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Everything posted by ladiesbballcoach

  1. Well, first half, it seems like Palmer was not the problem and Simpson is outplaying an OchoStinko WR season. Wasn't Caldwell and Simpson at the offseason workouts to develop a timing with Palmer. Where Ocho and TO was not.
  2. It is his own business. He sets the prices when he cuts my hair. If he needs more money, raise the prices. And if you have seen my hair, well, it is not like it is a massive undertaking.
  3. No better environment than everyone crowded into Augusta's gym for a game. I do mean CROWDED!!!!! My favorite gym in the 10th region.
  4. I am comfortable in saying the old 38th District that has been raised from the dead here would vote for the Fieldhouse.
  5. No one except the waiter and waitresses.
  6. Are there any middle school football games scheduled on friday nights when football plays? Cause I know that there is conflicts almost every night that either the girls or the boys' are playing varsity basketball. Football has set themselves up so that there is nothing else going on in the county as they only play one game per week. The other night there were 12, count them TWELVE, county basketball teams playing on a single night that the varsity had a home game.
  7. Road Warriors wrestling DVD from my son. Pacific miniseries. Great sentimental picture from my daughter. Cash. Movie gift cards.
  8. The TO signing as well as the Antonio Bryant fiasco is just another example of Mike Brown not wanting to put the time nor the money into positions that would guarantee that moves made in the offseason will bring in quality people and players.
  9. I think it is more likely that TO won't want to sign with the Bengals. It says alot when he is the highlight of someone's season.
  10. Why would you assume I would not like it. It is the EXACT breakdown of what I have suggested as my little circle discusses such things.
  11. I read a quote from John Wooden once many moons ago: "If you want to watch how basketball is supposed to be played, watch a women's basketball game."
  12. Dang, one team to Florida and the other to Hawaii. Nice to be playing basketball at Mason County.
  13. Has there been incidents in which theories have been proven wrong when all of the facts come in?
  14. Saw a stat where in UConn's streak they had played 10 more top ranked teams than UCLA did. Not exactly sure but think that the PAC in the UCLA domination time was not nearly the league that it is today. UConn plays in a tougher league than UCLA did.
  15. I believe the Boone County SB said no because of weather related issues and them being out of school. Wanted to clarify and not give the impression that Boone County just said no they couldn't go compete in a statewide tournament.
  16. I have a hard time going to see this one and thought it can't be as good as the original but you guys have made me want to go see it.
  17. Heard a lot of comments that Scott County is wanting out of the 11th and into the 10th. Let them go back to the 8th instead of putting them in the 10th.
  18. You would just add a district of NCC, Newport, Bellevue, Dayton, Highlands. Not sure what his plan would do with Bourbon or Paris as far as districts.
  19. It has to be hard to coach at a school so dominated by football. You don't get all of your players till the season has started and you are now 2 months behind them in getting plays and defenses put in. In addition, the spring and summer, I would guess is filled with football rather than open gyms and team scrimmages/camps. So for about 4-5 months a year while your opponents are getting better, some of your players are playing football. Not to mention, you have to think that you lose some good players who have decided to play football only. Did Collinsworth play basketball in HS? You have to guess with the genes from both sides, he would be an athlete that could have helped?
  20. Rather you guys see it ain't the qb or coach's fault for the continual pain and suffering and don't expect anything to changed unless Mike Brown changes.
  21. If many of our own youth had to abide by these guidelines, they would be deported. Seems to me that a person that fits these guidelines are the types of citizens we want our youth to grow up to be.
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