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Everything posted by sml007

  1. The Boyle dynasty began in 2A football with Chuck Smith. They were bad before he got there and it took him 8 or so years to get it going. They won 3 straight championships and learned to win in 2A. They then moved to 3A and won 2 straight including 1 over Highlands and I think 1 over Rockcastle County. Boyle was the TEAM and made Highlands step up there game.
  2. IMO 6 classes happened to Central. 6 classes gave them the opportunity to begin winning championships. They would have ZERO championships if there were still 4 classes. Also, Steve Serrotti(sp.) is the person that truly built Central into the program they are today. He retired after the last year of 4 classes and would have won multiple championships as coach had he not retired. That being said, Scroggins has done a nice job at Central. The Six classes watered down the system and Central started winning more games and championships. Success breeds success, but the Championship success can be attributed to the watered down class system. They also have a very selective process of getting kids into Central. The School has around 900 students, 600 girls and 300 boys. The school may be in the city and have minority students below the poverty line, but it is not an inner city school like Holmes or Cincinnati Public that has to take all comers. Central has the luxury of being selective.
  3. I agree with you, but isn't the objective of a high school youth feeder system to actually feed the high school it is intended to feed?
  4. The reverse of this question is interesting. If there are 2 kids on your team that play running back in the Ft. Thomas Jr. Football league, 1 is going to NCC and one is going to Highlands. Essentially the FTJFL is a feeder for Highlands. The NCC kid is a better player. Should the coach play the kid that is going to Highlands, or the kid that is going to NCC? Does the league owe it to the kid to let him play, or does the league owe it to Highlands to develop the player that is going to Highlands?
  5. Congratulations to Holy Cross. The Fuller kid is a very special player! He is fast, athletic, throws the ball well and makes very good decisions. He is also surrounded by some very talented receivers. Good luck to the Indians next week!
  6. Agreed. Coach Baioni and the staff are laying the foundation to become a championship baseball program. Coach Baioni is doing what is done by championship programs! Championship programs do not give their kids a week off for spring break. They play baseball during spring break. The program is a year removed from beating a more talented NCC team in the first round of the district and two years removed from playing in the regional tournament. Next year they will be a year older and a year more experienced. The kids also understand the expectations set forth by the baseball program and may be willing to sacrifice spring break in order to win a baseball championship. The cycle is now broken. When building a program, it is always going to get worse before it gets better. The Highlands baseball program has a very bright future under the direction of Coach Baioni.
  7. So the kid enrolled today after not being enrolled in any school since mid-February and he is eligible because the basketball coach said so? I am pretty sure the KHSAA needs to rule him eligible. Good luck to this kid. Hopefully his life gets straightened out.
  8. Championship baseball programs don't allow baseball players to go on spring break and miss a week of baseball. Would your kid miss football to go on a fall break vacation? Coach Baioni has a formula to develop a championship program.Here is some news for you, a senior who hasn't played high school baseball during his career is not going to help Highlands win the region. Coach Baioni is better off going with younger kids that actually care about playing baseball. Maybe these kids will make the choice to play baseball over spring break when they become seniors and then you will see the regional championships come in flocks. No pun intended!
  9. What type of shallow, ignorant person pays $15 dollars to bash the character of a person they do not even know? You want to talk about records or coaching ability, go for it. That is free game and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but to attack the character of a person that you admit you have never met, is very low. According to the urban dictionary (which is about as reliable of your "sources"), you would be considered an ignorant person. Here is the urban dictionary definition of an ignorant person: "People who represent the word stupidity. They spout off information with no basis, no facts, and form opinions based on gossip and what's popular and trendy. The ignorant person has opinions on what he/she knows 1% about." That definition describes you to an infinite degree. Unfortunately for you, you woke up this morning and were still the same sad little man you were yesterday. You need to get a life!
  10. Exactly what "bonds" do you have to Covington? So your wife is an editor at LCJ in Louisville, but you have sources (aka parents and teachers) in Covington. Do you live with her?
