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Everything posted by dallaslaredo

  1. and we are all taught the 30/30 rule...if there's thunder within 30 seconds of the lightning, that's a threat and play is halted...and then can't resume until 30 minutes after the last thunder. using that rule, last night when you saw a flash, count to 30...there was no thunder within 30 seconds (or at all), so the storm was not a threat and play should have continued.
  2. But not all lightning you see is a threat. Did you read the link? A storm 60 miles away that is moving away from you is not a threat, but on a soccer field with a wide-open field of view at night, the lightning would clearly be visible. And if you can't hear the thunder, then you know it's really far away. I would ask for some common sense.. everyone has a phone...look at the radar. It's pretty obvious when a storm is moving in... which wasn't the case last night. The sky was clear, no rain, no wind, no thunder - play on.
  3. There's no such thing as heat lightning. There is either lightning, or no lightning. Lightning from a storm that is so far away that you don't hear the thunder should not stop play - the storm can be 60-100 miles away. Refs need to be better educated on this. Here's a quick tutorial...Heat lightning: A Sterling example of the fake phenomenon - The Washington Post
  4. Not as long as the rest of NKY after Highlands routinely and unneccessairly ran up the score on every team that it could for years.
  5. I would expect a convincing 3-0 sweep by SHA. There's a huge gap between Assumption & SHA, and everyone else.
  6. So who came off the bench to provide a spark? And who took a seat?
  7. The biggest regular-season match in Region 9 this year just happens to be the first match of the year for these 2 teams. Re-match of 2015 Region 9 Championship. Notre Dame is, well, Notre Dame. Most agree Cooper is the main challenger to ND this season. A win by Cooper would give them the confidence that they could take the Region, but I also think a Cooper loss will deflate what is likely their most talented team ever. I predict ND wins, but doesn't sweep. Coaching advantage to ND as well.
  8. These polls are traditionally not too accurate, but I think they have the top 5 correct. Henry Clay is a legit threat to the "Big 4" and the blind state draw will determine how far they will go. After the top 5, it's really a crap shoot as to who should be ranked...and no one out of the top 5 will be the State Champ. 1 Assumption (15) 2 Mercy Academy (1) 3 Sacred Heart (1) 4 Henry Clay (1) 5 Notre Dame 6 Paul Laurence Dunbar 7 Tates Creek 8 Presentation 9 North Oldham 10 Ryle 11 Cooper 12 St. Henry District 13 Owensboro Catholic 14 Greenwood 15 Newport Central Catholic 16 Male 17 Scott 18 Christian Academy-Louisville 19 Oldham County 20 Apollo 21 McCracken County 22 Central Hardin 23 Henderson County 24 Beechwood 25 Lexington Catholic
  9. 99% of NKY schools would love to have NDA's volleyball "problems" lol. If things were as bad as you all make it sound, good players would stop going there. They clearly haven't, even through a coaching change. The school and the volleyball program tradition is bigger than any coach, player, or parent. HS sports drama is nothing new and usually rooted in, what else, playing time. Look around, it's in every school, every sport.
  10. Every year someone posts that...and every year it's a complete joke. The record shows that St. Henry has been the only consistent competition for NDA. Several? I can think of only 2 public schools - Cooper and Ryle. That's it. And I don't think they'll do it. You are kidding yourself if you think any other public school even stands a chance. NDA hasn't lost to any public school in regular or post-season in probably the last 20 years and maybe longer. That's your "serious challenge?" LMAO
  11. That shows that classes won't change things, private schools will just dominate in any class. Also shows how weak of a tournament the All A is every year. The only team to win their KHSAA Region from that list was Caldwell County in 2010.
  12. It won't end anytime soon, if at all, without rules changes...like moving to classes from a single class.... or limiting the number of players from the same club team that can be on the same HS team (Ohio does this). Rules changes are hard to push through. The State Championship would require an overhaul... The easiest place to start would be to let both the Regional winner and runner-up advance and then play 1 extra round before state to trim it from 32 to 16 teams. That would eliminate the weakest of the weak and allow for 2 teams to go to State from the deeper Regions. Would instantly make the level of play at the State Tourney better, and would likely raise attendance.
