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Everything posted by Boucher

  1. That was WWF stuff. Porter and CJ are actually buddies.
  2. Great road win for the Bengals, beating the Steelers at their place is always a treat, especially the way the Steelers ended Cincy's season last year. I'm not going to read too much into this win, because as we learned last year (or should have anyway), there is a whole lotta season left. I don't think Carson played his best game today, but he was under constant pressure by the Steelers D. I think he probably would have found CJ more, if he wasn't running for his life. I do agree that CP was not going to call his line out in any way, and, like the leader he is, took the bad play all on his shoulders. Bengal fans need to take the win, shut up, and move on to the New England game. We can worry about the Steelers come New Years Eve, but hopefully it will be like the KC game last season, and be meaningless.
  3. :thumb: Or Randy Cross. Can't believe you said that, we were just having the same discussion. As a long time Bengals fan, it's really odd to get Simms and Nantz.
  4. When Draughn played at PC, Hines was the cockiest coach I've ever seen. Draughn made him think he was a legendary coach. That being said, to Hines, Draughn was the man, because he made him look good. As we know, Draughn was no where near the QB that Ammons is. Funny how Pulaski athletics seemed to take a nose dive after the notorious issue they dealt with a few years ago. :sssh:
  5. :creepy: Ouch! Is this the same SL team that beat PSW just 2 weeks ago? I guess Lincoln just returned the favor after last year's 40-7 loss to the Cards. Chappell needs to get to regrouping, or it could be a long year. Were there a lot of needless penalties called on SL again this week?
  6. There's no way MS loses this game. Way too much offense. MS 40 KC 35
  7. Those were the same 2 questions that I had prior to the NL/SL game. I don't think that SL can stop LC's running game, but I also don't think that LC can stop SL's passing game. The winner will be the team that slows down the strength of the other. The turnover winner might also win the game.
  8. I know that Lincoln is a good team, but I believe SL bounces back and wins this one. I believe that Bowling will have a better game than he did against NL, and it will be the difference. SL 42 LC 38
  9. I say hats off to NL's defense, and linemen. SL got 2 quick TD's on long bombs, when NL was in some very tight, press coverage. After that, NL made some adjustments defensively, and did an excellent job against Bowling and a very potent SL offense. Pitching a second half shutout deserves a major hats off to the NL defense and coaches. Pretty fitting that the 3 second half INT's by NL's defense were by NL's own "Big 3" (Maggard, Brandenburg, & Asher). The 58 passing yards that SL got in the second was largely made up by plays on SL's last drive, when NL was in a very soft prevent defense. IMO, NL's linemen dominated on both sides of the ball. Halftime adjustments by SL didn't seem to work out. It appeared that they went away from throwing the ball as much, and really gave NL's DB's a bit of a breather by doing so. Penalties were an issue for SL, especially facemasks. They were whistled for several facemask calls, and honestly, could have been called for it 5-6 more times. Congrats to the Jags on the win, and to the Cards for playing hard. This is one NL fan who respects what those SL seniors have accomplished in their 4 years, and the direction and elevation of the program during their time at SL. :thumb: Keep your heads up and win the next one.
  10. MT - I have to disagree on one point. I don't think that NL necessarily struggled defensively against the Tony Franklin system. Actually MS went away from the typical short passing in the Franklin system, and threw a lot of HR balls that the MS receivers made excellent plays on. IMO, the MS QB's running ability was as much of a factor in that game as the passing was.
  11. I can answer that one. Advantage NL - Maggard & Brandenburg are having solid seasons, and the emergence of Steven White has been positive as well.
  12. This game should tell us how good Lincoln really is this season, and has some serious playoff implications. I'm looking forward to see how this one shakes out.
  13. This is a very important district matchup for both teams, with strong playoff implications. It is also the last district matchup (for the time being) for these two cross town rivals. I've seen both teams play a couple of times, and imo (at risk of being called a homer), North Laurel is the better team from top to bottom, but I will readily admit that I've not seen South Laurel play since the Mercer game. At least by looking at the scores, it appears that the Cards have improved greatly. The word that I'm getting out of the SL camp is that Chappel, although young, is developing into one heck of a coach, and they are thrilled to have him. The key for NL will be to slow down SL's potent offense, and QB Ricky Bowling. This will be difficult, but I believe the D will be up to the task. NL was able to put a lot of pressure on MS's QB last week, but he was able to break a lot of tackles, turning potential big losses into gains. I don't see Bowling being able to break tackles as easily as he did. NL got beat a few times by the deep ball, and I don't think SL's speed is as good as MS's was. NL also needs to sustain some long drives, chewing up the clock, and keeping SL's offense off of the field. Turnovers must be kept to a minimum. NL was able to overcome several turnovers, last week against MS, that probably won't be the case against SL. I think the key for SL will be to slow down NL's running game, and keep NL's time consuming offense off of the field. Evidently they were able to do that against PSW. The last couple of games the NL offense has looked more potent, with multiple threats being showcased. SL also needs to do a better job in pass protection, giving Bowling an opportunity to find his open reciever. If NL can keep SL under 30 points, I believe they can win. If they can't, it may be a long night for the Jags. The Jags also have had some distractions of late, I hope that they don't cost them come game time. Good Luck to both teams. My prediction: NL 31 SL 27
  14. North Laurel's Adrian Wardrup Very athletic, good speed, and a gun for an arm. Far and away best arm I've EVER seen on a NL QB.
  15. Congrats to SL on a big win over a quality opponent. This is obviously not the same team that I was play Holmes earlier in the season. They must have improved by leaps and bounds. Also glad to see Lgan Baker have another big game. I always knew he could play, all he needes was a chance to show it. :thumb:
  16. Congrats to the Jags on pulling out the win, while overcoming some adversity. I thought that NL was completely worn out, but bounced back, and got the win. MS has a dandy QB, and a couple receivers that are awesome. #4 for MS is one heck of an athlete, he plays WR like it should be played, don't just catch the ball if it comes your way, but go after it, and GET IT.
  17. Good program, yes, one of the best in the mountains, no. They are not in the playoffs every single year. They most definately have not won their district 3/4 years, matter of fact, I can't recall the last time they won their district. Is your post sarcastic, or a joke, or are you uninformed? Just curious.
  18. I think the Jags want some revenge over last year's debacle. With the return of Asher, NL should get a boost on both sides of the ball. If they can minimize turnovers, I see NL winning this one. NL 27 MS 19
  19. May want to take this to the College Sports Forum.
  20. Adrian did great, he's progressing at a really good pace. Far and away the strongest arm at QB that I've EVER seen on a NL QB. With Adrian, Maggard, Cornett, and Asher coming back, NL's offense will have quite a few options.
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