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Everything posted by dallaslaredo

  1. Vs back in the old days, my guess is same amount of hard core fans going - family, friends, fans of school. But not getting casual fans now. Why? Casual fan can watch on line - less hassle, and cheaper when considering gas, food, travel - and less of a time investment. The rise of AAU basketball probably a reason too.
  2. Region 9 the past 10 years... 2015 NDA 2014 NDA 2013 NDA 2012 NDA 2011 NDA 2010 St. Henry 2009 NDA 2008 NDA 2007 NDA 2006 St. Henry A public school just isn't going to win the 9th Region (or the 6th or 7th FYI) NDA finished last year ranked 20th in the Nation - I'm sure they can handle the 9th Region. The Varsity starters will all have big game experience in club and HS. Is NDA as good as the Louisville schools? Maybe not, but isn't that the question every year for NDA? NDA is the only team in the 9th playing on a national level. In 2010 it took an exceptional St. Henry team with college players Flood, Bessler, Fortner, Gurren, Ward, Knaley, and others to stop what could have been a 9 year run for NDA. Anyone see a team like that in 2016 to stop NDA? I don't.
  3. What's your track record? Picking against NDA in volleyball is not a good plan.
  4. Yea, my guess is this thread has the wrong date. 2016 is this fall.
  5. That pretty much sums it up. Their 61 game winning streak against Regions 8, 9, and 10 will march on.
  6. Scott wins this going away. No one else in the Region has the talent to challenge them.
  7. Congrats to you Kroger..you completely own me and my family. I track our spending every month to the penny (there's an app that makes this real easy and shares all data between family members) Anyway, between groceries, household items, gas, and the occasional carryout meal/salad bar, Kroger gets more of my money every month than anyone else, including the bank.
  8. NKU is closer to more Kentuckians than WKU. Nothing they can do about that either.
  9. You're not missing anything. It's great at NKU. Bold predictions that it will leave after next year is based on... what? Because someone in Region xx had to drive farther this year? Please.
  10. If that's true, it doesn't matter where it's held, does it? 16 regions, someone is going to have to travel. BUT - if the goal is to attract more people not directly connected to the teams, the smartest play is to hold it near more people - which would mean keep it in Lou, Lex, or NKY.
  11. That's a stretch on the headline - no one has yet to actually confirm that a car did indeed go in the river.
  12. No it's not. Not to the majority of Kentuckians. This isn't about distances on a map, but where the population center of Kentucky is. The 3 biggest population areas in Kentucky are in order: 1. Louisville 2. Lexington 3. Northern Kentucky. The fact is, more people in Kentucky are closer to NKU than to WKU. That's a good enough reason to me to leave it there.
  13. Neither is WKU. Hence the name. It broke the attendance record for a session in the quarter finals.
  14. Were teams truly "wined and dined" at previous locations? Or is the grass always greener? What about other sports? Does Owensboro go crazy over hosting the Softball State Tourney?
  15. Again, to you - and to everyone - what was wrong with the event?
  16. Why is attendance an issue? are they going to cancel the State Championship if no one goes? I don't get it. How many spectators go to the Golf State Championship? The Cross Country State Championship? They're still going to have it no matter who is or isn't there. Where does this feeling of we have to fill the arena up because it's in our backyard come from? Or xxxxx school did their part by bringing in xxxxx fans. Did their part in what? It's a high school sporting event. Attendance ranges from suggested to mandatory for friends and family, to optional for everyone else.
  17. I'd switch to Sprint tomorrow because it's cheaper for me, but my concern is coverage. The perception is AT&T has a superior network - is that true? Any Sprint users ever have any trouble in NKY or Lake Cumberland? What about when you travel? I know both will work in almost every major city, what about off the beaten path?
  18. Is that the media's job? Sure sounds like someone else's.
  19. That's not super convenient..and also spreads out over 3 counties whatever economic impact may or may not be occurring.
  20. try Gomez Salsa - 12th & Walnut. You will not go back to Moe's or Chipotle after going here. Their "Turtle Shell" is one of the most unique items out there. menu
  21. And we're wondering why there isn't more 'buzz' about this event?
  22. Where are teams staying?..it's not like there are any hotels close to BB&T. Are the 2 in Wilder booked?
  23. Boley has earned both, and will get both. There's really not much left to talk about.
  24. Did you apply for and receive media credentials from the KHSAA for this? Are you getting paid to do this?
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