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Everything posted by atticus7

  1. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the score. But WKU gave UK a early Xmas present several years ago with a double digit loss so there is precedent for this kind of thing.
  2. Thanks very much. I just don't have the time to post as much as I used to but still feel like I know everyone. BGP is on the top of my "favorites center" of my computer.
  3. Don't tempt the already tempted. Plus, I agree with you for different reasons because of travelling 600 miles to Henderson, Ky and back is a long round trip.
  4. If it makes anyone feel better that is a UofL fan, some of us (UK fans) are still reeling from the lost weekend at UK. Particularly, the Chapel Hill Massacre which the refs should have stopped because of the brutality. I still haven't recovered and couldn't go to sleep that night after the game. My point is...we all have our demons but the sun does come up. It will for UofL in football. As I have said before, your AD would give me all the comfort I needed if a UL fan.
  5. I noticed that. I will settle for respectible now.
  6. To hear Bob K and the guys speak about it the score is 100-2. Is it only me or does anyone else think there is a POSSIBILITY of making this respectable or dare I say a miracle victory????
  7. Could we start this game over?
  8. This may be the one I hear every year that is fantastic. Porky Pig's Blue Xmas is one of my guilty pleasures if any one has heard it. I haven't read the whole thread.
  9. It's A Wonderful Life by far. A Christmas Carol with Alistar Sim is 2nd IMO.
  10. My previously high opinion of Jim Schue and Bluto slightly dropped because of their preference for T-2 over Terminator although I liked Aliens over Alien. So I guess liking the sequel over the original is forgivable.
  11. I will admit End of Days has the best Arnold line "We are not afraid to die" and Arnold says "Good" "I am not afraid to kill you."
  12. I am sure it is BUT when my frat brothers and I were forced to watch the Terminator because all other movies were sold out in 84 it is fair to say we walked in disappointed and out with our mouths open. WOW. What a movie. Kept us on the edge of our seats the entire time. And I like movies like To Kill A Mockingbird, Casablanca, etc., and OK I liked Space Jam and CLoverfield too but I do have some idea what a good movie is and Terminator is 4 star by nearly everyone's rankings. Have you seen it?
  13. Lots of good movies but Terminator really got him started and is non stop action. He was a joke as an actor until then (1984) and it all took off. I still watch it every time it is on. That is why I voted for Terminator, sentimental reasons AND it is the best IMO.
  14. I don't know that everyone will understand this but as a rabid Wildcat fan I always saw Jurich as the real threat in sports. He had a way of getting good coaches and if he sees something in Coach K, I would certainly if UL fan, and based on the success of the past in UL sports, give him the benefit of the doubt.
  15. Losing Frances on BGP was like Ky losing Cawood. It just wasn't the same anymore.
  16. I have to be honest. The only reason Bama isn't No.1 is the season is so young in my opinion. They have climbed the ladder fast already. I am glad we are playing them now because I think they are going to pound people all year so later in the season they may appear invincible. Lofty Expectation: Ky 50 Bama 0 Harsh Reality Bama 41 Ky 7.
  17. Make no mistake. I agree his performance was to say the least...not good. I am open to someone else kicking. I just never liked our fans booing our team. When I hear the opposing team get booed by its fans I always feel like the game is in the bag. But we will obviously lose games if he continues to miss 4 kicks a game. The kicking game needs to be fixed somehow.
  18. I forgot to answer the question is it a double standard? Brooks made his feelings known and can't do this every game. If fans are going to do it they can. I think he made it clear he did not like booing your own team the other day.
  19. I posted this earlier but I am in Louisville with the power out and for some reason it did not make it on the board. I would never boo a college kid or my team for that matter unless it was some intentional act like mentioned above or shoving a ref etc. The reason is not that you cannot do it but you should not do it because nothing productive comes of the act. The kid knows he messed up and booing does not steady his nerves for the next kick. His family and friends don't like it and, if nothing else, discourage a future recruit from coming to UK. His teammates know they may be next and may tell there buddies how they will be treated. Don't get me wrong. I have been a fan 35 years and have groaned and been sick to my stomach at games but proudly have never booed a player because I have always felt they were doing their best. I have booed the other team but not mine. Bobby Bowden was asked a couple of years ago about a missed field goal against Penn St. in one of the bowls. He said, "He did his best" and "that is all I can ask".
  20. Happy Birthday OR. We got on the same time but you sure got some mileage on the BGP odometer. I don't have as much time to post as before, but like Bluto's posts, I always read yours because they make so much sense. Hope you enjoyed your birthday.
  21. That is a good point. For some of us older fans who have endured countless heartaches, it just wasn't "boo" time.
  22. I am a BIG UK fan and liked Cobb's style. I want him to be QB just from last night because he throws and runs and makes things happen. I can understand a surprised collective groan if the game was tight and Cobb was taken out. But we had a big lead and as I said in the other thread; Hartline is a kid, or at least a young man. Sure, it's no crime but it shows a lack of class. And don't think for a second other performers on the field will wonder if they will be the next one humiliated by replacing or being replaced. I just don't think you should boo your own players.
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