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Everything posted by BGGreen

  1. Sorry, your facts are just not straight!! The privates are NOT WAXING the publics. The only way to make your point is to bring up swimming, tennis, golf, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, etc.; and add in the girl's sports that a lot of schools don't even offer!! A couple of 4-A football programs have become dominant, due to a variety of circumstances including the fact they are substantially larger than anyone else, and have built great infrasturctures as well. Come up with another argument, the dominance thing just doesn't hold water!!
  2. One major university and a few smaller ones. No interstates, but several state funded parkways. Considering the # of people in those areas, you're not doing too bad!! Unfortunately these type institutions and infrastructure tend to go near the population bases, and there just aren't a lot of people (read votes) in the mountains.
  3. With all the bashing of the Catholic schools on these multiple public vs. private school threads; I was curious if anyone's taken the time to consider the next bunch of athleticly dominant schools, which will take the place of the X's and Trinity's if they succeed in banishing them to their own playoff system?? If these so-called "well meaning administrators" from Meade County, Lloyd and Somerset think they will move right in and start winning titles, they may want to spend a little time examining reality. Not having the time at the moment to do the research, I still feel comfortable saying that KY athletics would still be dominated by a small number of schools, just different ones. I'm not so sure if you add up the number of titles won currently by the academies, city and open enrollment schools (Those who can and do take out-of-district kids including many who openly encourage the practice); you won't find that's the case already? How many state titles have the UHA's, Danville's, Highland's, LCA's (both), Male's, Beechwood's, etc. of the state already won? Thoughts??
  4. I'm curious how many great football players Mayfield has lost to the predators at X & Trinity??
  5. Rock--Throughout the many threads on the public vs. private debate, this is the most astute observation I've seen on the topic!!!!
  6. Curious looking at this list, other than Trinity and X; how many state championships have this group of "schools with huge unfair advantages" won??
  7. Totally agree with your take on Trinity and X--The big and strong will just get bigger and stronger!! What most "public only" advocates keep failing to realize is this legislation by the KHSAA is not about "banning" Trinity and X, but ALL private schools!! Under the plan they are proposing, they will undoubtably create their own monster in Louisville, and possibly in Lexington as well; but what happens to the smaller private schools. Who do they play? What championship do they compete for? In their zeal to ban Trinity and X from playing for the state 4-A football championship, they're going to penalize all private schools. Then what happens to the "aggressive public" and "city" schools, most of whom are currently more active in bringing in out-of-district kids than the schools you are pointing your fingers at now!! You think they'll get even stronger--Absolutely!!
  8. While not officially "taking a side", the article appears to slant in the direction one would expect from a newspaper which serves two of the more likely beneficiaries, (Danville and Boyle County) if the privates were banished to their own playoffs. The observation that "Money is seldom a problem at private schools" obviously came from someone that never sat in on a parochial school budget meeting!! I'd be interested in seeing how many of the swimming, tennis, cross country, etc. titles were won by a handful of schools. I doubt the vast majority of schools, public or private even have tennis or swimming teams!! Also interesting was the lack of the private's superiority in football and basketball!!
  9. Sorry Shadow, I tried to stay out of this for a while, but you're just not right in your assessments of BC's statements. See above, and I'd welcome being proved wrong on these!!
  10. Don't think for a minute that "National Powers" can't be created if state athletic associations keep trying to ban the Oak Hill's of the world from competing against members of the state athletic associations. Two words--Corporate Money!! Give the Nike's & Adidas' and the like the opportunity and more improtantly the motivation, and you'll see "super high schools" created that play traveling schedules and tourneys, competing in large venues across the country; while working on their sports year round. Another option would be to create corporate sponsored leagues in various sports, where more traditional private/public HS's that have been banned from state competition by short sighted administrations, could specialize in a given sport or two; and play a regional/national schedule in those sports against similar institutions. This type thing already happens in other countries with government sponsored junior programs. Where do you think the top athletes will end up then?? Probably not at Meade County and Lloyd!!
  11. They'd be fine, as would a couple other large, well-financed privates with large, active alumni organizations. The losers would be the vast majority of private schools, especially the smaller ones without the resources to compete and play a regional schedule; along with all the other public schools playing for a watered down title!! On another note, if I was the Meade County AD; I think I worry more about trying to compete with a mid-level NKY 4-A program, than getting Trinity and X tossed out of his league!! Ditto for Lloyd's Sanders whose team has now been blow out by a sophmore group making their first varsity starts, and a team that's averaged a couple wins a year recently!!
  12. If you could only get NCC, CCH, St. Henry and the others out of the way; you'll be contending for the state championship in no time!!
