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Everything posted by HSfootballfan18

  1. 5-Butler 3-Simon Kenton 3-Hazard 1-Danville 1-Owensboro 1-Rockcastle Co. 1-Somerset 1-Trinity 1-Southwestern 1-Franklin Simpson Tie break 52
  2. Blue for the indianapolis colts is a good one!
  3. I run a small trucking company out of cincy. We do only ohio loads but i also run the drop yard for kellogg outta cincy. STAY AWAY FROM swift. I deal with 30-50 truckers a day. They are the worst. Idl how some of these drivers get from one place to the next! Good luck to you its a lonely job. But if you like seeing the states its a great opportunity to do so!
  4. I dont know anything about GRC BUT IF BOONE CO. plays the way they have been the past few weeks I find it hard to believe they win this game.
  5. I'm taking BYE to win bye a score of 2-0. I've heard BYE has NEVER given up points to any opponents over the course of 100 years!
  6. This is gonna be a fun thread to watch in the next couple days lol.
  7. They should BUT....... SK has quite a few games before ryle so hopefully this is a wake up call..... from the sounds of it SK OVERLOOKED the birds.... maybe? Idk? Was highlands just better tonight? What's the record if these two teams played 10 games?
  8. They have a few games before rule. Hell they play this way vs beechwood or Campbell it could be a VERY VERY long game for them.
  9. I'm a few days over the sell by date on milk. Anyone golf at devou lately?
  10. Im still learning all this stuff. Im surprised i can quote right haha!
  11. NP @Colonels_Wear_Blue I see your doing all kinds of stuff on here
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