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Everything posted by atticus7

  1. Remember, it can't be real everyday sex symbols like Pam Anderson and Sarah Palin. No, she is close to my choice Amy Grant.
  2. Congratulations to you both. I am sure he got his muscles from his papa.
  3. The girl from "The Day After Tommorrow" was on the list last time. Emma something. She was a good choice. Yours is too. I think Bill Clinton liked her.
  4. We did this a few years ago and IMO Amy Grant was and still is the winner. Any new contenders? Watch the video before you dare challenge the reigning champ. Remember, Pam Anderson and the others are not elgible.
  5. I was going to say Shagari, who by no means dominated anybody over a period of time, had his moments. One in particular we cannot ever forget is his saving us from Bogut in 2005. I thought he was the MVP in that game.
  6. I don't ever like UK to lose but I'm proud of my Cats. Great game to watch. Congratulations to the Cardinal BGPers on here because it was enjoyable (after the medics revived me) to watch and lose so to watch and win must have been really nice.
  7. I will never figure Coach G out. He sits silently through bad calls and turnovers (all year) and gets a T when we go ahead for the first time. Maybe the ref stepped on him.
  8. I dread this game every year. If Ky loses I have the same feeling I had when a guy took my girlfriend from me in high school. Just sick to my stomach. If UK wins it is like my birthday.
  9. FWIW, Bill Curry used to say after Florida put it on UK 73-7 and 65-0 that the Gators had not run up the score but that the defense was supposed to stop the offense. I did not go for that when they were throwing bombs on first down late in the 4th. But as a long time bench warmer in high school I can see this happening with no bad faith. When the subs get out there it is your time to score and the defense has to stop the offense. I would be more curious, as another poster mentioned, if there was full court pressure the entire game. We have already seen balanced scoring so we know the starting five did not stay in the whole time. I would give Estill the benefit of the doubt on that and the previous games Riverside has played.
  10. The people on Maple Street hear a strange sound and after the vehicles stop working and the power is out, a young neighbor boy tells people that he read how aliens take the form of humans and come down among us. The people start getting paranoid and gradually think almost every neighbor is an alien for one reason or another. The person watching will start to laugh to themself because it is obvious nothing is going on and there is no aliens. Eventually, someone is shot. As the show ends, voices in a spacecraft can be heard discussing human responses to situtations and they are aliens; if memory serves.
  11. To Serve Man always cracked me up. Really clever.
  12. I think "Two" with Charles Bronson and Liz Montgomery was your least favorite but you may have still liked it. I do not like it except for Liz. Very boring. Every other one you named I love and I include "Midnite Sun"; where the sun is supposedly coming closer to the earth.
  13. Is that lady Kate Jackson's twin or what? The black headed lady.
  14. I have the DVDs of the complete seasons. Hangman and I did a thread on this a couple of years ago. He is a bigger fan than I am. I used to stay up till midnite and watch an episode till a couple of months ago when they took the show off. Watching "living doll" right now. Glad to know others like it too.
  15. You had me going too. I thought he knows way too much about basketball to be getting a mongoose dirt bike or a nerf goal.
  16. In 2007, in Lee County, a cow elk in my yard.
  17. The Gorskys and a ball went into their yard. I found it on the web.
  18. I remember hearing of a statement Neil Armstrong said when he walked on the moon. "Congratulations Mr. Trotstky." Something like that. Supposedly, when he was a child his neighbors (the Trotskys) were fighting and the woman neighbor said to the neighbor man she would "be romantic" with him, and then pointing to little Neil Armstrong, the little neighbor boy, "when he walks on the moon." So when he walked on the moon Neal said that and had to give a full explanation to NASA afterwards. Just something I heard.
  19. I remember her as a nursing student but then read BGP classic posts and that she maybe was not. Was she real?
  20. Since I don't get time to post much anymore; here are mine: 1. The Professor telling me about the site; 2. Reading some guy named "Farmhands" post who everybody seemed to argue with constantly; 3. Being stunned when the Original Rookie responded to my first post; it worked, 3. Bluto and Mack the Knife discussing movies 4. Frances Bauvier--very smart guy 5. Gametime--I thought he was Andy Kennedy based on his posts and his avatar; I really did, 6. Titletownclown--well, what else needs to be said. He is wasting his time being a CPA and needs to join Saturday Night Live as a regular; 7. Having to be told to stay on topic at least a thousand times or "that's for another thread" 8. All Thumb's death--I saw how close everyone became after posting together and the effect of death and it surprised me. These are first, not necessarily best memories. Oldrambler and Civilcat came along a month or two later as well. It all sure has been alot of fun. I am interested if anybody else remembers their first moments or if it is all a blur.
  21. I didn't think that was it but I looked it up and that is him. He beat us. I think maybe Patrick Sparks had something to do with it too.
  22. I was about 9 years old. UK got beaten like 100 something to 70 something...or at least 20 points. Tom Payne was in prison by then, our 7 foot 2 inch center. Also, WKU put it on UK in the early 2000 or 2001 season. They had a big center then as well but he was injured later on. All american but I forgot his name.
  23. Since it is all in fun...a UK loss is worse. UL is free to lose all they want and I won't be bothered. Any UK loss just kills me.
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