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Everything posted by dallaslaredo

  1. You give Andy a pass? Maybe you are as clueless to the game situation as he apparently was. This wasn't about getting a first down. He did the one thing you absolutely CANNOT do in that situation - an incomplete pass that forced 4th down that also stopped the clock for a team that had no timeouts left. Anything else would have worked 3rd and 2 at the AZ 25yd line - including getting sacked to keep the clock going, including getting stuffed in the backfield to keep the clock moving. Paper says it was Dalton's decision to throw it. Dalton does really dumb things at important times in big games.
  2. He doesn't care what you say...because if you also look closely, he had blue earplugs in both ears. I'm sure if we had been able to see his feet he had socks with sandals on.
  3. better hope it rains - low sun angle this time of year could be a factor for a game starting at 3pm. You can't see anything from about 400pm to 530pm.
  4. This same question is asked on here twice a year without fail - after Cov Cath loses to HHS in the regular season, and after they lose in the playoffs. That could have happened vs any local team in a late round playoff game. They come because old people like to live in the past. By any objective measure in 2015, this is not a top rivalry or major rivalry. Maybe it used to be. Close games, blowout games, regular season, playoffs - doesn't matter, the outcome is always the same. If Cov Cath couldn't get it done this year, when does it happen?
  5. That may be true, but you said they will challenge NDA in Districts. Is there a stockpile of D1 talent at Beechwood we don't know about? Using the amount of Seniors a team has is a joke. NDA only had 2 last year - and finished 2nd in the state. Highlands had 7 Seniors this year and finished below .500 I realize many people have a hard time grasping the definition of what a good volleyball team looks like. Since Kentucky doesn't have classes, and doesn't limit the number of club players per HS team, the bar to be a good team is set really high. Here's a handy guide to use when comparing teams: 1. how many players play high-end club volleyball at the OPEN level at national tournaments? 2. could the 6th, 7th, and 8th best players on the team start and be all-conference at another school? 3. how many times a year does the team play Mercy, Assumption, and Sacred Heart?
  6. here we go again...ABNDA, right? instead of asking who the next great crop of NDA D1 players will be, show us the list of D1 players Beechwood has that is going to knock NDA out of Districts next year And don't get hung up on D1 labels. A lot of girls can play D1 if they want but they choose not to - doesn't mean they don't have the talent. It's a choice. Many high DII and DIII schools as good or better than low D1.
  7. You may be thinking of Lori Erpenbeck from Villa. But I think this award only goes back 10 years or so.
  8. In 2013, NDA finished 2nd in the State and then lost 7 Seniors, some who were 1st team All-State, Region 9 POY, and went on to play at little schools like Penn State, LSU, Xavier. The very next year, with bench and JV players no one had heard of, and with a coaching change on top of it, NDA finished 2nd in the state again. I wouldn't bet against them. I sense "NDA fatigue" on this message board, like people are tired of them dominating the region, where people will post anything about any other team just hoping it will come true. I'm sure people are tired of Assumption winning State every year too - but it's not going to change anytime soon. I'm sure many of you out there have ABNDA syndrome. anyone but nda.
  9. This is about perspective. Compare Cooper to an average 9th team and they look above average. But now they're being compared to NDA. There's really no comparison. NDA plays a national schedule on a national level and has depth at key positions. I'll take NDA, St. Henry, and even Ryle ahead of Cooper next season. Coopers' big wins? What were they? They lost to the 10th Region Champ Scott twice, and the 10th is really weak in volleyball. Lost to NDA, Beechwood, St. Henry - plus Conner and Boone Co - 2 teams a supposed top team should never lose to. To answer the question, Cooper was regional runner-up because they got a good draw. O Cath finished 2nd in State - are they even the 15th best team in the State? Luck of the draw. and please stop going by records in volleyball. Assumption won State and finished 34-7. It's all about the schedule you play. And Cooper has a weak one. Volleyball is won and lost in the back row. If you can't aggressively serve, have an error-free serve-receive, and make passes that are "3's" you are going nowhere, no matter who is in the front row. You can't evaluate volleyball teams by their best talent. It's about the weakest position on the floor. Is your weakest position better than their weakest. Because that's how good coaches game plan. Good teams will attack your weakest point, and that weakest point will cost you games. If you really want to compare teams, look at their 6th, 7th, and 8th player - because that's who's going to win it or lose it. Considering girls who couldn't make NDA's roster start for other schools, I'll stick with their depth.
  10. Have you met a female high school athlete? The game is the last thing they are thinking about.
  11. and did any of them leave 29 hours before gametime to get to their destination?
  12. They don't play until 330pm on Friday. They could sleep in until Noon on Friday and still make it. And since when is a 3 hour bus ride exhausting.
  13. They easily could have gone to school all day today and still arrived in Louisville at an early hour. When they got there today it was too early to even check-in at the hotel. They don't play until 330 on Friday.
  14. McCraken Co volleyball team bus left school at 1030am today. They don't play until 330pm Friday. As I remember its about 3 hours from Paducah to Louisville. I don't get it. Seems like something most schools would frown upon.
  15. interesting times for UK women..3 players left/dismissed/released in the last 3 weeks.
  16. Agree Agree Too close to call. Mercy and NDA will both have their shot to derail the machine that is Assumption.
  17. I don't get the proud parent of grandparent comment at all. You do understand we're not talking about taping dear little Betty's game, the one she's playing in. We're talking about your "proud parent or grand-parent" driving an hour away to videotape 2 teams playing that have no connection to the child or grandchild's team, except, oh wait...just by pure coincidence, one of them just happens to be playing little Betty's team next. That's pretty blatant. Has nothing to do with taping your own kid, or grandpa doing the same.
  18. So your problem is too many good players wanting to play at your High School? That's your problem? If Lauren Van Kleunen from Mason, OH moved to Latonia tomorrow and enrolled at HC, how is that any different?
  19. How in the heck is that "wrong"????? My gosh, where does this sense of entitlement come from? Everybody gets a trophy, everybody makes the team, everybody gets playing time. Gheesh. Go join a rec league. If a better player comes along, the better player makes the team and the better player plays. Period. End of discussion. No one gives a crap how many minutes you put in at the 4th grade level, no one cares what feeder school you went to.
  20. Help me understand - a HC fan that has a realistic assessment of the team isn't a true fan? I don't think HC will go 38-0 and win State Champ back-to-back, does that mean you don't want me going to the games or supporting the team? Anyone who doesn't agree with you isn't a fan?
  21. You can only videotape your games. That's why teams trade tapes. Team A played Team X earlier in the year, and Team A recorded it. Now Team C is playing Team X in the playoffs and asks Team A for their tape on Team X. That's legal. Team C recording Team X playing Team Z would be illegal. Coaches cannot videotape opponents when scouting. As far as a parent, I think it gets interesting. The short answer to me is - can you videotape? yes. But if anyone other than you sees it, including your daughter, then you likely have just violated KHSAA bylaw 15 sec 2. To me it's not the act of videotaping, it's who's gonna see it. And whether you show it to your daughter, or the coach does, it's a violation. You have to assume from the parent's statement that the video was going to make it's way to the players, whether it went through the coach or not. Plus the fact that a HC parent "just happened" to drive all the way to this match to videotape good volleyball for his daughter that "just happened" to include their next opponent? Sounds pretty open and shut to me. Taylor County was most recently caught doing this in football. based on what they got from the KHSAA, the punishment is likely to be a fine, or school placed probation, or coach suspension, or a mix of some sort of all 3.
  22. I agree, and that's a good bet. Assumption is 18-1 in the State Championship game. That 1 loss was to Notre Dame
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