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Everything posted by memyselfandi

  1. Has anyone ever seen what type of insurance people are purchasing? I have a great insurance and pay roughly $150 a month for it but I also only have a $30 copay and no deductibles for hospitals/surgeries. The only deductible I have is for MRI/ultrasounds/x-rays (only have to pay it once for any 3) and a $75 deductible for ERs. I like my insurance but I also work my butt off for it.
  2. I did not think it could be repealed as it is a LAW now. I am so confused over all of this.
  3. I just told someone at least now I can go back to school and have health insurance. Not the way I wanted but it is the truth. This country is screwed. There is no way this country can pay for this health insurance and the war. I am curious how this will not raise our taxes especially when Bush's tax cuts end in a couple of years. I mean how in the world is this government going to pay for more than 32 million people and their healthcare? I just do not get it. I am not sure doctors can do it but I hope doctors do not take this type of insurance. I know this is terrible to say with me being in the healthcare profession but it is just how I feel. It is hard enough to get into the doctors now I cannot imagine how difficult it is going to be with 32 million more people in the system. I could go on and on and on.
  4. You are so correct on NKY being so far behind. I went and watched a girl take pitching lessons and this man was just taking their money. He taught it so wrong. He never has them open their hips and says every pitch is thrown by the forearm which is wrong. You throw your pitches by your wrist. He keeps the pitcher squared up to home plate. Every pitcher I have ever watched at the Div 1 level throws by opening their hips (turn sideways) like this: http://www.pitchsoftball.com/. It frustrates me when people teach the game.
  5. The last I heard he is no longer on the team.
  6. I do not think he is on the team any longer.
  7. I know a lot of leagues in California and Texas have this type of structure for their softball leagues do not quote me exactly on the ages but I know it is pretty close: 6U - t-ball 8U - coach pitch 10U - girls pitch but once it gets to a certain count (I cannot remember the count but I think it is a 2 strike count 12U - girls pitch I agree with everyone it should be the responsibility of the parents to get the girls going in the sport however, IMO, the high school softball has a responsibility as well. I know there are a couple of high school coaches who go to the youth leagues and do clinics. This promotes the high school but also helps with their program as well and helps the leagues.
  8. I agree about the certification. My point was in that statement and I probably did not say it is for those who are just starting out coaching fastpitch they would learn quite a lot at these certification classes. I also agree with you about the high level softball tourneys. I would recommend to anyone to take a vacation in Denver around the 4th of July. They have over 200 16 & 18 under teams from all over the country playing there and you will see some high level softball. I am just not sure where around here you find good high quality softball tournaments on the weekends
  9. Very little defenses in softball are like baseball. Maybe just the way the cut offs but IMO very little is like baseball. I coached softball in college and played in Texas amongst very good ASA Gold teams. They might not coach all the same but fundamentally, they coach the game the same way. Also, I feel there are not good coaches in NKY for high school softball. I do not think most coaches can coach all aspects of the game properly. When I mean all aspects I mean, pitching, catching and hitting. I do agree with you if you do not have a good pitcher the game is terrible and this is a complaint with a lot of people especially for those who used to play slow pitch or still play it in the leagues and people try to get them to play fast pitch. Like I said I think every coach should get certified at certain levels like club soccer coaches do.
  10. Here is my opinion on this and only my opinion. Many schools believe in playing all the sports you possibly can during the school year so this means 3 different sports. If you look at the girls who are getting college scholarships (Div I & II) from Northern KY most girls may play 2 sports but for the most part it would be 1 in high school and then they play year round for their club team. I just do not think there are many kids who can be really good playing 2 or 3 sports in high school. Coming from the outside (only been in NKY for about 6 years) it amazes me how far behind skill wise NKY is when it comes to fastpitch softball. I do not think you can blame volleyball or soccer. I think you have to blame the schools and the leagues for not promotiong the sport. Until the leagues realize Knothole or USSSA softball is not where you will see the college coaches softball will never be good up here. Also, until girls realize you can receive college scholarships playing softball I do not think the interest will be here. I know a lot of kids take pitching lessons or even hitting lessons. I am wondering how much these kids are paying because for the most part these people who are "teaching" are "teaching" it wrong. I have never seen any college pitcher be able to pitch bent over. I think these high schools need to have a freshman fastpitch team no matter how bad or good the girls are. This is the only way this great game will start excelling in Northern KY. The more girls you have playing the more girls who will want to start playing. I know of only 3 schools in NKY which have a freshman team, Notre Dame, Campbell County and Bishop Brossart. I will say a lot of girls will not play due to the coaches. Even though Campbell County is not in the 8th or the 9th they had 50 girls tryout when I do not think they had 30 kids the past previous 3 or 4 years tryout each year. They got a good coach who teaches the game the right way and treats the kids well. He does not coach softball like baseball and this is how most coaches up here teach the game. I think each coach who coaches fast pitch should have to take the ASA classes for coaching and get ranked. This is my 2 cents.