  13. As far as Pendleton Country Club, I have had a member tell me that the CC has changed over the past few years. The majority of the members are from Campbell County and a good number of members' children attend Brossart. I know the Brossart boys team has used the PCC driving range for practice and I believe their coach is a member at PCC. I'm quite confident that the majority of PCC's member's kids attend Pendleton or Campbell County HS's. That said however, Brossart's Boy's Golf Coach does belong to PCC, as do 4 of the 7 team members. Not surprizing, considering kids interested and accomplished enough in the sport to be playing varisty high school golf, would belong to the area's most affordable golf club option!! No knock on PCC, but I'd venture a guess more good high school golfers have come out of A.J. Jolly, Kenton County, Boone County GC's than Pendleton. I don't think it's fair to try and imply that Pendleton or Eagle Creek CC's (all the Grant County team belongs there) kids are some kind of "privledged, silver-spooned rich kids"; and compare them to kids from some of the area or state's more prominent country clubs.
  14. Also no country clubs out here, only Highlands and I don't hear much about their junior programs.
  15. I think it's a "lack of numbers" problem, period. Not to turn this into a golf discussion, but junior golf in general (boys or girls) is somewhat limited around here to the private clubs, and only a small portion of those!! The 7-Up tour is very active and does a great job, but is not a beginner's tour.
  16. Agreed HS! My feeling is that if a split were ordered, a few names might change; but the dominance by a handful would not!!
  17. Brossart has a nice girl's team, but is far from a "Golf Factory", and is seldom a top ten program, even in NKY!! Their team is comprized of 7-8 girls (all products of BB's feeder schools) total (no JV or frosh teams). They have a core of about four players and were asking for girls to just come out for the team; ultimately taking a few "projects", who had never played before this year. Sorry about the lack of participation at Campbell, but that would appear to be an internal problem, rather than Brossart "raiding" their program as you suggest!! Perhaps speaks poorly for the area as a whole, which does a very poor job offering any junior golf programs for boys or girls??
  18. What's comical to me in this debate is that the complaints are primarily centered on three private institutions, two of which have HUGE size advantages on the other schools with which they compete. Having more knowledge regarding the situation in NKY, where we have a larger number of private institutiions percentagewise, than probably any other area of the state; I just don't see the dominance, to the point of calling for a separation?? Looking at the major sports, who dominates up here in statewide competition?? Football--Beechwood in 1-A and Highlands in 3-A, both public schools!! CovCath is always a contender in 3-A, as is NCC in 1-A, but normally bow out to one of the above. 4-A (no private reps) and 2-A dominated by public schools. Basketball--No one dominant team. Several different 9th regions reps in the last ten years, with seven or eight being publics if memory serves me. 10th has been all publics, but one I think. Baseball--CovCath probably the only program consistantly in the top 5 over the last several years among the privates, but Dixie, Conner, Scott, Campbell, etc. have been right there. And as for the privates having these vastly superior facilities--You couldn't be more off base!!!! The finest facilities not only up here, but across the state; from a standpoint of school buildings, gyms, football fields, labs, etc. are overwhelmingly in favor of the public schools. As for the blanket statements on here that ALL private schools have these HUGE advantages over public schools across the board--I just don't see where your coming from?? Are there a couple of private schools who have some advantages--Probably (but size is still the most improtant factor); but an all encompassing statement to that effect is just as wrong as the "hire better coaches" or "privates work harder" statements!!
  19. First off, Brossart and Villa have absolutely dominated Kentucky golf with their "country club kids", and should be banned from statewide golf competition!! The argument that schools with a majority of kids who belong to country clubs have better golf teams, and thus should be put in a separate class for statewide competition; is like saying school "?" in an inner city can't compete in the Sweet Sixteen, because they have kids who play baketball year round and have an unfair advantage over kids with other interests!! Once again guys--CAN YOU SAY NUMBERS?? Chosing a golf (or football, tennis, swimming, baseball, basketball, track, debate, science, etc.) team from 1700 students vs. 300 students; chances are the larger school will win the majority of the time. I think it's called mathmatics!! Are there exceptions, of course; but in the long run numbers will usually win out, especially when combined with a great support system.
  20. Interesting ideas All Work. One problem many seem to be missing is the concept that ALL private schools have unlimited resources?? This simply isn't true and in fact, the VAST MAJORITY of private schools are working with FAR LESS resources than most public schools!! Playing a regional schedule is very expensive and most private schools are already working on limited budgets as it is.
  21. I believe you're right--Montgomery Bell of Chattanooga and Brentwood Academy of Nashville were dominating athletics in TN; so they separated the publics and privates to "stop those schools from having an advantage". Guess what the results are now. These programs are now far more dominant while competing on a regional scale, while athletes in the public/majotity of private schools are competing for a watered down title!! Tennessee now is routinely losing state all-star games they used to win, such as KY vs. TN in football. Bottom line--The rich got richer!! Once again, watch out what you wish for!!
  22. How do they stack up sizewise vs. the rest of the KY high schools?
  23. Montgomery Bell and a couple others haven't. They've gotten better and will continue to do so!!
  24. Amen!! Watch out because you'll create your own monster!!
  25. Did that have to get mentioned again?? It's still painful. :eek:
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