  11. To put the John Schlarman move to Newport into perspective, John moved to 2A Newport when the state was still classified in a 4 class system. In the 4 class system, Newport was 2A with Lloyd, Mercer County, Henry County, Spencer County, and North Oldham. Class 2A in the 4 class system was a great place to be and compete. Fast forward to the 6 class system, Newport is now in a district with NCC, Holy Cross, Bishop Brossart and Lloyd. Does John make this move from CC to Newport now in a 6 class system? I think not, but I cannot speak for him. Newport gave him a better chance to win state championships in the 4 class system. Also, the 6 class system was in place for a 2 year alignment (2007 and 2008). It was then re-evaluated by the KHSAA and the KHSAA moved many teams that had significant enrollment increases or decreases for the second 2 year alignment (2009 and 2010). Bryan Station is one team that moved from 5A to 6A because of increased enrollment during the adjustment period. Holmes moved to it's correct classification of 4A in January before the start of the second 2 year alignment, because the enrollment numbers justified a move to 4A. The administration did the right thing for the kids of Covington. Holmes is still 4A and if the state ever uses a free and reduced lunch diviser to decide final enrollment (per Ohio's proposal and Minnesota), Holmes will probably move to 3A or even 2A in the next re-alignment considering over 80% of the students at Holmes are classified as free and reduced lunch.
  12. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious... Rumors like this with zero substance only hurt all the kids involved. I'm pretty sure Boone County already has a coach. Also, Holmes "weak" schedule was made 3 years ago following 4-6 and 3-8 seasons including a loss Lloyd in 2008 and a loss to Scott in 2007. How about we give the kids at Holmes some credit for working hard and turning the program around? Those kids face many daily challenges beyond football that kids from other towns would be crushed by, but they fight through and still had time to turn a losing football program into a winning program. How about we begin cheering the doer rather than kicking them when they are down. Those kids have accomplished a lot!
  13. I am curious what the proximity of Trinity is to St. X. Maybe the KHSAA is using geography to put the districts together in Louisville. Are they close to each other?
  14. Just out of curiosity, How many teams in NKY have you watched play this year in person? Also, what games have you attended?
  15. Congratulations to Brossart! Confidence builds with wins. They have played a good schedule to build their program. NKY 1A is starting to look very interesting! Good luck the rest of the season!
  16. You are correct. The game was not in Cleveland. They played Cardinal Mooney in Canton, Ohio in 2008. http://http://www.ohiohssports.com/game/score/171524/ That game was only 4 hours away. Either way, geographical hardship only applies if a team does not like where they are classified.
  17. I thought they played Cardinal Mooney in the Herbstreit Classic in Cleveland or Akron to open the 2008 season. It would have been the second year of the alignment. http://http://scoreboard.12dt.com/scoreboard/khsaa/kyfb08/27663
  18. Didn't Highlands travel to Hopkinsville and Covington Catholic travel to Cleveland to play Cardinal Mooney during the first two years of the 2007 realignment after claiming geographical hardship? They have both travelled to Louisville the past two years. How do teams claim geographical hardships and then schedule games 1.5 to 5 hours away? Maybe the KHSAA should put a limit on the distance a team claiming geographical hardship can travel for a game. That would possibly stop teams from moving up to dodge teams.
  19. SK people need to realize that Holmes vs. SK was a SCRIMMAGE with no film exchange and no gameplan. It was a scrimmage and it was treated like a scrimmage.
  20. NewCath scored twice. Once on Offense and once on a KO return. Holmes drove to the 7 in the 10 play setup and ran out of plays. They drove to the 2 in the game like situation and couldn't put it in the endzone. Both teams have a lot of room for improvement. Scrimmages are very difficult measuring sticks because coaches game planning and film study is not involved. Also, coaches are playing a lot of players looking for kids to step up in game situations and build depth. Overall it was a very even scrimmage and both staffs can find positives and things to improve upon.
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