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Everything posted by memyselfandi

  1. I think so. I noticed a couple of UKFAN4EVER has been deleted.
  2. It is public knowledge just not sure where to look.
  3. If it is the one I think you are talking about he is running for Commissioner. So if he wins in the primaries then he will not be running for the school board.
  4. I have never heard about the 3 vote system. I am very very very new to Campbell County but didn't they revamp (?) the athletic programs about 5 or 6 years ago and get rid of a lot of coaches? My understanding was this was from central office as well, not during Mr. Strong's tenure.
  5. For those who are saying the AD might have had something to do with this or Bob Jones was a questionable AD. I think you need to re evaulate a couple of things. First of all, Bob Jones was a PART TIME AD at a HIGH SCHOOL when the MIDDLE SCHOOL had a FULL TIME AD. Bob Jones had already put all of his days in probably in the middle of to end of basketball season. Bob Jones did a great job for the athletic programs at the high school and I think if you would ask any coach you would get the same answer from them. I also do not think Bob Jones had nothing but support for Coach Code. Sooner than later there will be some stability in the Campbell County athletic program.
  6. I understand what you are saying but let me clarify a couple of postings. Baseball - Wayne Heringer resigned from the position so CCHS needed a new coach Softball - If I remember correctly the old coach did not want the position any longer plus he was not knowledge of the sport at all. Tennis - This was a full time teacher who was dismissed from the high school so they had to get a new coach Swim/diving - Not sure about this one Soccer - He is a paraprofessional and they have to reapply every year. Does not really mean they are looking for a new coach but it has to be posted. Volleyball - Leah resigned last week or the week before to take the job at Milford (I think it is Milford) Wrestling coach - Now that Mike Bankemper retired as a teacher he is considered a para-professional so it is the same situation as the soccer coach.
  7. If you take 1998 (I think this is the road, where Barleycorn's is in Cold Springs) take this road until it dead ends into Route 10. Take a right and the field is on your right.
  8. It always is like this at this time of year. The problem with Campbell County's football field during the season it is Berumda grass and it also has the rubber pellets on it or lack there of. The pellets were suppose to be applied a couple of years ago to hold the heat in for the Berumda grass as they made the change to it probably 4 or 5 years ago. If you get close up on the field you can see where the Berumda took and where it never did which came up as weeds. I want to say they are trying to kill off the weeds. For all that is played on the field they should go to turf. During the week with the middle school programs (I think there are 3 teams), CCYFL, freshman - varsity teams there can be alot of games on this field. I remember at one point there were almost 20 games played on there before the Varsity ever had a game on it. It is hard to believe someone higher up in the central office does not realize how much traffic/games played on the field.
  9. I did not mean Knothole baseball but Knothole softball. In Campbell County the softball youth league had been associated with Knothole.
  10. I agree with you on this 100%. I am not sure when Boone or Kenton County start league ball but I just heard last night Campbell County starts it in the 6th grade. This is way too late. If I was running a league this is what I would do in the setup for it: 5 - 6: T-ball 7 - 8: Coach Pitch 8 - 10: Girl's Pitch UNTIL the hitter gets 2 strikes 11 and older: Girl's Pitch It needs to start somewhere. IMO I think 8 - 10 should be strictly girl pitch but for this area kids need to develop skills. One other thing is I would change ALL leagues if they are not playing it yet, I would have them play ASA instead of USSSA or Knothole. Going back to NDA, weren't they successful a couple of years ago?
  11. I agree with you. NKY is WAY behind. I do not see many good summer teams around here. I do not hear anyone playing in ASA Gold tournaments nor do I ever hear them go to the Colorado Fireworks tournament (over 200 college coaches ranging from UCLA to Junior Colleges). Just like some who play just soccer, basketball or volleyball more and more kids need to decide just to play fastpitch. Also, until NKY gets good pitching coaches who teach the mechanics right every once in awhile will a dominant pitcher come out of here. It is funny that the good pitchers from this year all go up to Cincinnati for their lessons. Sorry for the tangent but it frustrates me how the majority of the teams here are weak. I did not say all, I said the MAJORITY.
  12. Are you talking about Rebeholz? I really do not think he would have hit 4 - 6 home runs. Are you saying he would have hit 4 - 6 HRs?
  13. Is this the call that the Campbell County Coach got thrown out on?
  14. Campbell County's Website: http://www.campbellcountybaseball.com/
  15. This game should have been much closer. Campbell County had 11 errors. You take away those errors and this could have been a better game. Not saying Campbell County would have won but it would have been closer. Conner is a very good displicined team and they have a very good pitcher. Have not seen Ryle play yet so I cannot say who is the better team out of the 2.
  16. I really do not understand why something needs to be said at the high school. Not everyone knew Woody and I do not remember ever a death being announced or posted on the main page of the school's website. However, it was posted on the Campbell County Football website
  17. For many of you who are from the Northern Kentucky area you might know who Woody Johnson is. He was an umpire and helped with the Red Devils. For the past year and a half (roughly) he has battled cancer. Woody lost his fight with cancer tonight. It is a huge lost to the Campbell County football program as the past 3 or 4 years. He had a huge impact on every single person he met. I do not think he ever said anything. Please say a prayer for the Johnson family. May you rest in Peace Woody Johnson, you will be greatly missed.