  11. Well deserved for Sanker. She had a great tournament. Congratulations to both teams. It was a great game. Even though there was a good crowd I just wish girl's games would draw more students. I know $5 can be expensive for the kids but it would just be nice to see more support. Just my 2 cents.
  12. I really am not sure why you even bring this up. The game plan was very good by Campbell County and their staff. If a shot fell here and there this game would have been in favor of Campbell County.
  13. If you are so knowledgeable about the game like how you act, I would hope you are volunteering to improve Campbell County youth basketball leagues and just not bad mouthing Coach Cravens.
  14. I DISAGREE with everything you said here. I as a former female athlete I NEVER needed to have the "right buttons" pushed to get ready for a game. I am really sure all they did was dribble the ball Sunday. We are in the last week of the season, there was plenty of practice going on up to the game. For those who said he did not motivate them at halftime you are sorely mistaken. I know exactly what was said at halftime and there was quite a lot strategy talk and motivation in the locker room. I find it very sad there are those out there who have to lie about things that did not happen. Only a couple on here have said Brossart played a very good game. They played an extremely good game and should get credit for that.
  15. I am wondering if you thought the same way of Coach Cravens when he won the districts last year and when he won the region. How do you know what he said and did not say in the locker room at halftime? Maybe the kids did not execute what he drew up at halftime. I am not blaming the kids but it seems to me all you want to do is blame Cravens for everything wrong with this program. For all of the years I have seen Campbell County play (boys and girls) it seems like when they play Brossart they cannot get over the hump (not meant to be a joke). They see Brossart and they freeze up. They just cannot seem them as another opponent. This is what I have seen and I have seen plenty of games to see this.
  16. I disagree with this especially how CCMS has run their middle school programs. From what I remember they would divide the teams evenly and to me this is not improving a child because if the teams are divided evenly the majority of the time the weaker kids did not play. I know Coach Cravens has 2 former players at the middle school level and they have done a great job with their teams. Also, any coach can only do so much. It also comes from their youth league where I do not see a lot of coaching. You cannot put some of the blame for a school not having 2 middle school teams at each level. For some who want to blame Coach Cravens not having the right players in at the right time. I am wondering exactly who you would want in. A couple of the girls last night were struggling offensively. If just a couple of shots went in this thread would be completely different. I guess people just want to take the easy way out and blame the coaches instead of looking at the players who did not succeed last night. I know many of times Peters was wide open and no one ever got the ball to her but when she had 2 people on her they would pass her the ball. I guess some must blame Coach Cravens on this as well.
  17. Campbell County Youth Football League vs. Red Devils this is the answer IMO. Which I really do not understand. If he is going to be able to make the program better then why not let him coach. There is a ton of selfishness IMO at Campbell County, people are out for #1.
  18. They were doing their warm-up and shooting and then all of a sudden he got a wild hair and dunked the ball. Their coach was livid.
  19. No. All I can say it had nothing to do with the parents. The decision had already been made, Kenny Morgan would not be the freshman coach before the parents started to call.
  20. Believe what you want to believe but who told me what happened would be the person who knows exactly what is going. Parents might have complained but the decision had already been made.
  21. I really do not think you can blame the parents on this one. Maybe a couple but I do not think they had much leverage on the non hiring of Kenny Morgan.
  22. It is actually between Scott, Campbell and Brossart.
  23. I think the key to all of this is a new coach at Campbell County.
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