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Everything posted by ladiesbballcoach

  1. Didn't you just describe Mike Brown, too?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D:D:banana::banana::banana::jump::jump::jump::jump::jump:
  2. 100% in agreement. I feel the same way about Marvin Lewis and Mike Brown's ability and willingness to find a better coach.
  3. I bet if they do, Ocho shows at all of the Patriots off season workouts instead of the crap he has been pulling here.
  4. Beyond the drops and correct routes, I heard some talk this week about the WR's were blocking downfield for Benson last week when he ran for 151 yards. Implying that hasn't been the case all season and part of the reason why the running game had been lacking.
  5. I think there decision to come back will be more in Marvin's court than it will be the pea brain owner. Marvin will make requests, Mike will give into some and not to others. Marvin will then have to decide if there are enough of his requests met.
  6. Well we saw with Chris Henry that Marvin Lewis does not have complete say on who is on this team.
  7. With Benson's fumbling problems this year, good call to put Scott back there.
  8. Funny that the national media keeps thinking Lewis is on the hot seat. I think Brown would take him back in a heartbeat. I think Brown is on the hot seat of proving to Lewis that he should stay. I think Marvin is out of here by his own choice. That is the reason why no contract has been signed.
  9. I was hoping to see the Squirrel not a throw at the Bengals nation sign by Mr. Washington.
  10. If Benson wouldn't want to resign, what makes you think any of these guys would want to come here and Mike Brown would want to pay them. I think Benson said he wanted some changes made. Bengals went to the playoffs when Benson was the feature of the offense not trying to placate to massive egos on the ends.
  11. Interestingly, the team you expected all year did not have TO or Ocho on it today.
  12. Don't be surprise if Mike Brown thinks he needs to pick up the option for Ocho. He has done dumber things.
  13. A team needs two solid running backs. I think it would be a big mistake to let Benson go.
  14. VEry much so. It will be interesting to see the tone on Palmer for all the haters who said it wasn't Ocho or TO's fault but rather was all Palmer's fault.
  15. 6 inches too long!!!!! Caldwell blew past that guy and then separated from him.
  16. I hear the squirrels are even praying for your quick recovery and return. They miss their nemesis. Prayers for you from the LBBC family.
  17. Imagine an offense that does not have TO, Ocho, Palmer or Bensen returning next year.
  18. I wouldn't blame him on not wanting to return. My guess is that there will be a whole host of new coaches and plenty of changes to be made.
  19. Palmer is terrible when he has receivers out there working hard, running the correct routes and having something to prove instead of wanting their egos massaged.
  20. 1) They don't resign Bensen and Mike Brown is stupider than I thought he was. 2) Simpson sure seems to be remembering the routes today when he supposedly couldn't get on the field the past two years. 3) Andre Caldwell sighting after 55 catches last year.
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