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Everything posted by BGGreen

  1. That game is there whenever or if-ever NCC wants it?? Highlands always looks for area games, with the silly district situation they have. Doubtful NCC wants to open that can of worms!!
  2. How about the Fruit Bowl, now Donatos, after being Boston Market among other things, next to KFC and Dixie?
  3. Not a good night for the two NKY proponents of prop 20 either, as both went down in the first round. Time to ban E. Carter and Fern Creek also I guess?? :lol: :lol:
  4. I think you left out Rose Hill, who really took it to another level! However, a lot of the so-called "R" word is done by ambitious parents, hungry to see little Johnny/Suzy be part of a winning, high profile program; that maybe results in a scholly along the way. I'd bet if you performed a real investigation of many of these programs, including a lot of successful public/independent ones as well; you'd find a lot more kids whose parents moved into district, used phoney addresses, changed guardianship, split families temporarily, etc.; than kids who were illegitimately brought in!! Even up here in little NKY, where as one poster put it, the high schools all sit on top of one another; you don't have to look very hard to find multiple examples of one or all of the above. Do savy coaches and "supporters of the program" take advantage of these overzealous parents, of course; but let's not kid ourselves, this happens all the time, and is probably legal for the most part!! Ethical?--Probably not. In the "spirit of the rules"?--Not. Hard to catch?--Not Will it ever stop?--Probably Not!!
  5. I agree with your line of thinking, but Lloyd is AA not A. Their problem in NKY is with Newport, and statewide I think there is only one AA private playing football. As for Ryle, I'm assuming it's the same old "can't beat the Louisville schools" thing; but they wouldn't fare any better with Male, Ballard, or whoever follows Trinity and X if this debacle ever passes!!
  6. Hope they're not A, AAA, or AAAA schools, 'cause they still aren't going to win anything!! At least not until they can get the next target--the independents!!
  7. [quote= LARGE private schools have some advantages over public schools, thats ok but it would be a lot easier to swallow if their fans weren't so arrogant and condensending. Problem is I support a couple of SMALL private schools, who have no advantages over their public school rivals; but still get shafted by this emotional, knee-jerk reaction of some apparently gilted publics!!
  8. Lighten up!! Just trying to make some sense of this absurdity. The main gripes of this whole thing are 4-A football, the Louisville girls' schools domination, and the private's domination of the "country club sports". No arrogance here--Just poking fun at the common misrepresentations of the supporters of prop 20, trying to make their case!!
  9. Let me guess--When the Louisville "Publics" kick your school's behinds in the coming years; you'll be looking for separate divisions for the 'Ville and the rest of the state?? Then along will come ______County, and they'll have some perceived advantage, and then what??
  10. The point is once again being missed here. The arguement against Prop 20 and it's friends by most isn't about the handful of private or public/independent "haves"; its about what happens to the mostly "law abiding" smaller privates (class A's mostly); who don't and won't have the financial wherewithall to become these regional giants, and lack the numbers to compete for anything among themselves!! This will change nothing, except the name of the dominent teams in 4-A football, and some girls' championships. Most of the rest will remain the same. I guess someone else will win boy's swimming too, but the times will be a joke!!
  11. By the way, since my kid can't compete for a true state championship anymore; this must mean I don't have to support the county schools via taxes anymore---right??
  12. How many kids has your school lost to the evil privates lately??
  13. You know if this stands up, the "independents" are next!! Then the "more successful publics", let's just go right to everyone gets a medal!!
  14. Think they're licking their chops in Ft. Thomas, Ft. Mitchell, Danville, Parts of Loiusville and Lexington, etc.????
  15. Wow--That's tough to figure out!!!!!!!!!
  16. You're obviously from NKY, so I'll pose this question to you. Who do you think has the most "out-of-district" athletes in NKY? First I'm doubtful the 20 mile rule would change squat in NKY, as its not that big--geographicly. Please READ my posts, before taking offense regarding the public school supporter thing. I support a couple of publics, especially in football. Just saying it's silly to punish the entire private school spectrum, due to problems with a few!!
  17. Apparently the list is proof that "the overwhelming majority of talent" still stays with "the majority of schools (what a shock)"?? Maybe someone needs to learn to coach better?? I'd be ashamed if I was a public school (in this argument) supporter!!
  18. I'd agree with CCH vs. Highlands, but I'd say NCC--Brossart is probably a bigger rivalry. Both schools from the same county, similar size, strong rivalries in other sports, etc. I'd also say Conner vs. Ryle and Boone; Holy Cross vs. CovCath; Campbell vs. Brossart in the "crosstown shootout" is also becoming big. Another more recent one would be Dixie vs. CCH.
  19. Am I the only one that's noticed that 90% of the discussion on these threads centers on Louisville area schools and athletics?? Does anyone on the public side realize this isn't all about Trinity, X and Assumption?? For every X you ban, there's 10 Calvery Christian's and Villa Madonna's who won't become regional powers!!
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