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Everything posted by GottaLuvFootball

  1. I think better weather and home field are worth 7-14 more points in the playoff if they meet.... And the weather is better... But any given Friday....
  2. Looked like perfect weather for football but now looking like rain at game time? Will it impact the game?
  3. Any given Friday..... May not be a running clock but unless the Colonels self destruct they win by 14-28 points.
  4. 2014 was not overtime I think. Highlands had a PAT to tie and after an offsides call decided to go for two and the win. They did not get in.
  5. Heard mostly offense versus defense and pretty much a brawl. Not sure what to make of it. Let them work it out hopefully.
  6. What kind of offense / defense does Henry Clay run? What kind of QB? Who’s their major contributors?
  7. Plenty for the Colonels to work on. If they can iron out the wrinkles they should make a long run this year.... One game is not enough to gauge where they stand
  8. Should be a great year and won’t be surprised if any of the teams mentioned is standing at the end. I expect Highlands to be closer to form this year too. That said Anyone who thinks they can load up the box and dare Cov Cath to throw will lose biggly. The senior QB is mobile fast and can throw as good as most HS QBs. AJ is a huge loss but the system with Mayer and Coldiron and McGinness and the Oline will score points. They don’t need running clocks just wins. The defense is the where the season will be determined.
  9. Last year was unusual but many two way players. That shows you don’t have to have 22 studs to win. Some contributing sophomores last year and a great freshman team last year bode pretty well for two years out.
  10. As has been said different eras are hard to compare. Just think if you morph the Dec 87 team onto Kroger Field 12-2-2017, 2017 wins. Not a running clock, just win. Just an opinion.
  11. What other team had a College QB throwing to four College players and a College player (maybe 2) in backfield. With at least one or two College linemen. Likely 3 College players at LB and a DE and a safety playing In College.
  12. When you look at what the defense did combined with he offensive output it’s hard to argue. The number of players from both sides of the ball playing or likely to play Saturdays speaks volumes. This speaking about CCH history not NKY but they have to be in that conversation too.
  13. Yes. But regardless it was great fun to watch and great fun to argue about. The overall 50th, new stadium, new lights, undefeated, running clock thing makes it the greatest year ever....
  14. Any given night..... one team off - the other on - and who knows. There’re 15-18 year olds. Gotta play em all!
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