . I wish I would have gotten to seen this I might look for it on YouTube or something.
  8. or $400 . Prices on a good bat are crazy these days.
  9. Just got reminded of one...... Every time you have the answer to a question your always just alittle to late.
  10. Hope you have a great birthday.:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  11. Well thats a bit more understandable. Atleast its not your job and you weren't getting paid.
  12. Because if you don't want to play get a new job. The coach is your boss. This is terrible, who would turn down a chance to get on the floor, I'll go do it for free.
  13. ...............and ElliotT I think I spelled that right.
  14. I can't believe there is a world series of this. Thats awesome. Is there an age requirment? :sssh:
  15. I never like watching a game on Fox and that includes any sport. I wish the baseball playoffs would be changed to another channel.
  16. Are you saying that you cracked alot of Dynasty's?
  17. What a good match up either JBS/Hazard vs. Elliott Co. would be. I'd like to see it.
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