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Everything posted by atticus7

  1. Travis used to date my brother's stepdaughter. She said he was quite eccentric and controlling. I told her I didn't care because he sure could shoot and isn't too bad a coach either. She gave him a thumbs up as a person but said he was wrapped a little tight. (Type A)
  2. Anyone who has read his posts knows this.:thumb:
  3. Maybe it was in Covington?? I worked in both places. It was across from Ohara Ruberg Taylor and Trusty so maybe it was Covington.
  4. I lived in Highland Heights 3 years and worked in Newport. Roy Rogers burgers were the best. Someone did a thread on best burgers last year and I voted for Roy Rogers because of my Newport experience.
  5. Thanks oldrambler. From what Rick said the other night, you and Mr. Wildcat share the same opinion on what is in bold. Nothing wrong with that because I just converted last week against Carolina. Last night solidified it.
  6. I will be the first to admit that I loathed Pitino for going to UL; not for leaving UK. I loved his coaching years at UK. Whom, as a UK fan, could complain? So leaving for Boston made me sad, going to UL made me mad. Like Mr. Wildcat said, "Have you lost your mind?". It would be like Dean Smith or Coach K going to Duke or NC IMO. Nevertheless, for him to walk into Rupp to salute his old friend and to speak like he did took a lot of courage and showed a lot of class. I wish him and UL much success in the coming years and I hope his show of class is matched by a round of applause the next time he is in Rupp Arena. I was really touched by his speech and courage. I remember being terrified going into a small courtroom as a defense attorney when the only person for my client was me. I cannot imagine going to Rupp, speaking first, not knowing what to expect with a couple of thousand people present...and then being able to deliver like he did. My anger towards Rick seems silly now.
  7. I hope they get over 20 because NC is starting to close the gap on total victories.
  8. I always think of Caspar Gutman in "The Maltese Falcon" telling Bogart..."My goodness, you are a character. There is no telling what you will say or do next." ...when I think of Rick and coaching jobs. I'm not sure he knows. I just hope he listens to his heart and it is not about the money. lol
  9. I will post for myself and BadCat but I'm lost on the numbers. 98 & 99
  10. I have always looked at it this way; I give them both some credit. They were Pitino's players but I know for a fact if I was coaching the 98 team we would have lost early and often. Someone can correct me on this but I remember playing Clemson in 97 and losing under Pitino and winning the next year under Tubby. Or maybe it was Purdue. So Tubby is no dummy. Either way, I think they both contributed to the 98 victory and both have to be given some credit. I don't think you can exclude either one's contribution entirely whichever side you are on.
  11. I met him and thought I was a big talker. He topped me. Friendliest guy you will ever meet. I did a thread on it after we met I was so impressed. "Meet Bill Keightly" a few months ago. All the stories you hear about how nice he was are true from my experience. I am certain there are a lot of suffering fans tonight.
  12. Met him at Merrick Inn once. Nice guy and seemed to know Gold Sunrise well. Hope she is OK. Nevertheless, a class act. RIP.
  13. It seems the last couple of years the games were exciting with a boring final four. Maybe the reverse will occur this year.
  14. The owlzfan must realize that some people converted to UL because of Rick and likewise some will dislike UL more because of him going there. So who the coach is can make a difference on whether you support the team. It doesn't mean it is right but it happens both ways. I, however, have a pure heart today since my exorcism. I rooted, really rooted for UL last night. I knew it was real when I cursed Clark's third walk and the team's free throw shooting miscues. I was even hoping that the team realized what a great season they had when I saw Padgett with his head down. I must say it felt good to cheer for UL. Thanks to all for the therapy.
  15. And this is a great post, especially about Padgett. It also acknowledges reasons to root for the Cards. It would be like convincing RockPride to root for UK if he was trying to do so which would be tough to do.
  16. Ha Ha. I knew you would let me know but I knew it anyway because you divulge your basketball connections quickly. Last year, it was all over the county how you were once run out of the gym by the George Mason coach while he and you were at Davidson. So I knew if that tidbit excited you that having TWO schools would probably put you over the top. As for what's in bold, the second one makes me sound a bit strange to the uninformed reader; and if I do look good in it, you as well for having that opinion. Anyway BadCat, I have been for Davidson and will be for Louisville but who will you be for if they play?
  17. BINGO. You are right and I can do it without focusing just on the opponent's negative. Plus, knowing you are for UL, with your husband and I having been similarly situated geographically, shows me it can be done.
  18. I know it is the right thing to do; it is doing it that is hard. I am going to try by focusing on NC and the negative feeling I have toward our closest competitor in wins.
  19. Since Louisville is facing NC I have had to do some soul searching. TN was easy. I could be for them because they were in the SEC. I knew it was illegal in most places but I could justify it. But Carolina has forced me to face my demons or I should say DEMON. I had, years ago, buried the emotional hatchet with UL and began rooting for them in football and basketball UNTIL Pitino began coaching there. My wife says I feel towards him like a teenage boy jilted by a girl and to get over it. So help me. Louisville is in Ky and is not NC. I should be for them. I want to REALLY be for them. But remember, it is not the school it is the coach. The same coach who said one year "beating Ky is like any other game" and the next year said beating Ky was "the greatest game of his life." I wondered if it was better than the 96 title or the final fours etc,. Do I miss the great years we did not have without him? It may be like Coach Petrino and Arkansas v UL in a football game one day. Someone give me a real solution. Show me how to be for UL when they play everyone but Ky. Show me how to root for them against NC. I believe I have made the first step because I want to. So be gentle.
  20. Hits the nail right on the head. Normally a first round loss would kill me but with a new coach, all the injuries and the early losses; I am satisfied with the season. Additionally, for three years I really thought Bradley was mostly mouth and Crawford was lazy and selfish and only cared about himself. I credit the coach for a great change of attitude. I surprise myself when I realize not only will I miss those two but they realized their potential. Good luck to both of them and I have great hope for the future.
  21. I am just happy to be in. I will also refrain from guessing who will win because a few years ago I was thrilled Pitt lost to Marquette so Ky would have an easier road to the final four. Then we lost 83-69. But Go Cats anyway.
  22. I will just be glad when it is over on Sunday.
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