  13. You have to understand 3 things first: No public school has ever won a Volleyball State Championship. Only 6 schools have ever won a championship. And no school outside of Louisville has won a championship in 20 years. Statewide excitement over volleyball is just not going to be there because, realistically, only the 3 Louisville schools have a shot of winning the title every year - with the Region 9 (Northern Kentucky) and Region 11 (Lexington) winners having an outside shot. The talent gap between the "Big 4" (Assumption, Mercy, Sacred Heart, Notre Dame) vs the rest of the state is massive. The Big 4 are nationally ranked every year, receive national coverage, and play a national schedule against the best in the nation from other states. The Big 4 can beat state champs from other states, and nationally ranked teams from California and Texas. A rural public school isn't going to be able to compete with that. Yes, there are absolute D1 superstars here and there across the state. But you better have 15 legit college players on your team if you want to beat Assumption, because that's what they have every year. And then there's club. Louisville area club volleyball is the best in the nation. People move there so their kids can play. Northern Kentucky is pretty good too. And Lexington is getting better, thus the Dunbars and Henry Clays of the world are getting better. So if you aren't playing club volleyball, and not just any club volleyball, but nationally ranked high-end-best-in-the-nation-traveling-all-over-the-country club volleyball, you are not keeping up with the Big 4. Kentucky likely produces more collegiate volleyball players per population than any other state, but the complete dominance by 4 Catholic schools probably generates a lot of resentment and dampens the enthusiasm statewide. Plus the State Tournament is a joke, leaving out very good teams from stronger regions, in favor of an all-inclusive format that results in blow-out matches. Go to LIVT if you want to see the best HS Volleyball in the State, not the State Tourney.
  14. How is the title misleading? It's 100% accurate. "drill down" to get the info? It's 1 click on the link. Literally 1 click. What I did was give the people an option to read the info or not. Freedom to choose. What you did was force the info on everyone whether they wanted to read it or not. Thanks Big Government.
  15. Thanks from the Department of Redundancy Department.
  16. More girls participate in Volleyball than any other sport.
  17. I read the other thread. You posted that all kids are eligible. Which is why I questioned all the posts saying they were not. Your post below:
  18. It doesn't matter how much softball I've seen. I don't vote. Coaches vote. And they see a lot of softball. And like it or not, they made their choice. So along with all the crap coaches have to put up with all season, their POY selection is being questioned. Funny how I'm the one painted as taking shots.
  19. "Seems like the girls that could not be considered for all state teams have had a very big impact on this game." - JOAT in update thread What does this mean, "not be considered". As soon as JOAT posted this, Karma hit like a freight train. Congrats to the Regional POY. They deserve it. There are great players in every sport, every year, that aren't POY.
  20. what does it mean when someone writes: "But the process is failed when there is not true way of making sure all kids are considered for this award" What about the process has failed?
  21. I saw online that every single graduate in 2016 is going on to a college or university. 100%. That's really impressive.
  22. Periscope. It's easy, anyone can watch (download the app first) and there's audio so you can do play-by-play (and we can hear everything, so be careful) Also, thecube is the same thing. Download the App and start broadcasting. Both are in HD. And for heaven's sake, hold your phone the correct way for video - the long way! My #1 pet peeve!
  23. This thread should be moved by a Mod to the "club" sports section since it has nothing to do with HS Sports.
  24. Haylee (correct spelling) finished 11-8 with 2 saves and a 2.91 era at D2 Southern Indiana
  25. It's been stated over and over...in club you are paying for the training, and the high level of competition, not the playing time. Who starts, plays, serves... is up to the coach. If your kid isn't doing any of that, they still get the same training and a chance to improve, show themselves in practice, and earn their spot. If you want guaranteed playing time, join a rec league.
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