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Everything posted by BirdieCat

  1. :argue: This Stuff is TOO Funny! You guys sound like a couple of kids! My Dad can beat up your Dad! Well, my Dad can beat up your Dad! Can NOT! Can TOO! Can NOT! Can TOO! NOT! TOO! NOT! TOO! NOT! TOO! Who Wins? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :lol: Can't we all just get along!:lol: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :argue:
  2. It's Possible with a D3 or NAIA school; but let's be realistic, It's NOT Probable!
  3. Probably will be a contender for top 10 in the State, in Class 4A. Just a few tid-bits. 1. the current 2005/2006 school year is his Sophmore year; 2. Lasered 4.7 - 40 as a Sophmore; 3. Prior to freshman year had NEVER taken a snap at the QB position (was always over the CSAA weight limit for a skilled position); 4. Had second longest run in the 2005 State Championship Game; and 5. Highest average yards per carry in the 2005 State Championship Game.
  4. :dancingpa Hey Ox, is there any word as yet on the start time of the Bowling Green game? The St. X web site still says TBA. I hope they are planning to start a little sooner just in case the same thing happens with the weather that happened last year. I understand why they want St. X to play the second game; but, let's be practical, of the four teams in the Rafferty Bowl, St X. has the farthest to travel in the post game. Even without the weather related problems we still would have been home at 1 to 1:30 in the AM. That's an unrealistic expectation.
  5. BTLA I disagree with doing away with the dead period. I think it's important for these kids to get a break from being boombarded by thier respective sport coaches. One thing I do NOT understand is why is there only one dead period that includes ALL sports? Here is were Baseball really suffers. Right in the middle of the summer when most baseball leagues are in full swing their coach can't be their coach for two(2) weeks. Why isn't there a dead period for each sport?
  6. Could it be he got unhappy because the Rocks brought home a State Tital without him? Just a thought.
  7. :laugh: Come on TD give'em a break! :laugh: :laugh: This board doesn't have Spell Check, ya know! :laugh:
  8. Welcome back Oxnard! We missed you. If speed kills; than endurance prevails. In the long hall, T's depth could get them a victory if they choose to use it. Unfortunately, as has been reported by the man himself, via Mr. Demling, Coach Beatty has had a wise and grandiose idea that playing players both ways is all of a sudden a miraculous revelation. If he continues on that line of thinking for the rest of the season I think he may find himself coming up a little short in the points column. I hope I'm wrong. I would like nothing more than to see an X Versus T rematch in the state game next week. Not that I'm predicting an easy game for the Tigers by any means. You don't get to this point in the season by accident. You have to be good to get this far. Let's bring this game home for both the Privates and then show'em how to pack the Pizza Box full until it's over capacity! :thumb: GO ROCKS! :thumb: :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  9. :thumb: Thanks Ox! :thumb: :thumb: Finally some useful information on this thread. :thumb:
  10. Is WC planning on bringing in extra bleachers like John Hardin did last Friday Night? The St. X faithful filled up every available seat in the temporary bleachers they brought in for the larger than capacity crowd that came out to watch. GO TIGERS!
  11. :laugh: Whea! Whea! Whea! Wanna little cheese with that? LOL! :laugh: GO TIGERS!
  12. Does anyone know if this is allowed by KHSAA rules or not? I thought the announcer was supposed to be an impartial, neutral party, sort of like an official. Inflection in voice is one thing; but out and out cheerleading is another, the only thing that guy didn't have was Pom Pom's!
  13. O2 You're Right, Old Corp is right on the mark. Xfball78 some how miss read the post and is making the same point. Both of which are the good points. Even though they're the same point. Does that make sense......Oh Never mind! GO TIGERS!
  14. :laugh: Now there's a Longshot. But than let me think this thru for a minute......... Confidence? Depth? Confidence? Fresh Legs? Confidence? Experience? Okay, I see where you could make that arguement. GO TIGERS!
  15. O2 You and I finally agree on something. I knew it couldn't last forever. :dancingpa
  16. I 've picked up a little about John Hardin in the past couple days from BGP, but really don't know much about them. Help a fellow BGPer out here folks: 1. What type of offense do they run? 2. What type of defense do they run? 3. I know they are in Hardin County but specifically where? North; South; East; West; in the middle of town; where? 4. What kind of facility do they have? Does it compare to North Hardin? 5. Specific driving directions from Louisville? Finally let's hear some predictions. :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  17. What seems a little unnecessary,02? The fact that the team with the better record usually has the home field advantage? or; The fact that the team with the better record usually has the home locker room? or; The fact that the team with the better record usually has their fans sitting on the home side of the field? Even if St. X offered it to Manual, since it is their stadium; and since we are just temporary squaters on their field, why didn't they respectfully decline the offer? Maybe it would have given the Crimsons just enough of an uncomfortable feeling that would have fired them up to not ever let it happen to them again! If they still get the home locker room, the home side of the field and the felling that its their home field anyway, what do they have to play for?
  18. Hey LSU, I notice that both Manual and Males head counts are over their respective seating capacities. Could that be because they had to make room for all those non-football recruites? :sssh:
  19. Well of course when you ask them that way they probably don't care one way or another. Now turn around and ask them how they would feel if they knew the privates were being kicked out by the powers of th ALMIGHTY KHSAA and see what they say.
  20. And they better watch out. Because Manual and Male are the next victum of the KHSAA Battle Axe. It won't stop with the private schools. As long as there are programs who win all the time KHSAA will have victums to go after. Watch out Male and Manual your days are numbered.
  21. Sorry LBC. But there are taxes that get passed everyday in most counties that never get voted upon by the public. Most don't even make it to a referendum. It happens all the time. I know, I've paid many a special assesment taxes in Oldham County when I held property there.
  22. I was always tought you don't speak from ignorence. "It's far better to be silent and be thought a fool; than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." The Catholic School System starts their football kids in the 2nd grade with flag football. Because of this they have one of the best feeder systems available. Maybe it would be a better idea if the public schools studied the way the Catholic School System does this in order to compete. The Catholic School System will assist any kid, male or female from K thru 12th grade with their tuition. However, it is faith based first, and very close to that, it is based on financial need second. If a kid happens to be a good athelete so be it. But the primary reason is based on the kids education; NOT his or her athletic. And never is the kid allowed a free ride. In every case the kid is required to pay something. The best a family could hope for is a 50% break. As well they or their family is required to do some kind of work for the school or parish to reimburse the school for the tuition break they received. It's called a donation of Time, Talent or Treasure. It won't happen overnight. There is no quick fix. Build a system that starts your youth at this early age and watch what happens. THis discussion becomes a mute point. The public schools have the access to all the funding they need. Pass a law to increase taxes and you got it covered. Unfortunately no boby will go for this because it not a quick fix. It's easier and faster to just kick out the kids the kids and their parents who have busted there humps to get were they are with blood, sweat and yes tears. Good luck to whoever your next victum may be.
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