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Everything posted by atticus7

  1. I personally was happy to see Hartline go out. Very ineffective for whatever reasons BUT booing your own player is bad enough even if he is a professional; this is a kid who probably has parents or some family at the game. I wish people would remember that.
  2. That would be breaking news.
  3. I believe when I got on it was Oct 05 and later May 06 but that was changed or I imagined it or something. I know the fall 05 stood for a long time.
  4. Sam didn't have a problem with it until he learned Cliff was one of her partners from "Cheers".
  5. On a "Frasier" episode, wife Tea Leoni plays a sex addict married to Sam Malone.
  6. Thanks for your kind words. Especially with the cheating scandal above brought on by that awful BadCat. (Who I have played golf on and off with for years for those who don't know.) He is not as bad as he sounds.
  7. You tell him Professor. That is my motto.
  8. At least I don't fall in ponds trying to retrieve golf balls of others.
  9. It is a small world. I was at his house last night and we drove over together with our wives. He DOES cheat at golf and has for years. Basketball too.
  10. I believe there was one. How, if you can tell me, do you know someone from Primrose?
  11. She did great. About 40 of us were down there from Lee, Estill and Owsley drug court as well as the county judge of Lee and his wife. My jr. high principal and his wife were there and Judge Burdette of Rockcastle Co and his family plus the usual crowd at Renfro. She is a great singer. You can listen to it on the Herald leader home page. Drugs are a powerful enemy. The paper said I sent 2 to jail but it was 2 the day the paper was there in drug court. I have sent more like 25 to prison from drug court in 18 months so this does not count regular court. She has an uphill battle and I hope she makes it.
  12. She does. I am nervous for her already but I can't sing so that is expected.
  13. Good story on Tasha Harris. Come see her on August 2nd if you are in the area of Renfro Valley. I know we have some BGPers in the Rockcastle area. Yes, I am the judge in the story. http://www.kentucky.com/181/story/477479.html
  14. I was the worst pole vaulter in Ky in the late 70s. Had a pole that was far to much for my 150 lbs to bend. We went against a school, I believe Menifee Co., who had a state champion pole vaulter from the previous year. He hurts his back in warm-ups and could not proceed and I barely cleared 6 feet to qualify...so I won the match. He was feet, not a foot, FEET better than me. He may have won the state that year as well. I was told he had one loss that year...to the worst pole vaulter in the state; who had one win which was evidently against the best pole vaulter in the state.
  15. Joint custody is primarily joint decision making and has little to do with physical possession or the amount of time of visit. Usually one side is the "primary residential custodian" and the other has visitation or time-sharing. The amount of visitation on my orders begin with "Except as otherwise agreed" which means the standard visitation of every other weekend is in place and all times the parties agree. There are many other occasions for visitation...midweek when you don't have visitation...and others that are all spelled out.
  16. That is what I tell jurors who say they just can't sit for some reason and I feel they are just wanting to get off. I tell them if everyone felt like you, you realize if you were robbed or even in a wreck and could not settle with your or the other guys insurance company...that there would be no courthouse to go to. I particularly don't like those who say they cannot sit in judgment of another for religious reasons but cannot say what part of the bible makes them feel that way. Those who sincerely feel that way I do release. Remember, if you ever wanted a hot shot lawyer to tend to your every need, sit on the jury. I have them come up and say, "juror no. 3 looks tired and needs a break" all the time. It is the most powerful you will ever be for those days you are on the jury.
  17. I am almost afraid to admit it...but I have always liked Packer. I liked him even more when he put Mr. Wildcat on "One Shining Moment". I cannot really explain it as a UK fan but I just have. We may be the only two.
  18. I had a jury trial against Woody Harrelson and was on Court TV with him and his lawyer (after the jury found him not guilty). That was in 2000. In 2007, I was in Ballard County, Ky duck hunting and the only other people at the lodge were Titans' Coach Fischer and his sons. Coach Fischer is a very nice guy.
  19. I saw this movie last night and "The Happening" was not bad at all IMO. I liked it alot better than The Village and Unbreakable. If you want to see a bad movie go see "Bug" or "I Know Who Killed Me".
  20. From a legal perspective your employer may argue the statute of limitations is 15 years but I would a argue it is 5 years and/or 1 year on negligence. Remember the term "laches" which is sitting on your rights and causes you to lose them. In other words, unneccessary delay. This is your argument when I say "your rights" I mean "their rights". I would say they are negligent and had one year to do something about it. Since you don't work for them anymore I would tell them to take me to small claims court. Their lawyers will check on the statute of limitations (they can be complicated) and may decide not to file anything since their fee is more than the overpayment. They also look disorganized if 9 1/2 years is how long it took to catch this. Of course, if you feel they have proven the overpayment to your satisfaction, some people like my mother would pay it because it was owed regardless of the enforceability.
  21. Love is in the Air--John Paul Young Magnet and Steel--Walter Egan
  22. I was at UK when he was and all the girls had a crush on him as well. I never saw him but I heard the name and remarks about his good looks all the time. Has to be the same guy.
  23. Don't forget the blonde monkey...or as I call him now.."Probation John". You work with that regionally famous playboy. Didn't Carly Simon write a song about him once???
  24. For me, I hit the lottery on the bar exam. I flunked MISERABLY every sample I took. In other words, the only bar exam I passed was the real one and the first time. To this day I firmly believe I would have failed the next 20 because I failed the first 20 practice exams; so that was the lottery for me. My dad won 3 televisions in one week in 1969. Unfortunately, the third one was struck by lightning a week later and burned our house down as we crawled out of it. So it was a bittersweet trophy to say the least.
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