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Everything posted by memyselfandi

  1. I was going to ask you why you think you he is better than Quinn. Sorry you had just posted your explanation.
  2. Why do you think Jones will be better than Quinn? Just curious.
  3. He was already mentioned and GT said no. I guess I will see after the basketball game if anyone guesses correctly.
  4. That is the REAL question to all UC fans.
  5. Do you really think Quinn would want to be the head coach here? He has followed BK from Grand Valley State to CMU to UC. Just curious what you think.
  6. Right now out of the candidates (all 2) as long as UC doesn't hire the Temple coach I will be happy. Fulmer or Tuberville would make me very happy. Speaking of coaches, has anyone heard that Kelly will be taking his whole coaching staff with him to ND?
  7. I don't think most of the true UC fans are upset with him leaving. We all kind of expected him leaving to a bigger and better place. However, the problem I have is he had all the players in a room BEFORE the banquet and he decided NOT to tell them then. He also told them when the banquet was ending and then threw them out to the media as he went through the back door. That IMO is pretty chicken. Him going to ND was announced by the ND people around 6:30 or so. Those kids knew via twitter and text way before he even announced. They should have not learned it this way. He should have been a man and told them when he had all of those players together and BEFORE the banquet. Everyone can say we all knew before Thursday he was leaving but until you hear it from the horses mouth (we never did until the press conference on Friday) you just do not.
  8. I don't think anyone is begrudging him for taking the job but the fact on how the process went.
  9. I agree with gametime on his comment but also, I do not know IF ND leaked it or not but those kids knew he was leaving way before he even told him. He has lied at every aspect of this whole process. Until NCAA fixes this mess it will continue to happen. I have no problem with teams contacting assistant coaches but to contact the head coach before the season is over is wrong. And YES UC was wrong to do it with BK when they hired him at UC. If I remember correctly the school he was at, their season was not over as well.
  10. UM yes I do realize this but the system needs to be fixed. NCAA football is a mess if you really look at it.
  11. For the most part NCAA basketball does not have all of this stuff with schools talking with other coaches while they are still in their season like what happens in NCAA football. If anyone heard what Cronin said today this is what he said. I think it is terrible for the kids.
  12. I found this article. If you read at the bottom you will read who they THINK will go. http://notredame.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1027235
  13. Thanks for the info. You have to love when everyone wants to get a story and they want to be the first to report it. Very frustrating. I hope BK stays, do I think he will no but as a UC fan I hope he does.
  14. It would be a good hire for us UC fans who want BK to stay.
  15. The shooting for Campbell County was terrible and they missed quite a few free throws.
  16. I am not sure of the final score but I know Campbell County lost by 3.
  17. They may have the numbers but I am not sure how deep talent wise Campbell County is this year.
  18. Campbell County had a total of 13 seniors (had 15 at the beginning of the year but 2 quit). 4 out of the 13 seniors were lost for the year: 1 was last year that would have started due to a career ending knee surgery, 2 were lost in the same game (I think the 4th game into the season) for the year and one was lost half way through the season as well. Out of the 9 remaining seniors only 4 were starters the whole year. Campbell County at one point had 2 seniors (running back & center), 8 juniors and 1 sophomore (lineman) on the field for offense. I see Campbell County having a much more balanced offense next year and will have alot more experience. The junior and sophomore class are very talented.
  19. A friend of mine found a great website, I am not sure if I can post it so if you want the link PM me. But 2 songs I found on there were: 100 Years - Five for Fighting and Time of Your Life - Green Day. I will probably use the 100 Years song. It is a good one. I am still looking for ideas though. I was talking to the older generation (football coaches) and they came up with Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen and Forever Young by Rod Stewart
  20. For our highlight we put baby pictures in our video. Most of the time it is a song about growing up and going away and I am stuck on what to use. IDEAS anyone?
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