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Everything posted by atticus7

  1. I was hoping Estill would pull this one out. The predictions may have been accurate that Hazard is just too much for the Engineers. Keep the updates coming.
  2. Thanks to all for your kind remarks and birthday greetings. My wife had surgery Thursday and the inlaws are here from Henderson to help us recover and no one remembered the birthday boy. I jokingly pointed out that my BGP pals were all over it by 6 am and by 2 pm they had to be reminded. It was funny and showed the value of my stock in the house. Mack the Knife would recall the movie Sixteen Candles where the young girl had her birthday forgotten. You all are fantastic in my book; even sixtyfeetsix.
  3. Sorry I forgot your birthday last year; especially since you posted mine on BGP. I will do better next time.:thumb:
  4. Thanks Bluto. I have had the flu the past few days and just got up from a rough night. Thanks for remembering me.
  5. Ervin Stepp is his uncle or something like that. He was the top scorer in the nation in my high school days. Maybe it was top scorer in Ky. Anyway, it was something like 50 per game.
  6. Glad you are back safely Fairfan.
  7. My sweet mommy is from Jackson County and I practically grew up there hunting. It is right next door. Sarah just got my vote for all the other right reasons. Tied with some girl from Evansville at 24%.
  8. This is the first time I can remember I actually clapped when Ky lost a game. My son thought we had won. I told him the old John Wooden cliche' that we were "outscored" but played our best. I was very proud of this loss. Ironically, the loss shows me that more victories are on the horizon.
  9. Come on now. When I used to date Ashley Judd and she stole my Heisman trophy...it wasn't that big of a deal. And I still talk to the little people Professor.:D
  10. My dad and I were discussing this earlier and he was for TN for that reason. I told him to think big and positive and play for the championship. I know it will be rough but what if we did beat them down there. After Julia Roberts married that Lyle fellow it was established that anything is possible. Let's go for the gold.
  11. I guess everyone knows who my most famous person was now. That sure was four years of fun and work at the same time.
  12. Time for me to go to bed. But I get it. THE LAST FRESHMAN. Mashburn, since he is one my two picks. Whew. That was tough. Do I finally have it?
  13. Let me restate more clearly. Rex is my first pick because of the info provided. It had been so long the info confirmed my belief stated earlier in the thread that I thought he might be the best. Mashburn, for some reason, seemed better than Patrick, not by much, but your stats don't seem to back my opinion except maybe on the 3's and a few other categories. Overall, I would put Rex first, Mash second, and Patrick third. A close third.
  14. Thanks for the information. I didn't know he had the most so he is my answer with Mashburn close behind him.
  15. Walker was what I would call solid his freshman year but I don't recall his stats. His soph year is what stands out to me.
  16. I would have to say Rex or Jamal. Rex had a load on his shoulders as a freshman. It is very close.
  17. I believe I can solve your problem without involving the lady. Every landlord in every contract with a tenant, written or oral, gives to the tenant the right to the peaceful use and enjoyment of the property rented. If he has rented to others for any period of time he has heard this phrase; if not, you can introduce him to it. It is his responsibility that you get this peace, not yours. In other words, tell him he is breaching or breaking his contract and this should solve the problem because he will have to take action.
  18. I would really appreciate a few blowout wins by UK. I mean LSU 96 type whippings. Consistent tight games won or decided in the last two or three minutes are hard on those of us with heart disease in our family. (And I mean blowout wins BY KY.)
  19. I hope cshs81 didn't see PS missed shot just then.
  20. As I said in another thread, you have to watch 11 points be put up in 20 minutes for it to really hurt. And like you said, this was the final four and lest we forget GEORGETOWN and P. Ewing and some really mean dudes. Graham for example. I think he fought someone every game of the year. I don't mind 11 when, for example, Cincinnati had 7 but Vandy and Gtown were painful. I developed a socially crippling rash as a result of the game for a week in 84.
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