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Everything posted by BirdieCat

  1. Classy post Tigercat. I agree, especially with the no injures this late in the season part. :thumb: GO TIGERS!:thumb:
  2. :walk: Possibly a Male Coach with an apparent latent affinity for our beloved Tigers!:devil:
  3. Can anyone confirm the 29-0 score as a final? It's not on the X website.
  4. You sure about that Ox? It sounds like he's an X coach or at least has all the inside information of a coach?
  5. Biggest surprise and disappointment? - :irked: A rain shortened, In season, St. X / Trinity Game.
  6. I was shocked to learn this one was going to happen. I went late and stayed dry in my vehicle, in the East End Zone, with Binoculars and watched. It was brutal out there, pouring down rain with gusty wind, sometimes raining sideways. Quit often you could see waves of rain in the field lights. Male scored to make it 19 to 0 when I left at the 4:42 mark in the 4th quarter. I didn't even stick around to see if Male tacked on the extra point to make it 20 to 0 or not. Given the weather conditions, it's not inconceivable that Male could have scored 10 more points in that amount of time. Especially given that X had 9+ fumbles from the time I arrived at the end of the 1st quarter until the time I left in the 4th. I have to assume those woes must have continued. Also, given the weather conditions, I think X tried too many pass plays IMO. A lot of the fumbles occurred when Brutscher cocked his arm to throw and the ball slipped out of his hand. If X had kept the ball on the ground I think they might have done better. However, that said, there were a few bad transfers from the center to Brutscher and Brutscher to his backs as well. At one point they even tried another QB. That didn't help either. He had 2 fumbles in only 3 plays and was replaced by Brutscher on the next series. All in all, a bad night for the Junior Tigers and a great night for the Junior Dawgs! They are to be commended for hanging on to the ball.
  7. Congrats JV Tigers! Sounds like it was a good game. Any Tiger fans in attendance able to give some details?
  8. I've said it before, I don't think X's passing game is the problem; it's the receiving game that needs to be found. X was 4 for 7 last Friday against Manual. Granted 1 of the 3 missed passes was an interception, but the other 2 hit the receiver in the hands but weren't caught. It's JMO, but, based on performance on the game field, not seeing them in practice, I don't think the recievers get enough reps at catching the ball. I see too many balls attempted to be caught by trapping, instead of using the hands. Again, JMO. I agree if X puts it all together They run away with the game. Prediction X - 38, PRP - 14
  9. To me this says a lot. Without their senior leadership on the field PRP was forced out of their regular game plan. Don't get me wrong, I still think Male wins the game even with PRP's starting QB on the field. But I don't think it would have been as lopsided; nor would Male have gotten the shutout. JMO
  10. He also use to play baseball for Eastern, MRA and AAU. I heard from a reliable source he has decided to concentrate on football. This kid is lightening fast. I don't know what position he's playing; but, if he can move with the football the way he use to cover center field he can be hard to stop.
  11. I have been to several college camps with my son in the past 3 years as a casual observer. Almost every one of them has a parent night were they talk about many different things. They discuss everything from NCAA College recruiting to fatigue factors for High School and College athletes. It is almost unanimous among them that the magic number for down time for the average athlete’s body to mend is 6 weeks a year. Some say more; some say less, but the average is 6 weeks. This includes weight training and cardio training. Bear in mind that this is for an athlete who is concentrating on 1 sport. It would be an interesting question to ask, and one I never thought of until right now, but what about a multi-sport athlete? I suspect the time might go up depending on what 2 sports they are playing. JMO But I think the KHSAA needs to adopt a floating 2 week dead period by sport. Something like: Football = 2 weeks in Summer Basketball = 2 weeks in Fall Baseball = 2 weeks in Winter Etc., Etc., Etc. My first reason is because I think athlete's need more than 2 weeks down time to mend properly. My second reason is purely selfish. Having coached baseball for 7+ years, I think it’s unfair for baseball programs to have to take a 2 week down period right in the middle of their summer season. This is the time when developing players, get better. Without their regular coach on hand they can fall back in to old habits and not develop properly for the future.
  12. The No. 18 PRP Panthers square off against the No. 3 Tigers of St. X this Friday, at Historic Manual Stadium. What's your prediction of the outcome in this one. Keep in mind that PRP returns their previously injured starting QB. :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  13. :banana: You and I both know they need to be! And will!:dancingpa
  14. All but the last 2 plays of the game. Wade came in with :58 on the score board.
  15. H, I would agree that based only on Friday nights showing against Male; PRP looks overrated. But, bear in mind they lost there leadership by not having their starting QB on the field. I'm not trying to take away anything from Male's impressive victory ..... Male is a good team! They would have won this game with or without PRP having their sarting QB. Male will be a definite challenge for the Tigers in 2 weeks. X will have to bring their "A-GAME" to come away with a victory. H and QB42, from my vantage point in Friday nights game the problem wasn't with X's ability to throw the ball; it was their ability or lack of ability to catch the ball. 2 of the 3 incomplete passes were dead on the money. Of course as jimmyref always says, "Those ones that hit ya in the hands are the hardest ones to catch".
  16. Then WHY isn't he? :lol: Just kidding Ryan. Good Luck and congratulations!
  17. Man! Somebody pinch me! I think I'm dreaming! We have a St.X Poster hammering the Tigers and a Trinity Poster taking up for them all in the same thread. :eek: How did this happen! :eek: :scared: Spooky! Very Spooky! :scared:
  18. Probably TMI, but that was Charlie Busa from St. Patrick. (Yes! Another parochial school family gone Public. What's the world coming too. Just kidding folks. So don't get bent out of shape.) Funny, funny man. His son played football for St. Patrick and is at Manual now. His daughter was the equipment manager for Manual's football team for 4 years until she graduated 2 years ago. Good family.
  19. Plagued by turnovers by BOTH teams the JV Tigers managed to hold the JV Crimson Rams scoreless. They made a great showing of their ability to work together as a team to overcome adversity. Way to go Tigers. :walk:
  20. X is! But what difference does that make. X still gets the visitor side and visitor locker rooms.:fire:
  21. I do know T went for it on 4th and whatever and was stopped 4 out of the 5 times they tried. Why would they not go for a field goal and take the 3 points from inside the 20 yard line? They did it 2 of the 5 times, if memory serves me right?
  22. :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa I agree TD. Has everyone already gone out to the Pizza Box to party in their cars at or what? :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa:dancingpa :dancingpa
  23. Definetly "Season" ending. We'll see about career ending later ..... post surgery. Keep your head up Ricky we're all pulling for you.
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