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Everything posted by Freebird23

  1. 5 Corbin 3 Somerset 3 Pike County 1 Heny Clay 1 Boyle County 1 Green County 1 Western 1 Lone Oak 1 Henderson County 1 Newport Central Catholic Tiebreaker: 62
  2. Miles Simpson. Not a one year flash in the pan. He has been producing yardage since his Frosh year!
  3. Will this game be stream casted? Are the boys in the library ready to plug in their mikes this time? Can't wait... I have a few names for post game color commentary. Mr Smith would be my first pick!
  4. I am going with Boyle County in this one.... seems like BC is on a continuous improvement run with momentum to carry them to Bowling Green. Boyle County and friends in a rout...
  5. Classy post Homerun! I think very highly of your fine institution as I work with several St X grads... whom I have a great deal of respect. However, I will be pulling for SK in this one as I would like to see the Northern Kentucky teams prevail. Congrats on an outstanding season!
  6. I think there are several teams in the state of Kentucky that can derail or beat Trinity. I will be surprised to see them in the finals. I respectfully disagree...
  7. I think there is a difference between Frosh play and Varsity playoff games... Secondly, have we ever not been gracious hosting a visiting team and fans to HHS? We can't do anything about the parking situation and lack of fast food eateries but we love big crowds and Friday night football in Ft Thomas....
  8. I am going with SK in this one... solid running attack with a qb that can air the ball to keep the dbs back on their heels... Most of us know that Louisville 6A football is slightly down this year... and this is not the same SK that played last year in the 6A Championship game. SK will show how strong NKY footall is this year... GOOD LUCK PIONEERS!
  9. I totally agree. They are that good. With Bardo and AC back from their injuries and with so much depth on the sidelines, Oh Nellie!
  10. I haven't seen Sk play this year, but I have seen HHS play and they have team speed that I doubt St X can match. We'll never know as the two do not play each other. But both have played St X of Cincinnati and I think the outcome of the games shows who has the speed and who does not.
  11. Manual's inside backers HIT! They play with a nasty attitude... Should be an interesting match-up!
  12. Henry521; To have been a hasbeen you would have to have been a use - to - was! I was neither...! I was a straight north and south runner...
  13. I believe, and correct me if I should be wrong, but I think the one who recovers the football T after kickoffs also runs behind the net for PATs and Field Goals to retieve footballs. Like I said, I may be wrong...but we have at least one going both ways on Friday nights.
  14. Holmes is better this year! I recently ran into coach Lickert and he was all smiles talking about this season and the sucess they are enjoying on the field as well as off! Great move by the coach to go to 4A and great move by the KHSAA for having the prudent regard in Homes future in allowing the change in classifications. Yes. Holmes is better and so are about 60 young men on the squad! :thumb:
  15. AWESOME! That's a far stretch of real estate for mom and dad to travel to watch AC play...
  16. If "The Staff," continues to do what has been done in the past, they will get the exact same disappointing result . I expect changes will come from the staff during the off season to get the program rolling in the right direction... the best comment, the kids had fun playing for their new coach. That is certainly a step in the right direction in changing the culture.
  17. You leaving out some standouts... particularily the linemen, but I do want to add fuel to the fire. There are far more standouts from right here, The Land of Milk and Honey, that have continued play in the D-1 ranks!
  18. May I elect you to the KHSAA? I would also favor reducing the six classes down to 4 or at most 5.
  19. IMO, you have to look at the feeder program. Is it really drawing, developing the kind of athletes to turn the Wildcat football program? Looking at the Newport win / loss record from the last several years... I would think something needs to be revamped with the youth league. If I was the coach, that is where I would start the change in culture. I drive by Newport's field on I-471 and it kind of amazes me to see these kids playing football up to and, I think, past Thanksgiving. Who knows when they start their program... IMO, the kids are buring out and had enough of football by the time they are eligible for varsity play. JMO :idunno:
  20. It closed but LIVE ON 4th is a lot of fun! Nice place to celebrate the victory...
  21. I agree :thumb: I also think, and have "thunk" for a good while, that the All - Star game should move to a smaller venue... such as Georgetown College! I really think G-town would attract a larger group of folks based upon proximity to metropolitan cities.
  22. Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falling on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.) Thank you to all of our men and women who served and to our heroes who are serving today!
  23. I am favor of a rotation and I think EKU deserves a shot... Papa Johns is a great venue, but if it is not available let's rotate! I think a smaller stadium will add to the excitement. Seems the small crowds get lost in big stadiums.
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