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Everything posted by BirdieCat

  1. It's my understanding from speaking to many of them they don't get paid by the university / coach they are helping. They are paid by their home clubs to find talent. So they attend camps to help out head coaches and search for talent. Some of them also are there to promote a product they developed or book they have written as there payment.
  2. Is this why his first 9 signees for next season are from outside the state of KY?
  3. There were some things I liked about this camp, but there were a few things I found to be a disappointment. First, there was only one pro scout there (Cleveland Indians) to assist with the training and instruction. Other camps I have been to have numbered around 6 to 8. Second, a large majority of the instructors were current players from UK and other neighboring programs (Transy, Georgetown, etc.). This did give them a better instructor to camper ratio, but I'd rather have quality over quantity any day. Third, not much parental education of NCAA rules and regs nor the UK coaching philosophy. They gave this some attention directly to the kids in the camp but nothing directly addressing the parents. Overall it was a good camp but I have seen other Christmas camps that were better.
  4. I think he also forgot Uof L: 1. Didn't have their STUD running back this year because of a broken leg in the first game of the season. 2. They lost their Heisman Candidate QB for 3+ games (the plus is only because he wasn't 100% when he did come back). 3. I'm forgetting the big defensive players name who UofL lost to nearly the same injury as Bush in the 2nd or 3rd game. 4. And 3 days before the Orange Bowl they lost Gaven(sp) Smart. UofL is not only capable of reloading year in and year out; they can reload mid-season as good as any body in the NCAA. This year proved that! So what makes this buffoon think UofL can't recover given 8 months and a strong recruiting class to do it? :irked:
  5. Dig Dog 58, I didn't have any problems opening their site. Here is their contact information: Address: Offense-Defense Sports 309 Bush Drive Myrtle Beach, SC 29579-7315 Phone: 843-903-1888 Fax: 843-903-2749 AIM: OffenseDefense06 Good Luck.
  6. He is beginning his course work at Michigan this Spring semester. I beleive he will be a line coach???
  7. AJG, Here is a link to one of the best football camps for the beginner as well as the experienced player. http://www.bishopdullaghan.com/ My son attended for 2 years and found it to be very good both times. They break down the camps by age groups also. So he won't be in a camp with high school juniors and seniors. Good Luck.
  8. Proof Positive that on ANY given day one team CAN beat another.
  9. Wouldn't That make at least one of them be eligible?
  10. I just ran across an interesting discovery on the KHSAA web site. Why is it that two (2) teams (Cumberland and Evarts) from the same region (Region 13) and same district (District 52) were not eligible for post season play last year. Has that sanction been lifted for 2007. There has to be a story there? http://www.khsaa.org/baseball/alignment.pdf
  11. Besides the obvious, Baseball is not like Football on a lot of different levels: 1. Baseball IS a Cut Sport. You don't want or need a 60 to 100 man roster. 2. Baseball Only Needs Nine (9) Players. With the exception of pitchers, you only need to be two (2) maybe three (3) players deep at each position. So a twenty five (25) man roster is more than adequate. I’ve won tournaments with only a nine (9) man roster. 3. In Baseball All Players Go Both Ways. With the exception of the designated hitter all positions on the field play both offense and defense. 4. In a Given Season, It Can All Come Together. With only the need for a small roster, a small talent pool can produce a very high quality team. I agree with KY Thorobred, “If it ain’t broke; Don’t fix it”.
  12. This picture is from the St. X web site. It's pretty current it's dated 12/11/06. On my last visit to campus it pretty much looked the same. http://www.saintx.com/news/news.asp?ID=2198
  13. Don't forget the Jackson kid from Trinity's Freshman team. That kids got some talent. I could be wrong, but I beleive he has two (2) Toy bowl championships to his name?
  14. I have watched St. X football from a distance for the past 25 to 30 years. I have been a great deal more than a casual observer for the past 8 years, through sons of personal friends, my own son and his friends, who have been or are involved in the program on the field. In all that time, I have never, and I mean NEVER!, seen as much division between the Senior and Junior classes as there was in 2006. The TEAM concept didn't materialize. JMHO, but it was almost like there was an entitlement mentality that existed among this Senior class that could not be overcome. Was it a coaching issue? Maybe. Was it a player issue? Maybe. No one will ever know the answer to those questions. I have over heard a lot of different Juniors make the comment since the end of the season, that they were glad the season was over. I hope they don't forget their statements next year and embrace the talent that is at the current Sophomore and Freshman level and include them as part of the TEAM. I believe they will. I predict great things for the St. X football program in 2007. They’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Watch out Kentucky, HERE COME THE TIGERS!
  15. Will Stein is a good athlete. He has been playing a lot of positions other than QB because he is such a good athlete. I'm sure Coach Beatty wanted him on the field somewhere so he could contribute. His skill level does you know good standing on the sideline. Trinity faithful, correct me if I'm wrong, (well that's stupid, you would anyway), but didn't Will's injuries happen while playing other positions besides QB? If that is the case, once you give him protection from an O-line, he'll be less susceptible to this type of injury. He'll just have to learn how to slide for those first downs instead of lowering his shoulder.
  16. Down Guys! You both took my words WAY too personally. I didn't say I agree with his statement, all I did was repeat what he said. In fact I agree with LSU, I doubt him ever playing the game again, RockPride is the one who said he would play the O-line.
  17. RP, Are you sure about that? I'm not trying to fan any flames here, but Zack told me when he decided to leave St. X, that he was promised that he would move to tight end? That was a big item on his list of reasons for leaving.:irked:
  18. TigerKat, I could be wrong; but, I think this number also includes the new baseball field, the new all sport practice field and parking lot reconfiguration, NOT just the football complex.
  19. Hey Trinity faithful, no one ever answered my question about Wes Weitlauf. What's the word on his injury and recovery?
  20. Xtiger69, I wasn't questioning your sources. I was just unpleasantly shocked by the news. My son and Will are pretty good buds and I hadn't heard anything about his injury until now.
  21. Is this confirmed? Will was a big contributor on Trinity's baseball team on both his Freshman and JV squads. This is a big loss for their baseball program. Last year it occurred early enough in the football season for him to get healthy before the baseball season started. This late may be questionable. Wes Weitlauf was in the same shape, different injury, last year for baseball. Any word on his recovery?
  22. #1 Trinity Winner of the 4A State Title. #2 Male Only Loss was to Trinity. #3 St X Only losses were to Trinity and Male and; Beat Bowling Green in the first game of the season and; JMO, X would have beat Cov. Cath. had they played. (Ps. We all get the opportunity to see that the next 2 seasons.) #4 Cov. Cath. Winner of the 3A State Tital. #5 Bowling Green Only losses were to St. X and Cov. Cath.
  23. That's easy LRCW, you do it the same way as the BCS, their system works with absolute perfection every year, ya know!.
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