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Jim Schue

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Everything posted by Jim Schue

  1. Paintsville has a female head coach? Why has Kentucky's version of the Goldie Hawn classic "Wildcats" not been the bigger story?
  2. This is pretty wild. I've also heard some interesting names as potential successors. I've always liked and respected Coach Mudd, and continue to do so. This is the first incident of this sort I've ever heard attached to his program, and in that light, his resignation fits with what I know about him, in that he's been around too long, and had too much success, to have to deal with this sort of thing.
  3. Seems to be differing opinions. I've heard Maze is on the way, but I've been fed incorrect info before. I like my sources, though.
  4. Then you, my friend, need to get this party started! :banana:
  5. There's been an hour of PMs exchanged. Won't be long now before it spills over.
  6. I always told myself if I ever needed to I could just drop out of society altogether. Not so sure of that anymore. Probably will never go to my maternal grandfather's homeplace on Pellworm Island in the German North Sea. As generations pass, familial ties are less strong, sadly. I only have a handful of relatives who still speak German, and I see them once every 4-5 years at best. Used to be at certain family gatherings when I was younger visit my Iowa folks there would be a table where German only was spoken.
  7. He came into the Best Buy I was working at a couple weeks after the trade. Shook his hand, thanked him for coming home, shared a story about a former roommate of mine who roomed with Griffey at some all-star event when they were in HS. He was shopping for CDs. I suggested some old-school funk.
  8. Those of you who remember our former poster Three Lions from several years back who stayed in touch with him on Facebook would to well to read some thoughts from him, a British ex-pat living in Ky, as well as posts from his friends in the U.K. Wish he was still around to post here. We could use that kind of insider's view.
  9. Pretty much, yeah, if the guy's got no real proof to speak of. For Cal, however, it would be a PR nightmare and something his advisers would suggest he avoid. Even if Travis is wrong, a whole bunch of other stuff could come out that Cal and UK would rather not make public. Former players can ignore NCAA requests to testify. Whole 'nuther situation in the US court of law.
  10. Every once in a while a cow will get wise and bust loose from Boone's Butcher Shop in downtown Bardstown just before the moment of truth comes. Occasionally a bull. Always great fun listening to the scanner during those times when the authorities are trying to corral the beast. Stay clear of the packages for sale of brains and tongue on those days.
  11. What's the secret word, Lois Griffin?
  12. Sticking points, as best I can tell: • Folks on both sides seem to be of the opinion that a more rigorous background check process would help. Why is this not done now? Seems like this should be a front-burner issue that both sides of the aisle in all state and federal congressional bodies could work on. • A big sticking point is guns falling into the hands of the mentally ill. With HIPPA laws and other doctor-patient confidentiality rules in place, how can we stop the mentally ill from obtaining guns? The last time I checked, the number of people considered to have some type of mental illness in this country was somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-14 percent. Perhaps the biggest sticking point. • Some have suggested using federal no-fly lists and terrorist lists as a red flag for gun purchases, but others have reservations because of concerns about how said lists are curated, and about how one should go about challenging their names being on said lists. It runs into obvious justice system problems such as where the burden of proof lies, and why should someone not actually charged with a crime have to spend a whole bunch of legal fees to challenge the feds. How can this be fixed? I'm leaving out sticking points such as "semi-automatic" and "assault" and other silly non-starters. Those against guns are scared of them in general, and no amount of explanation from gun experts is going to matter in terms of pointing out the nuances between different types of guns and ammunition, and what they do, so it's pretty pointless. The best thing for this argument, in terms of finding actual solutions to our country's problems, is to avoid getting into that particular tit-for-tat where everyone gets to feel smug about themselves and nobody really accomplishes anything.
  13. I'll even set you up with one if you come over. I still got a couple 2XL from last school year. AA, TTC and FKYW can all attest that they are stylishly tasteful.
  14. Is there some Star Trek-type mirror universe where Vandy was good this year? Trying to figure out how two their guys who I don't even know got picked first round. And I watched Vandy at least a half-dozed times this past season.
  15. The draft commercial with KAT, Ben Simmons, Booker and Russell was great stuff.
  16. "Oh Death" is the signature song. Don't really want to hear it right now, though.
  17. What would you think of me if you found out there were T-shirts circulating about with my face on them? And that I wear them quite regularly?
  18. The scourge of football fields and baseball/softball parks nationwide. Thank God most soccer, volleyball, track and hoops folks have better sense. It may not be the worst song ever, but it's definitely bottom five.
  19. Great song, but massive swaths of culture have never heard it. That song is isolated to white Americans, largely.
  20. Is the name and/or title of the song so important as the melody? or a catchy line or hook? When it comes to this song, I say no. This song will still be chanted at stadiums worldwide for many decades.
  21. You and me both. I find this fascinating, all things being equal. Last projections I saw were 52-48 Leave.
  22. I don't care if you play. Just have the courtesy of letting me in front of your for my quick purchase, since it's gonna be 15 minutes to figure out all your plays.
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