  18. I would sacerfice as much as I could. I mean if you cut out the cable tv, coupon, get rid of a home phone, and find free things to do rather than pay you can cut out A LOT of money each year. To me it is essential to have health care. I would not go looking for handouts. Like someone said on here there ARE affordable plans. I have been in plenty of situations (from my career) where people buy every new pair of shoes that cost them $140. Then they will buy a new car, and buy big expensive things, ie TVs, computers and I could go on on credit cards. They will drop $300 on a purse and another $400 on clothes in ONE DAY. I mean you have to have priorities. For example, I have no sympathy what so ever for people who took out a variable interest on their home then complain about it when their mortgage payment triples. They knew exactly what they are doing and so do these people who are being irresponsible. I have no problem helping a family out who both are working jobs and have children and they still cannot afford health insurance but I DO have a problem for those people and it is lot more than most people think, who do nothing to help themselves and keep having children. Call me not American, I have no problem with that, I have people tell me that all the time on the left. Most people think on here from my answers on here I am a democrat but I am not. I am an independent who can think for themselves and make my own judgement. This country is broke and we are going to become more broke. I still would like to know how people think who support this bill on how we are going to pay for it.
  19. AMEN, :thumb: Here is my thing, I pay roughly $150 a month for my insurance and it is only myself on it but I also purchased the plan where there is no deductible besides on MRI, Ultrasounds, X-Rays (I only have to pay $75 once for any 3 of these things then I do not have to pay the deductible again). I could have paid for the lesser plans for like $40 or $50 per pay period but I did not. Come April 1 I have to pay $100 for the ER compared to $75 right now. I had major surgery and did not pay a dime for it. Even if I had to pay $200 a month for this insurance I would. If it meant I had to cut things out of my life to afford health insurance I would. With this said, even if I could not afford health insurance I would never expect someone else to pay for me, NEVER. Everyone can say we pay for the uninsured when they go to the hospital. Well so be it but I am not paying for 32 million people. I am just tired of all of this. There is no reason why the government should be in my or anyone else's healthcare business. This is going to bankrupt this country. For those who SUPPORT this bill, can you please explain to me, how is this country not intruding into your life when they are mandating when certain tests should be and not be done (ie Mammograms), how is this government going to be able to afford this bill, and how can they mandate someone to buy this insurance when it is their right to have insurance or not?
  20. I think in November the Republicans will gain enough representatives to win the House. A lot of people who were Independents voted for President Obama when they voted for Bush in the previous election. They wanted change but I have a feeling these Independents will lean more to the right this election.
  21. I also think for now 13 states think it is unconstitutional as well.
  22. I am so you mentioned pharmaceuticals. You know they made a "deal" with the government with this bill. They are going to make a fortune from this bill. I am not a big Fox News nor a MSNBC but I watched both from the last couple of days. Did you know the IRS will be paying the insurance companies, whomever they may be, their dues for those who are purchasing the government insurance that will be made from this bill? Can you say screw up? I think I heard this will be over $700 million a year. Also, very few have mentioned the privacy issues now the government is in "control" of the healthcare system. There are so many things wrong with this bill. Plus government cannot make it mandatory for a person to purchase the insurance which according to this bill they can. It is crazy. Also forgot to mention, Sheila Jackson, rep from Houston and a Democrat said 45,000 people died from not having insurance last year that is out of the million(s) who died WITH insurance. The politicans can turn it anyway they want it I just wish they would state the TRUTH.
  23. So let me ask this. You get a college degree and you have roughly $250K in student loans and it could even be more. Would you be working for free when the government is not willing to pay you to see a patient they have insurance on? I can answer this question for myself. The answer would be flat out NO. I agree 100% with coldweatherfan. This doctor also has to pay rent, equipment and employees' salaries. Plus pay for their own personal bills and pay for their insurance as well. You would be amazed on how much GP doctors make. It is not as much as you think.
  24. Because the reimbursement is horrible. The politicans can say this is not government insurance but that is what it is. Did you know that the government produces the medical billing codes not the medical industry? Also for Medicare and Medicaid the government says what they are going to reimburse for those billing codes. So why would the government pay what a private insurance company pays when essentially, the people on Medicaid and Medicare are not paying for their insurance and besides tax dollars is all the revenue they have? Plus these 2 systems are almost bankrupt. It is all about the almighty dollar. My dad has a cardiologist and this cardiologist has a sign on his window to his office, NO MEDICAID because they get such poor reimbursement from them. I have not heard anywhere from the government what these plans are and the type of coverage and payment you will have with these. but I can tell you if the government has their fingers in it they will screw it up. I am going to assume pretty shortly (within the year) most doctors who already have a good amount of patients will stop taking new patients and if you do have to get the insurance that you can buy from the government they will not accept it. I am in the medical field and I know quite a few doctors who will be retiring which is sad because they are good doctors. A lot of doctors in the Cincinnati area have already declined taking AEtna because their reimbursement is HORRIBLE. This plan in my mind is going to be no different.
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